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�.�� <br /> � DD c�c��l �.�c��o�� �lo� �l�o <br /> az the North-east Quarter (SE��anc� ���1� of 1�E�) af cectiGn 7'hirty-�ix (36) in Tawnship Ten (10) <br /> Narth, of Range T�n (10} West of �he 6th P.�d., cdntaining 200 acreB, more or lese, according to <br /> the Gc�vernment survey thereof . - �� . <br /> Irt �'I TNEuS 1�HERECF, we have hereunto set �ur hands this ,17th clay of January, 19�2. <br /> � , . <br /> �Vitness as tc firet 4 Signatures; 1. Edna �dannta Harrell <br /> C .YV .Enyeart 2. Vinta F3ur�er Pentnn formerly Vinta <br /> . � � (Aurger �rre 11} <br /> �C i tnes� as to last 2 si�r.atures, 3 . C 1'arence A.Pentan <br /> R�ellie E.uhipley 4 . �illiam Joseph Aryan Harrell <br /> . 5 . Cpal Axnella F�ec k, formerly GpaY <br /> � . Arne l la 'Harre l l <br /> 6 . David 1�.E�eck . <br /> Ntate of Nebrask� <br /> �ss. <br /> Lancaster County . ) t3n this 17th day nf January, 1922, before me, the undersi�ned, a : <br /> Notary Public in and for said Couraty, personally came Edna �lanota Harrell, unmarriec� Vinta Aur$ar <br /> Pen�-on formerly Vinta �urger Narrell, and ^larence A.Pentan, hex husband; ard William Joseph <br /> Bryan Harrell, unmarriec� wha are per�onally lmawn to me to be the identical persans who�e name� . <br /> are affixed ta the above instrurnent as �rantaxs, anc� they severally acknvwledged the said <br />'� <br /> in�trument to be their voluntary act and deed. � <br /> �itness my hand and Notarial� Seal thz date aforesaid. <br /> Idy cammi�sion expires .?an .6, 1927 Charles �.Enyeart <br /> (SEAL} <br /> Notary Public ' <br /> State of �,Tebraska, <br /> ss . : <br /> Burt County. Cn thi�s 26th day of January, 1922, before me, the undersigned a �'otary <br /> Public in an3 for said Cc�ur.ty, �ersonally came, C3pa1 Arnella Reck, formerly Gpal Arnella Harrel2, <br /> and Aavid W .F�eck, her husband, who are peraanally l�nwn to me tn be the iclentical persons whose <br /> narnes are affiged to the above instrument as grar,tc�rs, an� they severally acknowlec�ged the the <br /> • (� <br /> said instrument to k�e their voluntary act and deed. � <br /> '�itness r�y har.a and �10 tarial Se�1 the date af'oresaid. <br /> . <br /> �4 Corr.missinn ex ires De� .2 1924 Ne11ie E.ShiplBy <br /> Y P , <br /> (cEAL) <br /> Notary Publi� <br /> Fi1er1 far record on the 27 iiay of .Tanuary 1922 at 1d:45 o'cloek A.t�. <br /> � ������ � � <br /> __Regigter af__D�__._--- . <br /> -a-o-c-o-e-o--c-e-c-e-e-o-o-a-o-c-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-c-a-a-c-c-o-c-a-o-c--a-c-o-e-e--o-o-n-o-o-o-�a- ; <br /> ��?�J �F �FFFRFES. . <br /> Kl`'C�' AI�L ?��I:N I3Y TH.�+.SF PRFr��T`1T�' THAT- <br /> �5nereas in �.n :�ction o.f p�.rtition pending in t�c� �istrict Court of Hall County,Nebra,�ka, <br /> c�,se niambpr 4945 �w��erpin Laura I,oPscher wws pla.intif f,�nd �illi�:m F.I.oeseher,�lla Loescher�A�nP� <br /> ��ner.Ernest ��ner+Bertn;:� Niemoth,Albert 11i.Amoth�Minnip HQngPn�FrPd HengPn�Herman LoPschAr,Ro�ina� <br /> _ LcAs�hArtCharips Lo�scher, Sop�ia l�oA�ehPr,FredPrick Lopscher�Olga I.oescher,GordQn Niemoth,a minpr <br /> ��ipnry Ni.emoth,�. minor�LQ�n�:� Ni�moth,a min�r,Arnold NiQmotn�� minor�L�:ona Niemoth� a minor,Arnold��2Jie- <br /> �+oth,a minor� Ir?r.e 2Tie�rot�z,a minor, Irvinp T7ier�oth��. minox werA �pfAndants , for th? n�,rtition of thR <br /> �rAmi �es her�in�.ft?r describPd, th� undArsigned rPfereAs��,��ointed by swid Court to mwke ,�axtitipn <br /> of s;�id real est�t•�,:�adA rPpaxt in .vritin�� duiy si�npd spttin� forth that ;�zirtition of s�id ` ° � � _ <br /> l:�r�c�s could not be macie without grpwt prpiudice to o�vnprs the.r�of,which re��ort �s�.s duly Axdmjned <br /> by s�.id Court und swid C�urt being s�tisfied tner?v�ith c�nfirmed ti� sam� ancl thereupon made, an <br /> oxder �.nd c�.used the sa:n� ta bP �ntPred.dirPcting the izn3ersi�ned rpferg�s to sell the s�.i.d re�.1 <br /> Astwt� fox c�.sh. <br /> kn� in puxsuance of swi:� irdPr tne s�:i3 rafnrees Caused a noticP to be publishgd in the Grund <br /> Isi�.nd IndA�aendent,a r�ewsp�.per �rinted �r:d i.n gener�.l circulation in H�11 County,N�bx�skd, thdt <br /> we woulci offAr l�.nds f or sdlp at the Yront doox of thP Court house in Hall Ccunty, on the <br /> �3 day of July�A.D. 1�321,at 2 0'c l�ek P.�+z. of aai.�1 d�sy, �.nd at thp tim� and plr�c� stdtAd in sai.d , <br /> , _ <br /> _ _ J <br />