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� ��_� <br /> �C�C°�C�I ���C����C�� � C�o ��o <br /> CORPO��TION PTAR?�AT`dTY nF� � <br /> _ <br /> THIS INDFTdTURN„��a�° this 3r3 da.y of Nrnreinber,A.D. 1921�between Rewlty Investmant Co� a cor�or�ation <br />� org�.nized and Pxistin� under �.nd i�y virtue �f t�e idws c�f the State �: �4ebrask�, �a,rty of thA fir�t <br /> part,�.nd �d.�i. Jon�.e Jr. nf the County of H�.11� �,nnd Stute of �fiebrwska party of th� sPeond p�rt, <br /> "'IT"I��rETH,Th�t the s�id p�.rty of the first p�rt� for and in considerw�ion of thp surr� of Five , <br /> Hundred �nd 1do/100 Aollars in h�.nd paid . receipt wh�xP�f i3 n.erQby dckrs�wled�ed,has �old �.nd by ' <br /> I th�se �rpsAnts does �rwnt�convp3r �,nd confirm unto thp sai.d �a�.rty cf the second �:�a,rt, th� following <br /> d�38cTib?d prP�iises, situated in H�11 County, �,nd St�,te of Nebr�ska,,to-wit; All of Lot Four (4) Blo�k <br /> Four (4) �chimmer' s Addi ti on t� t.1e City of Gr�.nd Isia2ld,a$ surv ey ed.�,l�.tted and rec orded. <br /> �'0 �ikVF. AR?D Tc7 HOLP �he pr?mises a,bov� des�ribed, to�;etasr with all tne Tenements,H�r?ditament: <br /> �.nd AppurtPnu.nces therpunto oplon�;ar�; , unto tnP s�.id Ed.A. 4Tones Jr. <br />' l�nd thA swid R�ulty Invnstxn�nt Co. for itsPlf or its successors do hereby ew�r.wnt and a�grPP <br /> to �n:3 with th� �aid p�.rty of tnQ s�con� pkrt �.nd his h�irs and dsa;�ns� th�,t at the timP of the ' <br /> pxecutior_ and delivpry of tn�se prPS�nts it is lawfully seizpci �f said premises; that it ha� good; <br /> right and lawful �.uthority to conve;� the sume; t��.t th�y �re frP? from gncumbruncA and doPs hPrAb� <br /> cov�n�.nt to w�rrwnt �.n�. defend thP s�id ;�remisss �ainst thp lu.wful cld.ims of �,11 �ersons whomsoever. <br /> ITt �ITNFSS 4"..�HFRT±;OF, th� '.-?e�i�.ty� Investment Co. :'1�s her? Ctzused it:3 Coz�oz'at� s8d.1 to bg <br /> �,ffixe3 wnd thesA �rpspnts to b+� si�n+�d by its Presid�nt thP d�y �nd 3aear first �,bovA evrittAn. <br /> Signed�smalP� �.nd dslivPr?d in pr�sencA of <br /> RPUlty Investrr�ent Go. ' <br /> V.E.'xr�,rren (CoT�Pj <br /> (�rhL) I3y I,. G.Gilbqrt Pre�ic�Ant <br /> Attest E.L.GilqPrt SaC 'y : <br /> ___�_.._.,__..,---__,_..__ <br /> (�y.50 I.R. St�,mps ) <br /> C �ncelled } <br /> Sta.tA of I�ebr�.ska j <br />' } 8�3. <br /> ?ia11 County � <br /> On this 28 d�y of Jdnu�,ry 1y22, b�f�re me� tne undQrsignPd, a, Not�.ry Pub1iG <br /> in �.nd for Couri�ty +pPrsondily c�mp Z• C•Gilb�rt,presi,dpnt of the RP�2ty InvestmPnt Co. to m�: ' <br /> Pr�onull known to bQ tn.Q PrPsidAnt �.nd the idenLical person v�hose namP is affix�d to thp a.bov� <br /> P Y <br /> cor.vPyance� �.nd �.ckno�vlPdged the execution ther?of to bP his voluntary dct dnd d�ed as $uch offiuer <br /> and the volunt�rS� act �.nd dped of the ��id �e�lty Investment Co. ,and t��t th� Corpor�.tP seal of <br /> thA swi.d Re�.lty Irnr�strnent Co. w�s therPto affixed by its authority. <br /> WitnAss r.�y h�nd �.nc� I��taria.I SA�.1 at Gr�.nd Isl�.nd in s�.i.d County �np ddy dnd yea.r laat abov� <br /> wri tt�n. <br /> f�EAZ) V.E.��,r ren <br /> Not�,ry Public. <br /> �[y comm�i ssi on exbi rps ths 10 dc.y of J�.n,1925 <br /> Filed f or r�c ord tizi s 28 d�.y of �T�.nu�ry 2: 1G o' clock P.�. <br /> � �-��e�-�, � <br /> T � <br /> �2��istQr of SiPf?dS�~ <br /> �` -G-0-0-fl-�-0-0-fl-0-fl-0-0-0-U-U-0-{�-4-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-Q-0-0-U-0-J-U-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-a-�-0•0 <br />� , �, , <br />