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: . a <br /> �o� <br /> � [�c�c��� �.�c����r�� [� oo ��o <br /> rH�+'RIFF� �.-`'� �E���,.� OT7 FORECI�O:?+URF OI+ MORTGAGE. - <br /> KNO�" ALT� ��N I3Y THESr P��FT�TS: <br /> �;�at Whereas� in an. u.ction in the District Court of the �lev?nth �7udici�.l District of Nebra�ka,w� thin <br /> �;.nd for Hall t�cunty ,ti7nerPin The �aod River Buildi.n� and Lo�n hssoci�.tion,a corporation w�.s �'l��t- <br /> if f��nd gn�;elir�e k.�'hi.�s,ygrtn�, �.Parker and ��.rv in S.�'arkAr,he r husb�,nd,Bes s� e N.�cDonalcl a.n d <br /> Th;�rrA�s�cDon��.d,ner nusoand,Jes�ie A.�iiey �.nd Robert W.1�ilp3� �hPr izu�b�,nd�and Li lli� B.Burraoot� <br /> �.nd �Villiam Burmood, ?�pr nusb�nd,Harry C.Wnite and �rg�.ret� White.his wif�s��:llie �I. SarP dr;d <br /> J���e Swr�.h�r :�uab�.nd,GAorgs W.�'hitp �.nd Sophia l�.White, his wife,�3erl�jamin �i.tYhite �nd Mdsnie <br /> t �Phita.his wifp�Frea�ri�� :3. 9�lhitp and Tibbie �hite,his wife,�,rthur C.�hite�Carlton E. Whit� a:nd <br />; <br /> �lm� B��.r�che �+1itF%��11.f3 �vif�,Ha.zsl R.Barne� 4nd �dward H•��.rne�,her husbdnd�Gprtrude A.�hitg, Idd, <br /> �i.B��ler u.n3 F�.rlP;; Bp�ler��^.e� �ZUaband,heir� a�t law of �r�ner C.�hite,decedsed.�nd William L. Spr�.gue, <br />� Adminis L ru�or of tr.� egt�t� of Abner C. �Nhitps dec��sed.:�nd i�. J. Cunnin�h�cn,guurdi�,n of �n�elinP <br /> k.�lhi.tP,.�n ir�corup�tent w¢rQ dAfend�.nts�it was by� said Gourt �t t�ie June Term thereof�A.D. 1921, <br /> to-�rit� on tne �2nd d�.y of June A. D. 1321,c onsidr�red,�id�ud�;ed� an3 d�crRed th�,t in def4ult of thP <br /> paymPnt t0 tn�. C1Frk c�f the District Ccurt of Lhe costa of sdici action�r�nd to thQ pldintiff the <br /> I <br /> sum of �232•85 � �o f�und due aUOn both of tnp moxt�ages h�rPin,with intPrpst thPrpon �t thA ratp <br /> of 7.8�3 per annum fr�zn tnA d�.te therP�f��rithin twenty ddys from tY� d�t� of su�h iud�ment �,nd ds- <br /> ::ree. ti�at th�s eyuity ofr�dwxn��tion of each �.nd �.11 o.f swid dpfer_d�.nt� ir� wnd to thA�la.nds and tQn;�- <br /> I <br /> ;��nts hpr�i.n4f'ter describnd b� foreclosed and forQvPr b;;.rrpd� and that th�* Shpriff of �it�.11 ' <br /> i;ounty cause tnQ lU.nda �nd ten�ment� h�:r�inwfter described to b� wd�Tartised,a.r.d so13 dccordi.r�'; <br /> to l4w;c.nd ��vherP�.s the s�.id dpfPndants n4ving m� c�ef�.uit tn�rsi.n�,T. J.Lor�ntzen�as Sheriff of ;r�aid <br /> County�� under �na uy virtu� o� th��order of �4id Court to him dirRcted,did, on the loth d�.y of <br /> � <br /> Junudry A. D. 1922,at t1z� ��3�in door �f thA court nouse in tne City of Gr�.nd Isl:�nd, in sa.jd County <br /> I�I of Hall� (the s�me bei n� thA ��lace �vnernin thp District Cou rt was l��t �ield in swi c� County) � h�ving <br /> fixst �ivPn a�ae -.�-nd 1e��.1 noticA �f th A time and �lace of said gals, for not le�s th�n thirty d�y� <br /> prior t.�erato, in t'ne �'lood River Sunoearn,a leg�il newsU�.per �rinted �.nd in �;Pner�,l circul�.tion iri <br /> ��id County of' ��.11.,�mll the s�.id �remises at public auction to Rudnlph Durtschi (he 1�ein� the <br /> 3 <br /> nighest and best �idder ther�for) for thp eum of Ten hunc�red, forty� five z�rzd no/100 (�U45. 00j <br />, such sum bsing more tn�,n two-third� of the appr�.ised value c�f s�id p�emises,wnich salg : <br /> w�s ��rd� �.t thQ November Term of s�.i.d Ccurt�A. D. 1922 ex�xnined �,nd confirmed,an3 the s�id ' <br /> ,T.,r.Zorpntzen,�.s Shpriff of s�.id Count� �w�.s ordPred to A.,xPcuts aa deed of s�,id premises to thR ��i.d <br /> Ru�olph Durtschi ' <br /> NO�� T �,RT�',rORF� x, the suid J. J.Z�r�ntz�n,as Sheriff of Hall Count3r,Nebrask�i, in �ursu4nee of ,th� <br /> order of �aid Cuurt,�.s a�forpsui.d� in coneicler�tion of th� =�remises.und by v�rtup of the po�prs ; ` <br /> in me v�stgd oy lav�,do h? xeby give,grunt,�.nd convRy th� s�i.d Rudolph Durtschi his heirs, <br /> r�dmini strators �.n�7 a�si�;ns, thp r;rp��i.s ps s�ld a� afor�:�aid+to-wit: All of L�ts 10. 11 a.nd 12, in � <br /> �31oc'� 6�in t��e First kddition to tnP Town or Vill�e of �ood Riv�r,Nebr�.ska�v�hicn prPmises arP ; <br /> soinetimes ctneswvise descri �ed �,.s L"nion i'ra.cific R�.i2w�y Compar{y' s First �4ddition to Rfood River, � <br /> Nebr�.skd� �rith dll und sin�uiar tha �.p�urten�.nce� the reunt� bPlon�in�;, �o rk+.v� a�3 to hold �; <br /> i <br /> hi�n tn� s�id Ru3ai�,n;ni .his ?�eirs,administr4tors �.nd assigns forever. i <br /> ; <br /> IN V�TITNFSS �"i-�R.��OF.� havp,r�s sucii ShQriff of Ii�.�i Coun�y�Nebr4ska,h�sreunto sgt my hand thig ; <br /> �; <br /> 13th d�.y of J4ru�iry A. D. 192? !� <br /> I• <br /> FxPcut�d �,nd de�.iverPd in pr?�ence of <br /> i <br /> V4`�.ltPr �i. �:�uert " <br /> J.J.Zorentaen � <br /> O. �i.fibbott .Tr Sneriff of I�11 County. <br /> ---------------------- � <br /> ��= , <br /> ��1.5D I. R. Stamps � ) , <br /> (Cdncelled 1 '' <br /> i. <br /> The Sta,te of Nebr�ska� � <br /> ) as• . ;; <br /> H�.;.�. C�unty. ) On thi� 13th d�,y of J�.nuary A. D. 1922� bEfore me �V�.lter H.��.usrt a i <br /> . C: <br /> r; <br />_ , ii i <br />