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� <br /> 605,� <br /> a�oa c�o� ���9 � ����� ��o <br /> . � <br /> ; �.Ui___ T c�ir� n�rn . <br /> , <br /> KNO� ALL MEN BY THESE PRFSENTS: <br /> Thdt I,ben� J. Bgehl�r, (�ormerly Lend J.�de4d) of Wood Riv�r, of tY� Ccunty of Hr�.].1 �,nd State of <br /> � Nsbr�.ska for the c onside�ation of One and no/100 Dollars hPrpby Qui t Claim and convPy unto Char es <br /> N.�e�,d of �o od RivPr, o� °�h�: c ounty of Ha11 and StatP of Nebraska,all of mb► r3g2�,t� ti tle and in- � <br /> � <br /> " tere�t of whatsosver n�turP, in �►nd to the follo�ing described Real ��taL�,�ituated in the Count <br /> ' of Hall �.nd St�,tA of Nebr�.ska, to-xit: The North Half of the Southw�et Quart�r CR� of SW�) of <br /> . Section nTarnbes� four (4) Township nc�mber nine (9j �orth R�nge ndmber eleven (11) West �f the <br /> 6 t h P.M. <br /> �I IN �'ITNE�S �HEREOF,I h�cvs hareunto set m�y hand this 4 day of January.A.D. 1922 <br /> I mp � <br /> � ' Witness: <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � H.P.Burmo od L�na .7.Be Ahler <br /> ; ( <br /> ; State of ATebr�sk�., j <br /> : }�s. � <br /> ' Hall County 3 <br /> a fln thi s 4th d�sy of January A.D. , 1922,bef or�: me� the und8rsigned,a I�ot�,ry � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � public in and for said county.rer�onally cr�me Lena J.BePhlgr. (foxm3rly L�ns J.�eadj of Nood <br /> i � <br /> ' Riv�sr,who is pPrsonally known to me to be the id�ntical per�on r�hosQ name is affixed to thg <br /> ` abovp instrument a.a gr�,ntor and she acknowledged the execution of s�id inatrument to be her no <br /> � i <br /> un�ary a.ct and deed. � <br /> i <br /> � . i <br /> I Witr_Q�g my hand and Notarial SPal, the ddte aforesaid. <br /> ; (�qZ) H.p. Burmo od <br /> ; Notary Publi e. <br /> i <br /> i <br /> My c omnni 9si on exp i rPs Apri 1 5-1927 <br /> l <br /> Fi l�d f or rec ord thi s 17 d�.y of January 1922,at 10: 30 0' c lock A.M. <br /> ������ � <br /> ; Regi$ter of Deed� <br /> � -0-0-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-fl-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�-0 <br /> ; fiH�;RIF�'t S ?aEFaD ______ <br /> � <br /> { <br /> KN�t�' AI,I, �AEA l3Y THFSF. aR�,SENTS: � � <br /> i <br /> j Th�t wher��.$. in dn action 3n th� District Court of the el�venth Jndici�l District of '�pbra�ks <br /> � within and for Ha,ll Covnty� wl�er4j.n Edmund �li.jan �as plaintiff and J.H.Eli;iah and Nelli� Tii,ir�h <br /> l - � <br /> , <br /> wea? defendr�nt�, it �rzs by st�id court at the Nov�:mber 1920 tgrm thereof, to-avit: on the 20th d�y <br /> I of Usc��bsr, 1920, conaider�:d,�.d,judgRd �,nd dgcr�Ad that in dPfdult of thP payment to the Clerk of hA <br /> i <br />' � Diatrict Court of the coats of saici actfon��.nd to J.:�.Eli,jah the sum of �25, 188. 11 with intAre$t <br /> �' ther�on at the r�,tP of ?% per annum from th� d�.te therPof, so found due th� plain_tiff,�+f thin <br /> !� twenty d�.ys frcaa thg ddte of such �jud�mRnt �nd dPCree, that the ��uity of redAmption of each and <br /> � <br /> �, all of s�:id defondant� in �nd to the lr�nds and tenements herein�f'tpr described bs fo.�3cloaed and <br /> ;� for�ver barr�d,�.nd that the �herfff of s�.id Hall County cduse th�: l�nds and tenempnts hArAfn�ftP <br /> ',� <br /> 4' described to 'be a,dqertised and sold to l�,rv; �zn� wherP�� ths auiat dEf�.r�d�nts hx�v�ng mdde <br /> 'I defa,ult thPr�in,John E.McCu'��han,a sheriff of s�.id count;�,ur�d�r �.nd by virtue of the ordAr of <br /> i said court tc him directed, did� on the 25th day of NovAmber,1921,aL the main door of the ceurt <br /> i <br /> i <br /> II hou,ep in the City of Gr�nd I�la.nd, in �aid county of H�11� (the �r� beir:� the �;l�ce wherein th� <br /> ;� <br /> ! Di$trict Court wa� l�.�t held in eounty) ,havin� firat �iven due a.nd leg�.l notice of the <br /> ; <br /> I <br /> '� and pldce of �.id sale, f or not le�s than thi rt;� duy s �arior ther?to,in th� Grand Ialand Semi- <br /> :�' e�ePk�y Indspend�nt,�. legdl newapaper pr�nted and in genera.l ciculr�tion in a�id county of Ha1If <br /> ' <br /> � sell the sa�.d premisps at �;ublie auetion to �d.�:ur_d �li,jr�.h for t�e sua� c�f E?ghteen thousand five <br /> ! hundr�d (�18�50Q.00) Dollars. (He b�ing the hi�,heat and best bidder therefor. ) <br /> And wheraas,aftPrw�rd�,to-wit: �.nd or_ or about the lst day o�! DecPmber,.1921� the �ai d �ohn <br /> : E.YcOutchan resi�n�d aa 9uah s?��riff and which r�ai�nation w�s duly �.ccepted �.nd one J..7.I,arentz n <br /> �. <br /> i � � � <br /> I <br /> -- - i� __ <br />