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��0� <br /> �c���l ���c���� C� �o �`�o <br /> v��s dul� �sppointed dn.d qtx�.ii.fiPd as sheriff of Hall County �.nd � <br /> �4►her�as,aftPrw�.rd��a,nd on o r �.bout thw lOth d�z.Sr of Janu�ry, 152z�dn order wa� duly rnade �nd r <br /> pntArpd of reco�cl �y s�.id Cau.rt that sufficignt pro�f had baen. mdd$ to s�.i d c ourt ' that saj d �Q,le <br /> w�,s f�irly �nd legally m�.de dn.d s4ic� eale was on sa.�.d date c onfi rmed b;; ��.i d court �.nd that the <br /> purchaser Edmund Eli�dh had pwi.d nothing unto court �t thp time of �uch sule �.nd tY�.s.t thA �aid <br /> Edmund Eli�jah bein�: thp owner and holder �f �l� decree �erpin,no paym�:nt of an�� purcl�e price <br /> . <br /> nPw.d b� made,except that the s�,i.d Edmund Eli�j�,h shall pay the costs of this �etion,�.nd thp �,jc� <br /> couxt directin� th� clerk of thi� court to mQke to the ��.id J.J.Lor�ntzen a$ such sheriff,s� csrt- <br /> ificatA in �ccord�nce v�ith s�.id order of Court,and <br />, Where�.s the Clerk of Court did on the lUth day of Jar_uary,1922,m�,ke to me, thp s�,i.d 4T.J.; <br /> LorpntLen,� certific�,te under the s�ul of said c ourt tY�t sufficient �soof had been to <br /> $uid cour� that s4id sale so mad� by the a�,id �Tohn E.�cCutchan as such sheriff �,s $fores�id�h�,d <br /> bec�n fdirl;� �,nd legally mad�, and th�.t said Edmund Eli,jah is entitled to �. de�d of c onvPy�nce far <br /> the gremi$as :�o sold upon �aymPnt of thA costs of this action, <br /> �1o�v� thPrefor�,I�thp swid �T. J.I,orentzen.u, sh�riff of Hall County,N�brr�ak�.� in pur��aance of the <br /> ord�r of said c ourt as �t.f orp�aid� in e onsid�rdtion of the �a��ment of thp c osts 3f �xction, <br /> d o h�reb� g ivs.�r�.nt, and conve3� ur:t o the sdid Edmund Eli�jah hi s hPi rs,admini str�,t ora,a.nd <br /> �asigns� the sold as afor�s�id,to-v�it- A11 of the scuthwest quu.rtpr (SW�-) of section <br /> Pigh�een (18 ) , townshi.p ten (14} North� rang� eleven (11) NTest of the 6th P.�. containin� 16Q acr9s. <br /> more or 1Rss.accordin� to thP Government �urvey, in Hall County�Nebraska,wjth �11 �,nd sin�ular <br /> thP uppurtPn�nces therAunto bPlonging � to hdve �.nd to hold unto him, the �aid �dmund Eli�jah�his <br /> heirs�administr�.tors �,nd a�si�ns forPvsr. <br /> In wi tness wherRof, I have,as �uch Sheriff of H�,11 County�N�br�.ska,hereunto �et �y ha.nd this <br /> llth ddy of �Tanua.�� ,fi. IJ. 1�22. <br /> Executed �,r.d dplivergd in prAsAnc� of <br /> �►alter H.R�.uert ---».-••________....___.��__ �T.�T.I,orentzen <br /> (�18.50 I.R. Stauzps � Sh�riff of Hall Cou.nty,�ebr�ska <br /> M�rth�.. SuPss fC�.ncp2l�d _.__�.��-..�_.��:_.y..:�:- : <br /> The Str�te of Nebr�.sk:�..s ) <br /> j �s <br /> Hall County. ) On this 11th ddy of Janu�.ry. 1922, bQf ore meW�.lter H. Rauert,�, Cle rk of <br /> the District Court,duly� elected �,nd �ualified fox said county,p�reon�.11y �,ppeargd J. J.Lorentz�n, <br /> Shexiff of s�.id County�. to m¢ known to be t�a identical gerson d�scribed in r�nd who executed <br /> th� for�oin�; in�trurr�Pnt u� gx�ntor,�nd �.cknov�ledged said instrument to be his voluntrsry act �.nd <br /> ; <br /> dppd as such aheriff. <br /> Ir. witn�ss �rhereof� I h�vP hPreunto s�t r.iy hand and officidl seul �.t Gr�.nd Islu�nd�Nebraska, : <br /> �n s�.id county, thP d4y dnd year last abovP writtpn. <br /> (��,) �t�.1tPr H. R�uext <br /> Clerk cf thp District Court. <br /> Fi�:d for record this 19 ddy of Jwnuary IO o' clock A.R�. <br /> � <br /> ����� <br /> � <br /> RPgister of ..De�cl'Ls��'�. _ _�.�... ; <br /> -a-e-Q-o-Q-o-e-�-�-�-�-c-a-o-o-�o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-e-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Q�e-a-e-�-o-o : <br /> . <br /> �. <br /> ;. <br /> �. <br /> i; <br /> i <br />,. - . � � .. . . Ii _._._.J <br />