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� <br /> ��� <br /> Do C�C��I Gt�C�C� o0[�C� � �o �`�o <br /> DAtweiler �,nd her h�.irs and �.asigna, forPvPr,�ainst the iawful claims of all per�ons whomsoev�� <br /> IN �'ITNFSS '�'H�:RF.,•OF I h�vs hereunto set �:y hand this lUth day of January�A. D. 1922. <br /> In pre��nce of <br /> L.G. Shehein Wilii�n T.Det�veiler <br /> State of Nebr�.aka, j - <br /> • } ss. - <br /> County of H�,11 } On this i0th day of Janu�ry A.D. 1922�before me� a Not�rs� Public in �.nd _ <br /> for sa.i.d County,per�on�.11y ca.mP the above nr�,med Willi�un T.DetwAil�r �rho i� personally known to 'me <br /> to b�. th� id�:ntical �erson �hosp namR fa affixed tc the dba�a instrum�+nt as �rantor, and he ac- <br /> knowladged said instrument to be Y�i� voluntary �xet and de�d. <br /> '�ITNESS �Y hand a,nd Notdrii�l Se�.l the dr�te lccst aforesaid. <br /> f�AZ� L.G. Shehein � <br /> Notary Public <br /> u cc�nmission ex irss on the 8th d�.y of A��.y A.D. . 1925 <br /> Y p <br /> ri ied f o r rPc o rd thi a 11 day of January 1922,at 11 0'c loc k A.B�. <br /> ��;c��. ����� <br /> Re�i�ter of De9ds <br /> -0-L-fl-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-fl-0-t7-0-0-0-fl-4-0-0-{7-fl-0-0-0-fl-�-0-t3-0-0-fl-0-0-(3-4)-4-4-4-0-0-�-0'-U-�-fl-fl-�0 <br /> �AR?�ANTY �D <br /> KKltO� ALL �iEN BY THF�SF PRESFNT£: , <br /> Th�.t CYic.rles G.Ryan,husb�.nd of gruntse, of Ha11 County,and State of N�bra,�ka in e onai.der�.ti on <br /> of the atam of One Dollar, love and affPction �.nd other good e e�n�iderr�ti one in hra,nd paid b� Evelyn <br /> A. �an,wi.fe of gr�nt or, of �i�.11 County� a21d Stc�.te of Nebr�.ska do her�by gr�nt,b�.r��►in� sell,convey �; <br /> r�nd e onfi rm U211�0 the s;�d Evelyn A. F�r�n the followj.n� described prar�:.see�s ituated in the County <br /> of H�ill a.nd St�tA of Nebruska to-wit: Z�ot Attamber One :�nd fr�ction�.i lot Nuraber Two in Biock Nwnlaer <br /> One Hundre�i and Twenty�-four of Koenig & �'Tiebe's Addition to the C�ty of Gr4nd I�lund�Nebr�.�ka, <br /> A1so a part of Lot Ntamber Sixteen of the cvUntyr sub-div# sion of the Southe�.�t Quarter° f�) of <br /> the Southv�est Quarter (u'1��j of Ssction Number Six.tApn in Township Number Eleven,�orth of Ran�;e <br /> Nine Pest,described as follo�re: Comrnencing �.t the �ve$tarly end of th�s northerl�r lin+s of r�aid <br /> fra.etionr�l I.ot T�vo in Block 124 of Koeni� & �isbe' s Additian to Gr�nd Isl�,nd, xunnin� th+s�tce <br /> c�esterly on � str�i�ht lin�,which is � prolonga,tion (v�ithout change of coursej of sa.3�i northar],y <br /> line of said fr�ctional Zot 2 for � dist�.nce of 54 feet, thsnc� turning a ri�;ht � and : <br /> southerly and parullel with the e�stprly line of saicl fr�.ctionr�l Lot 2 to th� north�rly Pnd of <br /> the line bet�epn sai.d fr�.ctional Lot 2 and fr�,ct�on€�l I,ot 3 of said Block 124 and zt,xnnffing tY�Pnce <br /> north on the line betweQn sai.c� Lot 16 dnd said fr�ctiona.l Zot 2 to the place of beginning;,end being <br /> th� premises conv�yed to said Chta.xl�s G. �ya,n: by dPnci fror� Hpttie E.Boyd�n �nd xenry D. BcydRn,hez^ <br /> husband�dated ��bruary 12, 1903 �.nd record�d in Book 35 of Deeds at pag� 286 of the records of <br /> Hd.11 C ounty,Nebr�.sk�,. <br /> Tog�ther with �11 the tenement�,hereditr�,m�nts and �purtenan¢es to the same belonging,�.nd all ' <br /> the Lst�te,Right,Ti tl�,Intsrest,Cl�im or 33emand �h�.tsoever; includin� Do�er,Curte�y and Homesteacl <br /> Ri�hts, of the said Ch�irles G.�,yan of� in� or to thQ sr�r�e, �r �sny p�.rt thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AN� TO HULD t�� above de�cri.bed premises,�vith thP �purtsnances,unto thP said �rv�lyn i <br /> A. �y�n u,nd to her Y�eirs and assigne forever. <br /> And i hereby eovPnG.nt with thQ s�.id Evelyn �►• �►z�n that I hold said �remises by good �,nd perfect ! <br /> title; tr..dt I have �occ� right and lawful atzthority to �eli �.nd cornrey thp satn�; that th�y r�re <br /> free an� cle�,r of all lians and incumbrances whb►tsosvRr. <br /> An.d I covenant to w�rrant and defend thP said prgmisps against the laxful. ci�irri� of �,Qreons <br /> �vhom s o ev e r. <br /> ,, <br /> i <br />� �i�ned this 24th da�r of D�cember.A.D. 1921. <br /> In prs��nce of <br /> R.R.Horth Chr�.rles G. Ry�n <br /> i <br /> . �: <br />._ _ ,_ „ . , <br />