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��4 <br /> �- Dc��� ��c��oc�c� [� oo ��o ' <br /> �F�. , i: <br /> KNO� AZL MFN BY THF�E PR�±'S +�NTS: T:�at we.Rstta M. A2ford,�, �ridow,of Buch�,n�in County��is�ouri, <br /> , <br /> �nd Albert Roas Alford,single, of Liverpool,�r�lr�nd,in consider�.tion of the sum of One (�1.00� <br /> Doll�.r �.nd of tne pxchdn�� of �rop�rty,in hand p�.i.d by Fdward T.N. Al#'ord,of� H�ill County �,nd the ' <br />� state of Nebra�ka,do hpreby gr�.nt�b�.rg�in, sgll��nd cunvey unto thP s�id Ed�rard T.23. Alford,the ; <br /> j: <br /> following dAscri�Ad �remisAs �ituatAd in the county cf I3�,11 �.nd st�,te of •Nebra�ka, to-�it:All andl' " <br /> �ir_g;ular of our undividgd on�:-hy.lf ir_teT?st in and to the �outhe�.st �uartAr of Section Ninetepn `� <br /> (19)� in Township Twp�ve (12},rtbrt�i,Rdn�e .Eleven (11) West. <br /> � <br /> gnd we certify that tne su.i.d Retta %. Al�ord i� the avidow,and said Albert Rose Alford is th� <br /> � � <br /> son,and are thp only hAirs at law of ore C'�arles A. Alford,deceased� la.t� of Hall County.t�ebr�,ska.;; <br /> and tn�st the said Charles �.Alford,ciqcPased,was thQ son �,nci one of the deviseo� of Charles L. ' <br /> ;' <br /> Alford,dec easpd� l�.tp cf s�xi d eounty� f ormPr ownpr of suid �ac�mis�s. <br /> Togpth�r with �.il- of t�.a tAnements�hereditaments,and �.ppurtpnances to thc; same b�►ler..�in�,�,nd <br /> , dll of the ��tatA, right� title. interAst,, or demand w1�.tsoevAr, including doveer and homeatead ' <br /> right:�� of' the s�.id Retta Nt.�iford,a.nd Alb�rt Ro�s Alf ord;�nd bot:� of them, of, in,and tc the said <br /> premi�As, or any pdrt thArpof. <br /> TO HAV� ANn TO HOZI) the abov e de�crib�d �remisps�with th� appurtpnances unto th? �ai d Edward <br /> T.N. Alford�a,nd t� his heirs �.nd dssi�ns forevPr. ; <br /> Si�ned this 2�ith day of Jul� A.D. 1921. <br /> Witness: <br /> R. R.Horth �.s t o Ret ta M. Alf ord Rett�, R6.Alf ord <br /> J.�ioward D.�/e�t as to A1bArt �osa Alford Albert Ross Alfard <br /> Aug-17-1�21 <br /> St4te cf RT�braska, � <br /> � ��. <br /> ?iall County. ) On thi s 2f3" d�,y o. Jul��, 1321,bef arA me.R.R.Hoxth+a Notary Publi c �ri thin ' <br /> �.nd for said c ounty,p Prson�.11y car�R �tetta M. Alfoxd,widow�to m$ known to be on� of th� i dAntic�,1 <br /> person� �vhose n�e is affi.xed to thp abovP inatrurnent �s �r�.ntor,�.nd she dcknowledged thA exe- <br /> cution of th� s�� t� be her voluntary aet r�nd dpPd for th� p�ax�os�s th�rPin �xpressed. <br /> IN �"ITT?�S^ '�?3ERFO�. I hav� h�rPunto subscribed rny name u.nd affixpd my sRa,l at Grr�nd Isla.nd, i <br /> i.n sai d county� on th€ date l�.st above wrj tten. <br /> (S�;AI,) R. �.Horth � <br /> iJotary Public. <br /> �dy �ommiasion ex�ires �ddr 29 1923 <br /> Kin�dom of Great Brit�.in and I��land� } <br /> County of Ldncuster City of Livprp�ol� j 5.$• <br /> Consulatp flf th� United St��e� of iimprie�.. ) <br /> B^ IT R�!.I��MBFRFD� th�.t on this 17th d�.y pf Au�ust;: <br /> I A.D. 1921,before me, thp undPxaign�d,a Vic� Consul of thA tTnited st�.te� J"f America at Lj.v�rpool, <br /> En�land,duly a,��ointpd,qu�lifi�d an:� actin� r�$ Vice Consul of the Unitgd 8t�.tss of Am�rie�, �.t � <br /> Z,ivArpool,Engian:�,porsonul3y AI�BERT R05S AL�'GRn � �in�1p m�n, to me kno�n �o be on� of the idAnti�al <br /> n <br /> person� whose n�,inP i� affixed ta thP abov� i.nstrumPnt ae grwntor, and he ackno�►lgdg�d th� exeeutipn <br /> of th� s�.mp to b� his voluntary �ct and d«�ed for thr� puxposes Lherein expresaed. <br /> I"J �"'ITNFSS 4qI�RFOF. I hdve hpr�unto subscribed my nams and �;.ffixed thQ sstil of my offiee in t�e <br /> said City of LinPrpool, on tha dii.t�P l�st a.brrvg written. !' <br /> { U�'ITL�D ;SfiAT�S ) J.I3owr�rd D.We$t <br /> � COY?rt,TI,ATT� �AL � Vice Consul of thA Unitgd St�,tes of <br /> Not�ri�.l s�rvi cA No. 7186 ��'ric� at ZivPrpool'England. <br />� Feg �2. 00 ,pqu�.l ta 11f8d. <br /> ____________________.,...�` <br />' (A.Ynerica Consulate �\ <br />, , <br />. Sexvi cA <br /> r <br /> ��2. t�� f�pe st�m� cu.ncQil�sd <br /> Fileci f or recoxd this 17 day of �Tanuary 1y22, a.t 10: 3� o�c lock A.�. �j�^/�� � <br /> Lll -�-+�- <br /> Regi�ster ot' Deede~ <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(?-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-G-�-0-fl-0 -0-Q-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-n-0-0-t3-0-0-�-0-fl-0-0-Q-0* <br /> . <br /> ' <br /> � <br /> , <br /> s_ _ _ _: , _ _ �� a <br />