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_ a <br /> ��� <br /> '' Dc���1 �.�c��c�c�c� [� �o � `�o <br /> �,'AR?�A��TY I�"�`FD <br /> KP10t1� A�,I, I1�EN BY THT+�SE PR�SFI4rTS: <br /> Th�t Harry A.�eil �.nd Alice �.�'szl, (Hu�band �nd �ife) of the Ccxunty of Hall.and State of Nebr�s�a, <br /> Grdntors,in c onsider�.ti on of the sum of Forty-six Hundr�d and Noj10C3 (�4600.00) Dollr�rs in h�,r.d � <br />� <br /> p�.id do h�reby �r�.nt.bargr�ir_,sel1 and convey unto Beulrxh B. Irvin af the County of Ha22.and St�,te <br /> of Nebr�ska�Gr�.ntee,tY�e folloxing described premises, situated in the County of Ha.l].�anc7 State <br /> of Nebrwska,to-Q:it: Be�;innin�; �.t a point in the easterly line of frz�ctional I,ot one f 1� in fra.c�- <br /> icn�.l Fslock th.ree (3� of Windolph' s Additi.�n to Gr�nd Isla.n.fl sixty�-six {bEi} feet from th�s south-i: <br />� <br /> e�aterly c orner of s�id lot; t�.erce southwesterly �ar�llel to thp southerly line of said lot �.nd �' <br /> ;. <br /> thP southerly line of Lots one (�.} �.nd two (2j in fractional Block thirty-ea�ht {38) in Charles ; <br /> �asmer's Addition to Gr�.nd Isl�.nd One Hundr�d z�rx� Six (lU6); fe�t more or lees to thr westerly <br />! line of s�.id Lot twA (2) in Bl�ck thirty-eight (38) in Charles 1P'asmer' s Addition� thence north- ' <br /> we�terly alon�; th� westerly line of s�.id �ot tvao (23 j.n Block thirty-pight (38� in Ch€�rles <br /> laasmer' s Addition sixty -six (66) feet more or less to th� Northwesterly corner of s�id Zot two � <br /> (2) thence Northedstsrly ulor�.g thP northerly lin� of said I,ots one (1} and Two (2) in� Block thirt�- <br /> Pight (38) in Chdrles ��.smer' s Additi �n one hundred �.nd six (106} feet more or less to the north- <br /> �asterly carner of ��ia Zot one (1} in Block thirty -Ai�ht (38 � of Charles Wa$mer's Acidition, ther�cA <br /> ;� <br /> south P�.sterly alon� the eastPrly line of said yot one (1� in Block thirty-�ight (38 } in CYia,rl�is <br /> �t�,smer� s Aciciiti �n and said Lot one (1) in �31ock three (3} in Windolgh's Addition Sixty-six (66) ! <br />� feet morA or less to the place of beginning. <br /> �ub�ject,howPvPr,to on? fj rst mort�age in the $um of TwAnty -t�o hundred twent3T-trro �.nd 7(3/100 � _ <br /> (�2��2. 70� Doll�rs�p�.yable to the Occid¢nt�,l Buildi n� r�i Zoan Association of Omaha�which, the ' <br /> �r�.ntee herein �.ssumes �.nd �rePs to pay. <br /> TogPther with �11 thP tAnpments,herpdit�.m�nts �nd dp�urtenunc;es therPunto belon�ing,�.nd rall the <br /> E$tate.Right� TitlP,Inter�st�DowPr,Curtesy ,Claim dnd D�.,mand wh�itsoever of th� �aid Gr�.ntors, c�f, ' , <br /> I'I �n and to thP sam�e, or any part ther�of. <br /> TO HAV� A?�P 20 HOZA the abave descri.bPd premises.with the �ppurten�.nces,unto the s�.id Granteei �.nd <br /> to her hei rs wr_d �.ssigns forever. And we herAby coven�.nt witl� the said Gr�ntee th�.t o�e hold sdidf <br /> premisPs by good and �erfect title; that �re h�;.ve �ood right �.n�i l�.wful �uthority to sell a�nd con�tey <br /> the same; th�it th�y arA fre� and cler�r of �.11 liens �nd incumbr�.nces whatsoever Except Tuxes for� <br /> 1921 �,n d subs equ.ent y et�rs <br />� . <br /> And wA covendnt to �rarr�.nt �.nd defand the s�.id remises �igainst the l�wful cl�.ims of all erson�� <br /> P p <br /> whomsoPn�r. <br /> L�ted thP 17th d�y of J�.nudry A.P. 1922 . <br /> �1�nP$..g� ���wa�.s�w��w..�����ww� � <br /> (�2.5� I. R. Sta.mps j I�i�.rry A.W�il <br /> C. T. Fl o�ve r �C�.nc e l led _��______�, <br /> - A1ice �.@�ei1 <br /> St�.tp of �Tebr�,skd., j � <br /> j$s. <br /> Hall County. ) On this 17th dw3- ��f Jwnu�.ry A.D. 192�,before me thP undexsigned�a Not�.ry ;' <br /> .. <br /> Public �+ithin �nd for said County�pPrsonally came Harry A.Wei2 �,nd Alice �.�eil (Hu$band �nd <br /> Wifp� to me personally kno�vn to be the identical �ersons �vhose n�.mes a,xe �,iff��r.ed tq th� above <br />� instrument �s gr�.ntors�unc� who severally aeknowledged th� sa,rne to be their ♦oluntury act and de�d <br /> for thP purpose therPin expressed. <br /> IA' �4'ITNESS �HFR�OF, I have herA�nto subscri.bed my n�me �nd �ffixed my offici�l sea.l at Gr�.nd <br /> Island,A3ebr,in s�.id County� on the d•at A last �b av e �►ritten. : <br /> (SEi�I,} C.�.�lo�er <br /> l�otrcry Public. <br /> �y Commission expires August 27th, 1925 <br /> Filgd for rec ord this 2� day of J�.ny 1922,at 11 0'c loek A.�. <br /> � <br /> .��.._,..,_.,..�...�,.'" <br /> Register of Desds <br />� �� _ <br />