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���.a . <br /> D��c��! ��c�c�c�r�� � c�o � 7�0 � <br /> SHI+aRIFF'S I?EED ON FORECLOrLTRE OF �dORTGAGE. <br /> I'' ,: �.�_. . ___ __<.___. �...-r�_-_..�__._....�_...,_.��..-:...,..,..,._ <br /> KP�O"� ALL �EW BY TH�S�; PRF�FNTS: <br /> That @lhere�s, in a,n action in th� District Court of the Elpventh �rudici.�.l Di�trict ot' A7ebra�ks, <br /> , xithin u.nd for Iiall Gounty�,t�Y�erein The Equit�ble Buildin�; �r�d Lo�.n Asaoci�.tion of Gr�.nd Isl�nd� <br /> l�ebr�.ska w�s Plaintiff�u.nd H�,zel I}over Gu�nther and �irbor S.Guenther her husbr�nd werr Defendant�� <br /> i t was by said G ourt at the ,rune Term thereof,!►. D. 1Q21, to-wit: or. th� lUth d�y of Nov�ber A. D. ' <br /> 29�l,con�ider�:d�ad,judg�:d��,nci decraPd th�,t in defuult of the pa.yment to the Clerk of t�e Distric� <br /> i <br /> Court of thP costs of s�.id a.ction�and to the plainti.ff herein the aum of �2p17. 75 �rith int�r�st <br /> th�r�on �t th� r�.tP of 8% per �nnum from the d�te tY�ere�f� $o fnund due within t�►enty d�ye frnm ' <br /> th� d�ate of such ��udgm�nt �:nd dPcree, tha.t the equity of redemption of e�ch t�.nd all oP �aid de- <br /> f�r_dar.ts in and to thP ldnd$ and ten�ments her�f.naft�r de�crib�±d be foreclosed �.nd forever b�rr�d, <br /> � <br />� unc� that the Sheriff of ��.id Ha21 County cdu�se thP lan.d� and ten�ri+�nta her�in�.Pt�r described to� <br /> be advp5rtised��.nd �old �.ccordin� to larP;dnd ��hPre�.s the said d�Pendants havin� m�d� dPf�.ult <br /> therein,.7. J.Lorentzen,�.s S�eriff of s�.id Count���under �nd by virtue of the ord�r oP said Couxt <br /> to him �i r�cted.di.d� on thP 14th day of .Tanuary A. D. 1922,�,t th�► do or of the court hour�e in <br /> the City of Gr�.nd Islu�nd�in said Cou.nty of Ha.11, (the being th� pl�ce wher�ein the Dietrict <br /> Court w�,s l�.at held in raaid County�,havin�, first �iven due and legal notice of the tim!� and p3aq�e <br /> of aaid sale,for not lrss thaxi thixty d�ya prior th�r�to, in the Gr�.nd I�rland, Semi-i�'e�kly Inde•� <br />' A <br /> �e�d�nt��. leg�l rze�rsp�per �.�rinted �nd in �ener�.l circulatinn in srxid County of Hall, eell the �aa�d <br /> ��rPmi��s at public �uetion tv Arnon D.Daver (he b�ing the highPat �.nd beet bidder therefor) for` <br /> th� sur� of Twent3T onp hundred �nd no/14Q (�v2100} Doll�.rs�which s�le w�s �fterward$ at the Nov- ' <br /> ember Term of said Court,�.D. 3921 examined dnd conffrmsd�and thc said J.J.Larentzen,�.$ Shcr�.ff <br /> of County.;�as orderAd to execute a deed of said premi�es to th� ��.id �rnon D.Dover. <br /> Nf�l THFRFFURF�I,thP s�.i d J.�T.Lor� Sheriff/of Hdll County,N�sbr�ska�in purauance of the ' <br /> ord�r of s�.id Court��.a afor�swid� in can�ider�tion of the prpmises,dnd by virtue of th�s po�rsra i�p <br /> me vPsted by law�do herPby �ive,gr�.nt� �.nd convey untc� the ��,id Arn�n �.Daver hi$ h�irs,�daiinie-� <br /> tr�tora and �.ssi�na, thP pramises sold as afores��it: All of Lot t�ro (2} in block eevean <br /> (7) of thP �onni� Br�.� Additi on to the City of Grand Ieland,Nebr�ska with all �,nd �in�ul4r the <br /> _ <br /> appurt�*nancea therQunt� belon�in�. to hav� r�nd to hoid unto him the said Arnon D. Dover,hi� heirsy <br /> admini�tr�►tora �nd assi�ns forever. <br /> It� �ITNE85 �HER�F, I ����. d� $uch Sheriff of H�,1� CountS��2�ebraskrx,hereurto aet my hz�,n.d this <br /> 16th dG,y of 4Tdnudry A.D. 1922 <br /> Ex�cuted �,nd d�livered in presence of <br /> --s_......_._�-�---....o. .... <br /> W«.lter H. Ruuert (��.5 p ;.R. St�m a J•�T•Lorsntzen <br /> (C�,ncelled p � Sheriff of H�sll Gounty. <br /> ��rtha Suess ___.�_�_. .t.,a_.� <br /> The St�.te of N�br�ska. � <br /> ) a�. <br /> Ha.l l Co�anty. } on t,Yiis 16th dr�y of Janu�.ry q s.D. 1�J22�b�f ore �e�r H. R$uert � '' <br /> Cl�rk of nistrict Court duly Ql�cted and qu�.lified for a�.id Caunt3�,�erson�lly agpe�.red J..T.Lor- i <br /> �ntzen,Sheriff of �s�.id County�to me knc�r�n to be the idPntic�.l person deacribed in sxnd v�ho exe- ; <br /> I cuted the foxe�;oing instru�.ent de �runtox, and acknowledged ��.id inatrument to be hir� volunt�,ry ' <br /> I'I aCt uxid de8d a.� 9uCh Sh�tT1Pf. <br /> IN �ITNES� �"HEREOF. I have herPunto set my hond �,nd offici�.l seal wt Gr�.nd I�Iand�l4�br�,sk�,� <br /> Ij �n sdid County� thR day �.nd y�ar l�.st abc7ve written. <br /> (S��) W�.lter H.T�auea�t ' <br /> _ <br /> Clerk of the Dia�`rict Gourt ' <br /> Filed for record thi� 23 day of Jr�.nuary 1922��c.t 4:55 0' clock p.�. <br /> �.����=�-�-�,��...�....._.� <br /> Register of Deeds �� <br /> •Q-Q-�^�-�-�-G-G�-���-�-C-O-C�-�-Q-Q-G�-�-Q-�-Q-Q-Q•Q-0-Q•�-�-G�-�-C�-�-Q-G�-Q-Q-f?-�-C-0-Q-0-G-Q-(3-(?-fp <br /> i <br />�i i; _ <br />