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�0� ,� <br /> �� DO C�oa ���9 [� c�[� ��� ��o <br /> � The Str�te of Nebr��la� � . <br /> � ss. <br /> ; Hal1 County � <br /> � pn this 24th c]dy of December,�921 before me.R.R.Horth,a Notary <br /> 4 <br /> ; Fublic �vithin �nd for �s�iid County,personr}lly cr;�ne Charle� G. F�y�.nRgrantor.known to me to be the <br /> ; husba,nd af sr�id Evelyn A.�yr�n, thp gr�ntee herein. to me known to be the identic�,l person, whose <br /> � �n�me is �ffixed to the a�ove inetrtunent �.s gr�.ntor�and he �cknowledged the execution of the <br /> � _ <br /> � sr�me to b� his volunt�,ry act and deed for the purposes therefn expreas�ci. <br /> � <br /> ' IN �ITNFSS �tHFR�OF. � have her+sunto �ubscribed my naane �.nd affixed my offic3al se�l at <br /> Gr�nd Isl�.nd on the d�t� l�st above written. � <br /> (SE1�) R.R.�iorth i <br /> Notary Publie. � <br /> l{�y commissi6n �sxpiree March 29-1923 <br /> ` <br /> ; �iled for record this 12 day of January 1922,�.t il o' cl�ck A.E�, <br /> .��:���_�.��;�:�!.�.� <br /> Registpr of Deed� <br /> -0-�-0-C�-O-Q-0-0-0-f}-0-0-0-Q-4-0-�-0-0-O-Q-�-0-G-0-Q-0-0-U-O-0-0-4-0-�-Q-�-Q-0-0-0-0-0-�-Q-�-0- <br /> lii DEED. <br /> ; �_....._. <br /> KNO� AI�L �IIEN BY TH�SE PRFSFI3TS, th�.t �'e,�dw�.rd T.N.Alford�described as Edw�.rd Alford in the 1 �t <br /> will and testarrent of Ch�,rlPs L.Alford, decea.sed,and �, son of the suid Charles L.Alfo.rd�deceased,� <br /> �r_d �llu F.Alford� his wif�. of Hall County*N�br�.sk�.� in consider�.tjon of the sum of One Dollar an <br /> the �:xchar�g� of property� in h�,nd p�,id b3� Rwtta M.Alford and Albert Ross Alford,do hereby grant, � <br /> � bargr�in, sell and convey unto the a�.id Rett�i �F. Alf ord �nd Albert Ross Aiford, thg followi ng dea- <br /> ; cribed rpa,l estate. �ituated in th� eounty of Hall �.nd State of Nebraska, to-wit: All and aingula� <br /> our undfvided nnp hal�f inter�►st in and to the South�9�st Quarter oP $�ction 1�umber TrventS (20). in� <br /> � Tcm►nship l�tamber Ts�elve (12) North�R�.nge Number Eleven (11) �e�t ef the fith P.�I. ' <br /> 1 <br /> Tog�ther with all the tpnementa, hexeditr�snent� a.nd �.pFurt�nances to th� same belonging,and all <br /> of th�: eet�zt�, xight, titlA, interPst, cldim �nd d�m�.nd wh�tsoev�r, of thQ s�id Edw�rd T.N.Alford a,nd <br /> Ellr� �'.Alford, and both of th�m, of in �.nd. to aaid �remises, or r�ny part thereof. <br /> i To hav� and to hold the abovP descrj.be3,v�ith appurt�nwncea,unto the �ajd Retta �d. Alford and � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> i Albert :Roas Alford,�.nd to thPir hAira and assigns forever,and are hPreby coven�.nt with th� said , <br /> , R�.tt�. �d.Aiford �,nd Albert Ross t�lfq__rd, that I hold said premj.see by good a.nd perfect�t <br /> ; I have good right �,nd la.ra�'�1 authority to sell and convey the same��.nd that ' th�y �.re frA� from !i <br /> ; a11 li ens �.nd ineumbrances whatsoever, �nd �re coven�nt to w�,rr�.nt and defend said �remj.$�:s �,ga.i.ns <br /> �I th+� 14vefui c l� of dl l p ers ons who�:s oever. � <br />� i <br /> " 5i�ned thi.� l�ith d�y of J�.nu�.xy+1922. � <br /> i WitnQss <br /> i R. R.Hcrth Edwr�rd . T.N.Alford <br /> ; <br /> . . <br /> Ellu F:Alford <br /> � The St�.tP of Nebr�.ska, j <br /> � ss. <br /> Hdll County. j On this lE�th ddy of J�.nuary A. D. 1�22�beforP the und�.r.signed,a Notary <br /> � Public within and for a'd tP ona �r d F d . I <br /> s i C o u n t y a n d S t�. ..,p e r s l l y d p p e e � d w�.r T I�.A l P a r d �n d �i l a F. <br /> i �I <br /> ' Alfcrd�his wife�to me �?rsonal�r kr_own to be thA i.dPntica.l p�rsons who signed the abave deed aa � <br /> �; gr�.ntors,�.nd tiilA�j spver�.l_�.eknawleciged the execution of the st�me to bP th�ir volunt�.ry �.ct and E <br /> ; w <br /> ! deed for the purpo��s th�rpin express�d. <br /> I � Il�� �ITN�'�S �"HFR�OF.I ��e hereunto set my� hand a.nd �i,ffixed �+ Notari�.l SP�1 at �r�r•d Isl�.nd. <br /> '+ in s�.id County� on thg date last a.bovP written. <br /> ; �SEAL) R.R.Horth <br /> i � <br /> , <br /> A1ot�.rs Public <br /> ; My Commission Expires l�dwrch 2�, 1923• - <br /> ' �'iled for record this 16 duy of January 1F�22�at 4: 3G o'clock P.�d. - <br /> l ti� � <br /> �-.�- <br /> � Register fo Deeds <br /> ; -O-�-C-Q-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-Q-Q-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-C-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-Q 0 <br /> , <br /> l�. _ I� <br />