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� 6�-� <br /> Dc�c�c� G��c�c�����1 �1c�o ��� <br /> _ ;� <br /> c!'ARRAI`STY T�+'F?? CO'?�'0'�ATION �' <br /> , _..... �..� <br /> T�I� INTFNTURF.��de this 25th d�.y of January�A.D. i922,betwePn Farmers �tz�tP 3ank af Ald�.,Nebr�,s�l� <br /> � cor�or�.ticn or��.nized and existir� under �nd by virtue of the ldws of the Stat� of Nebraska <br /> p�.rty of tha first ��.rt,�nd Yearl J.Ba1m�.t c�f the County of :idll,�.nd State of Nebrwska�party� of ':' <br /> the s�c cnc� ptsrt. . ; <br /> �ITPIES:aETH.TYu�t the sdid ��axty af the first p�rt, for �.nd in considpr�tion of th? su� of Thre9 <br /> Thousand & No/lU0 Doll�.rs in hu.nd p�.id� receipt whereof i� hergby ackno�rledged,h�s sold and by� <br /> these �respnts does �r�.nt� convey �nd cc�nfirm un�o the s�.id ��.rty of t�P second part. the foilo�- <br /> ing described pr�mises,situ�.ted in A]►da H�11 County�and State of Nebr�sk�,� ta-�it: All of th� <br />„ West tv�enty-t�vo (22) fept of Lot NumberPd Five (5 ) in. block Numbered 23ineteen ( 1.9) in the Vill�e <br /> of A1da,Ha11 County �Nebr�skr�,as surveyed,platted und recorded. <br /> TO HAV� ATir_, TO HOLD the premises �,boee described� together �vith u.11 the Ten�ments,Heredits,msnt�s <br /> �.nd Appurtenances thereunto belon�in� unto tne s�id �e�.rl J.i��.im�.t � <br /> An� t�ie s�.id F�.rmers St�.tP Bank o� Al�l�.,;�iebr�.ska for itself or its hPreby covAnant <br /> �.nd �ree to �nd with thp s�id �^dxty �f thA second part �.nd her hPirs �nd r�ssigna, that ut the ti�zne <br /> of the execution anci deliv ery of thesQ pxesents it is l�,wfully seized of s�,i ci pre�si s�s; that i t ;has <br /> �ood right �.n� lwwful �uthori.ty to cornrey the ��.me; th�it they �.r? fxee frorr encurnbrance and F�,rmei're <br /> State ��.rk of A�da,��ebxaska does here"�y covpnant to w�.rrant a.nd defPnd the said premises agains� the <br /> l�.wful cl�ims of � �ers ons whomsoever. <br /> IT� �!�12��C ���J�,r�F, the s�id F�.rmers Stata Bwnk of t�1d�,,Nebr�iska na.s hereuntc� caused its cor- <br /> poratQ se�.l to be ;�ffixAd �ind tnese presents to be sign�d by its Vice-PresidPnt �,nd� Qr the <br /> d�y and y:ear fir:�t a0017£' vnri ttPn. <br /> Signed,�Raled �.nd deliver��d in presencP of <br /> E.:�.Felzi en (COI�P) F�rme rs St�t? Bank of A1da�Nebr�ska <br /> ( ,�FL) <br /> By J'ahn Tnomssen Vice-President <br /> (�3• OJYI. R. St�mps ) By .T.�.. v�derkirk Cashier. <br /> (C4ncelled �) <br /> Stcit� of NPbrc+.ska ) <br /> ) ss. <br /> Hall County ) - <br /> On this 25th d�iy of J�nu�ry , 1922. �ef�re me, the undprsigned�a Notdry <br /> �'ublic in :�nd for suid County,1�er�on�.11y came John mh�mssen �,rid J.W. OudPrkirk,Vice president and <br /> Cashier� rsspectively� of the Fu.rmers State .�ank of A1d�,,NAbr�ska to me personally kno��mto be tne <br /> id�nticul persons ti•rhosp n�.rne� arA dffixed to the wQOVe c�nvQyunce��.n�i acknowlAdged the pxecution <br /> thAr?o.f to be th?ir voluntary act �.nd deed as such officers �.nd the volunt�.ry act �nd dePd of t�;e <br /> said Farme�� St�te ri�,n,k- of A1du,,Nebr�skd �.nd t��at the Coxp orate seal of the sdid F�.rmers State <br /> B�.nk of �1d�x,Tlsbr�.sk�. w�.s thersto �.ffixed b;� it� authority. <br /> Witn�ss my h�.nd �xnd ��otarial Seal dt Alda, in eaid county thA da.y �.nd ye�.r l�.st �bove v�ritten.r <br /> �SEAL) W.L. ually : <br /> Not�.ry Public. <br /> Ady c ommi s s i on ex�;i r�s JU.n l6,1924 <br /> Filed for recoxd this � d�,y� of February 1�22,r�t 9:30 0' cloek A.Pd. '' <br />, �z�r� �� <br /> _ Re�� $t�x of Deeds <br /> -a-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-(7-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-{3-0-0-G-C-0-0-0-0-0-t7-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0-0-fl-0-0 <br />� - s: _ . <br />