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��,� � <br /> �� �� �OC� �`��9 �C�a�'�� �3�0 <br /> ; uit Claim Dead�� <br /> TEiIS INDEiv*TURE� �ade this 16" day of July, in the year one thausand nir.e hundrec� and twenty one, <br /> � <br /> � <br /> I�etween t�azel Florine Harrell, unmarried, of Lanca�ter County, Nebr. (one of the children and <br /> � <br /> iheiars at law of Arnold L.Harrell, who died intestate January 14th 1909, seized of an undivided <br /> ;half interest in the lands herein after dencribed, and being M�w 18 years of age, having been <br /> ; <br /> Ib�rn on the 20th day of June 1903) of the firat part, and �lartha J.Harrell of I,ancaster GoLmty, <br /> � <br /> 'Nebr., (v��idow of Arnold L.Harrell and mother of the �rantor herein , of the second part <br /> ; <br /> � �ITNE�SETH, that ths said party af the first part, in consideration of the swn of C3ne Dollar <br /> ;to me in hand paid xeceipt of which is hereby acknowlalged and of natural love and affe^tion i <br /> ;` <br /> I have remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do, for myself my heirs, eaecuto s <br /> �and administrators, remise, release an3 f@rever qu3t-�laim and �onvey u�ito the said party of the . <br /> 'second part, an� to her heirs and assigns forever, a11 my right, t�tle, interest, estate c2aim <br /> ; <br /> ,, <br /> 'c lai m and damand, bo th at law an3 in equi ty, o f, in and to all the So uth East Quarte r and the <br /> 'South lAest �uarter of the North East Quarter of Section Thirty Sia To�anship Ten N.Range Ten �►est <br /> ' !of 6" P.�. in Hall ��unty, Nebraska an3 containing 200 acres mare or lesa accordin� to tha goveffie <br /> �ment aurvey• <br /> ; <br /> �Tagether with all and singular the heraditaments there�to belongin�. <br /> � TC� HAVE AND TG HCLD the above de��rib�cl premises unto the said Nartha J.Harrell �ier heirs and <br /> ` assigns; �o that neither I the said firet party or any per�on in my na� and behalf, Bhall or <br /> . , �ri11 hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but <br /> � they and every one af them shall by thgse presents be excluded and forevsr barred. <br /> ; IN '�ITNESS WHERECF the said part of the first <br /> , , y part have hereunto set mp hand and seal the day I <br /> , <br /> and year above written. i <br /> Signed, sealed and dslivered in presence of Hazel Florine Harrell i <br /> i :�" �,r.Bi�hOp � <br /> , i' <br /> ' State nf Nebraska ) <br /> )ss . Cn this 16" c�a►y of .tuly, A.n. 1921, before me, the undersigned � <br /> Lancaster County ) ' <br /> S .S.Bishop a Notary Pu�alic, auly commissioned and qualified for i) <br /> ` and re�iding in said county, came Hazel Florine Harrell, unmarriec�, to me �mown to be <br /> � the identical person whose name 3s affiaed to the foregoing instrument as grantor and ac�nowleclge <br /> ; the same to be her v�luntary act and deed. <br /> i <br /> �►3tness my han3 ana Notarial Seal the day and year last above written�. <br /> : (SEAL) S.;;.B3shop <br /> ; �ty commi�sion expires the 31 day of l�ay 1924 Notary Publie � <br /> ; Filed for record on the 27 da.y of January 1922 at 10;�5 o 'clock A.k. <br /> i �����C�� �-��� <br /> ; Regiater of eds <br /> ! -O-O-U-fl-U-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-fl-O-O-0-O-0-t7-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-fl-O-O-O-r <br /> ;QUI T C LAI M DEED: _ <br /> , <br /> ', RNOIA ALL 2�tE1V BY THESE PRESEr1TS: <br /> �That we, Cpal Arnella Aeck, formerly Cpal Arnella Harrell, and David W .Be�k, her' huaband; Edna <br /> ��6anota Harrell, unmarried; Vinta Aurger Penton, formerly Zrinta Bur�er Harrell, and Clarence A. ,, <br /> �'+Psntar�, 2ier husband; and �illiam .TOSeph Bryan Narrell, unmarried; ( the above, with the eacegtionl <br /> ( <br /> '�of the two hu�band�, being four of the children and heirs-at-law of Arnold L.Harrell v�ho diecl, I> <br /> 'intestate, January 14, 19 09, seized nf an undivided half in+erest in and tc the lancle hereinafter <br /> �described, ar.d said children being all over 21 years of age ) for and in consideration of natural <br /> �lave ar.d affecti�n, and the sum of Gne Dollar, do nereoy quit �laim and ccr.vey unto lllartha J. <br />!� <br /> �Harr�ll (widow af �aid Arnold L.Harrell, and mother nf �aid children ) all of right, title <br />� ;and interest of whatsoever nature, in and to the followin� described Real E ate, situated in the <br /> � <br /> jCounty of Hall and State of 3�ebraska, to-wit: The �outh-east Quarter, and the �quth-west Quarter <br /> L � - --- <br />