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� _._ . __ _ _ _ - <br /> 61.9 � <br /> �� 0� �o� c���9 [� c�� ��� ��o <br /> ; <br /> � �U�____rT ,cLr�Er z��,n <br /> ; <br /> ' THIS IATL�EIvTTURF.��de this 3rd day of Febru�, the ye�.r one thousand nine hundred and tv�enty <br /> i <br /> two,betwe�n Ch�rles W. 11uke �.nd Eliz�.beth N. Duke,husband �nd vrife of Grand Islra.rd�Hr�.11 Connty, <br /> Nebr�.sk� of th� first p�.rt�and .To$eph T. Stew�rd�of Grwnd Isl�,nd,Nebr�sk�,pa.rty of the second pa t <br /> ' �ITl�S�ETH. that t�.P said c��irties of the first pzart� in consideration of the sum of Frive Hund- <br /> : red and no/l0U Doll�.rs to thAm duly p�.id, the rPceipt v��hereof is hereby acknowled�ed have remise , <br /> .relewsed 4nd �uit-c:Lu�i�ned��nd by the�e �resents do� for themeelves their heir$� �xecutore �nd �dm I <br /> inis�r��ors� rPmise, xelPwse �.nd forever quit-cl�.im �ind convey unto tMe s�.id ��,rty� of the second � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � part,�,nd to h�s neire ur.d assigne forever,all their ri.ght, titl�, interest, est�te dower claim and � <br /> ,� <br /> dem�,nd,both �.t la,w �,r:d in equity �of,in �.nd to dll of The Westerly OnP-half (�j of Lot Two (2.) , <br /> in Block Forty -five (45 ) in thP ori�ir�,l town no�r City of Grund Isla.nd Hall County�Nebr�:sl�,as <br /> j �uTV'eyPd�platted �.nd recorded. <br /> Togpther with all 4.nd sin�;ul4r the hPreditdments therPunto belonging. <br /> TO ��AVE AIVI� TO HOI,D th� abore de9cri.bed premiees unto the s�id �7oseph T. Stew�,rd,his hAirs an <br /> �,ssigns; so th�,t neither we the said First ��.rties, or any peraon in our n�me and behalf� sh�ll or <br /> � <br /> � will herPafter Clajm or dem.a,nd any right or ti tle to the s�.i d l remises or �,ny ��rt thereof. but <br /> I they dnd evpry one of them sh�ill by these presents be excluded �.nd forever barred. i <br /> � <br /> I�t �'ITNE�S t'�HERE�C3F. the parties of the first part havve herPuiito set thPir hands and se�lsl <br /> � <br /> the d�,y wnd yr pG1.T �b ove writ t�.n. I <br /> ' Si�ned� se�led and dPliverpd in �resence of <br /> i - <br /> Z.G. Shehein -----•--------------- Ch�rles .':�.Duke <br /> � (�•50 I.R. St�mps ) • <br /> (CancellEd ? Elizabeth �1. Duke <br />� St�.tp of N�or�sk�. j <br /> ` � ss. <br /> � Hall C�unty ) On� this 3rd day of Febru�.ry� A. D. 192�. beforP �ie, the undersi�r_ed I,. G. Sr.e- <br /> , <br /> � <br /> i hein d Not�.ry Public,du],y commissioned �.nd qu�.lifipd for and rPsiding in said county��erson�.11y <br /> ; <br /> c�e Ch�rl�s @�. Duke �.nd �lizubeth N. Duke.husband �.nd wi fe to me known to be thP identi cr�l per- <br /> � <br /> , <br /> isons �hose n�nes dffixed to the fore�;oir.�; instrur�,et;t os gr4ntora �.nci acknowledged the same to be <br /> �� their v�lunt�ry �,et �nd deed. <br /> , <br /> a P.�itness �y h�.nd �nd Not�rial S�wl the day and ye�.r laet above �ri:ttPn. � <br /> ` <br /> ;j (��,) I,.G. Shehein <br /> Notary bublic�, <br /> �j My c ot�mi s si on exp f ree the 8 th da,y of �d�.y 1925 <br /> � <br /> , Filed for mecord this 3 day of Febru�ry 1922,at 4 o� clock P.�. <br /> ' �2��� � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> �� Register of Deed� <br /> ,, <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ', -0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-�-0-U-0-G-C-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-Q <br /> � S�FF�D�?D ON FORFCI.OSURE OF �[ORTGAGE.� <br /> KrIOW ALI, MFN BY TH�SF PP.FSFI�TTS: <br /> � <br /> I Th�t �ther��,s� in un action in the D�strict Court of the Eleventh �Tudicir�l District o1' Nebraska. <br /> ' wj thi n �nd for Hall County,wherein Occidental Bui idi n� & I,e�n Associ4ti on of OII,aha,�Nebr�.sk$ ie <br /> ' Plaintiff�and Bessye Y.Hines,Peter Hines.�essye �i.Aines,Rd�r,inistrr�trix of the �st4te of Henry <br /> ! �P.Hine�,dece�.sed.and all pPreon$ having or claimin� tc� h�.v� �ny inta:rest in Lot Bloek 4, <br /> i.r. Rol lin' s Acidi ti on t o r,rwnd I s land, ,i.n H�11 County�Nebr�.sk�. re�l nYUnes unknown.are def endants� <br /> ! it wae by sa�d Court �.t thP NovPmber Term thereof,A. D. 1J21� to-xit; on the Sixth d�.�� of Dec�mber <br /> { <br /> � �. D. 1921. c onsi�lered�ad,iudged� and dec rePd thdt i.n def$ult of the �aymente to the C1erk of thP Dis <br /> ; <br /> : trict Couxt of the coets of s�id action�and to the pl�,intiff of tl�e sum ��1258.57 together with <br /> , <br /> intsrest �,s provided b5� law. the sum found to be due fro•m the dgfendants to thg pl�.intiff �ithin <br /> , twenty duys fro� the date of such ,iudgmPnt �,nd dPcrep� thr�t thg equity of r?demption of each � <br /> �.nd ull of suid defP'nddnts in u.nd to thA lands wnd ten�nents hPrpin�fter deacribed be for�closed , <br /> �.nd forever barred� and that the Shgri f�' of sai d Hr�ll County� c�.use thP iands and tenements <br />� .. ------- <br />