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�0"7,� <br /> �� oa �0� ���9 � �� ��� ��o <br /> � DEED <br /> FilA No. 32,427 Deed No. 31977 <br /> E IN C ONSI�R�TI UN OF THF �AY2+�tENT � <br /> i i� <br /> � of Six Iiundred (Ei00)� thP Linc oln L�.nd Comp�r�y ��. Corpor°ati on duly or�anized �.nd existing <br /> under the lawe of the Stat� of Nebraska,he reby sells a.nd conveys to George 1N.�ingert, the follow <br /> i <br /> � ing described real e�t�.te, $itza�te in the County of Hu,ll and Stote of Nebraska,to-wit: That pr�rt , <br /> �+ <br /> il <br /> � of the Southeu�t Quarter (SE�) of the Northe�.at Qu�rter �N +, ) of Section numbPred Twenty-four ' <br /> j <br /> o (24 ), in �'o�rnship number�d T�velve (12) North+ of R�.n�e numbered Twelve (12) ��eat af the Sixth <br /> � <br /> � <br /> Principal �.erididn�bounded �.nd d�escribed �.s folloxa: - Un the North by the Scuth line c;f Syri�. <br /> ; Strept of the First Addition to the Town of Cairo� (accordin� to the rPcorded pl�,t th�srsof) ; on t e <br /> 1 <br />, ! E�st by thP exteneion South of the �'est line of the All.ey �f �slock nwnbered Four (4), of <br /> i <br /> ; ��.id Fir�t Addition; on the South�by the South line of suid Southe�:st Quarttr (SE�) of ths North <br /> .: ' <br /> � eae t Quarte r (N'E�) ;�nd, on the �e�t� �py the exte nsi on ��uth o f the E�st li ne of Suez St re et of <br /> ,s <br /> i <br /> A <br /> ; aaid T own of Cairo. Sub�j ect to legu,l highw�,,ys.if ar�y. �,nd the Line oln I,and Com;�z�ny herPby c we- i <br /> i <br /> ; n�nts �ith the s�id G porge W.Win�ert� that i t i$ l�w�'ully seized of sr�id prPmisee; that they ar�I <br /> ( free from incumbr•ance,and it w�.rr�.nts the title therPto �.g�.inst the lawful claims of �.11 perso <br /> � '' �rhomsoever�except thA taxes for the year 1919 and there�fter �nd except a� 4gai nat all claims � <br /> f �i which m�y h�.ve �.ttdched to s�id premisea sincA the d�,te of the sa,l.e th�reof by said grantor, <br /> ; I <br /> ; to-wit: April 28th, 1919. I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �N T±S"!'IMOT�IY ��ER�UF,thP ��.id L�, neoln Lwnd Com���ny� hu.s c�.usPd this instrument to be �igned by <br /> jits Vice-�'rPsident, count�rsigned by it� SAcret�.ry.�,nd the corpor�te se�l of thp (�om���n�- to be <br /> � <br />' hArpunto �s.ffixed� this 16th ci�y of �Tanu�.ry,A. D. 1922• ' <br /> Countersigned <br /> I,II3COLN ZkND COIi�?ANY� <br /> W.�'. Turner {CORP) <br /> Secr?tary (SEkL) F�y W.F.�+eF�xl�nd <br /> � _ �;��:y . . Vice i�resid�nt <br /> V[►itnesa Signuture �f Vice-Yresident <br /> --------------------- <br /> C.L.�ensor� {�:1. flC I. R. St�.mps ) <br /> (Cancelled __ ��, <br /> i Str�tP of Iow�, } <br /> ) ss. <br /> Des P�oine$ County. } <br /> BF IT KT10�T, 7"hat on this 1Hth d�y of J�.nudry A. D. 1922 bpfor� me�d Not- ry <br /> � <br /> i'ublic in �nd for s�id County,pereonally �.ppe�red W. F.McFar2�nd,Vice-President of th� I.incoln <br /> , <br /> I I,and Comw�.ny,�ho is gersonully known to me to be the identicdl pereon �hose name is subscirbed j <br /> ta the foregoin� in�trument as s�.id Vi ce-r resi dpnt� �,nd t�ien �nd the re acknowledged ths �r�id in- <br /> strurmm�t wnd. the execution thereof to be hie voluntary act �nd deed,�nd the volunt�.ry �.et t�nd <br /> deed of s�.id comnun�y. . <br /> WITTQFSS my ha.nd anc� Not�.ri�sl Se�l on the day laat abovp written. - <br /> (�yL) 'rlenry �i.Herd I <br /> �Notary Publie. <br /> �� Cnmmissi on expires July 4th� 1924. <br /> Filed for record this 21 c1�:�.3= �f J�.nuary 1922,r�t 10: 15 o' clock �i.Y. <br />� � � G���� ��-�. <br /> �_._____ .��__ <br /> Regi ste r of D�eds <br /> -�-Q-�-0-0-0-C�U-(�-G-U-U-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-C-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-G-Q-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C�-0 0 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ;� <br /> f <br /> ; <br /> . <br /> ; <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � ! <br /> � : <br /> � . . <br />