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6�. 1,� <br /> �� 0� C oa ���9 I� ����� C��o <br /> _ .. .. . _ ._ ._ . _ � . <br /> ' �PA.RRANTY �ED CORPORATION <br /> ...._....._��.� �._��_,.-..-- - - - <br /> I� THIS IN'D�fil'TURF.�de thie ?th da,y of Nove�beraA.D. 1921,between Re�ilty Ir�eatment Co.a corporatio <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> 'i orgs.n.i�ed �nd �xistin� under and by virtue of the laws of the State of J�elbraaka p�.rty oP the <br /> , <br /> ;I first �art��nd R�.iph �.Herron of the County of Hz�ll, and State of i�ebr�aka,party of the aecond <br /> '� part, <br /> � <br /> i <br /> �� @IITNFSSETH.That ths s�id �r�.rty ot' the first p�rt, for �nd in consideration of the �um oP Four <br /> � Hundred Twent fivA wnd l�0 100 Dollare� in hand aid recei t wherPof ia hereb �.cknowled ed has <br /> I Y- / p . p y g . <br /> , sold and by thesP prP�enta doe�e gr�.nt, conv�y �nd c onfirm unto the az►id party of the second pa,rt, <br /> i <br /> the followin� dsscribed prPmisss. aituated in Hall County�and State of Nebraaka, t�-wit: All of <br /> `� I,ot Six {6} in Block FourteQn (14} Schimmer' � Addition to the City of Grand IsTand,aa survAyedj <br /> � <br /> `� platted and rec orded. <br /> ! <br /> �� TO HAVE AN� TO HOLA th� prAmise� abov� de$cribed� to�ether with all the Tenement�.Fieredjtament <br /> , <br /> 1 . <br /> '' dnd Appurtenances ther+�unto belonging unto the ax�id Ralph $.Herron <br /> ;I And the �aid Re�lt Investment Ca. for itself or its �ucceasors,do herPby covPnant r3nd agree <br /> � y . <br /> � to r.nd with thp a�,id �arty of the sPcond part and his heirs �.nd assign�� that at the time of the <br /> '� <br /> ,! execution �nd delivery of thPse presgnts it is lra.�vful],y �eized of said gr�nises; th�,t it hs,s <br /> , <br /> j good right and l�,wful authority to convey the s�rne; that they dre free from encumor�.nce and does <br /> ii <br /> ;` hereby co��ti�nt to warr�nt and d�fend the s�.id premises aga�nst the lawful claima of all person I <br /> i <br /> � whomsoever. - <br /> '! IN �ITNESS �1H�RFOF. the said Re�lty Investment Co. h�s hereunto ca�used it� corpor�.te �eeal to b <br /> i <br /> i <br /> jz�ffixed and these pre�ent$ to be si�ned by its Pre�ident Lhe dyy wnd year fir�t above written. <br /> ; Si�ned� �e�led dnd deliv er�ci in �resence of <br /> � Realty Inveatment Co. <br /> � V.E.�►arr�n (CORP) � <br /> (SEAI,} By L. C.Gilbert President <br /> � Attest �.I,.Gilb�rt SPc 'y <br /> � <br /> .I �����������.����������w . <br /> j (��.50 I.R. Sta.rnps ) <br /> ; } <br /> � (Ca.,r,,,n c e l l ed <br /> i � � <br /> � State af l�ebrask�. � <br /> � , ) es. <br /> i Ha.11 County ) On this 7th day of November, 1921�before me.the nnderaignPd,a ]�otary <br /> � <br /> j' Public in and for eaid County�persona.11y caxne L. C.Gilbert,President of the Realty Inveatm�nt Co• - <br /> � to me personal�y known to be the Pre�ident dnd the identicdl person whoa� name ia affixed to the <br /> , �bove convey�inc�,and �.cknnwledged the execntion thereof to be his voluntary act and dAed as <br /> i <br /> ; such officer �nd the v oluntr�ry act dnd deed of the ��.id Re�+.lty Inveetment Co.and tht�t the Cor- <br /> ; <br /> f porate se�l of ths $�.id Re�.lty Investment Co.�r�.s thereto affixed by it$ authority . <br /> � . <br /> � l�itness my h�nd �,nd Notarial Sedl �t Gr�.nd Isl�.nd in eaid County tMe day and y e�.r last <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � � ,�� �:bove v�ri�tten. <br /> � V.F.��rren <br /> {SEAL) <br /> f Not�.ry Public. <br /> i <br /> I �dy cQmmis�ion expires the 1� day of Jan� 1925 <br /> j <br /> ! Filed for record thi� 24 dz�y of January 1922.a.t 11:30 o�clock A.�. <br /> i <br /> � �ti�.� G��-� <br /> ' Regiater of DeEda y <br /> , <br /> � <br /> , <br /> -o-Q-��o-Q-o-o-a-Q-a-o-o-�-o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-v-o-o-o-o- <br /> � <br /> i . <br /> , <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> I <br /> , <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , <br />�__ . <br />