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; <br /> eJ el U <br /> � �C�CC�� �°n.�CC�C�Co�[�'� � Oo o ��o <br /> L?IT CLAI� 7�EF� i <br /> K�10� ALI. A�[EN BY TI�SE PR�SE?JT�: <br /> Thut We�Wi 7.hslm Pol:iock �.r�d Theresa Pollock htzsbr�,nd �nd wife,of Gr�.nd Isl�ind,of' thg Co�nty of <br /> Hr�.l.l and St�,tP of Nebr�.ska for ths con�ider�tion of nn� Doll�r �.r�d Love and affcction hereby <br /> Quit �laim �.nd convey unto Chri.sti�n Pollock of the county� of H�.].� and St�,te of Nebr�sk�.�►11 <br /> of our ri�ht. titlP and interPst of whatsosver �nd to the followin� desari�aed R��.1 La- <br /> tate� situated in the County of H�,11 and St�te of' Atebrc..ska,to-�rit: The E�.st H�lf (E'�) of the �ort�i- <br /> east Quart+�r (NE4� of Section Tgn (1�} Township T�reive (12},North,� T�n (10)��fest of the 6th <br /> P.�. in x�ll County� ,Nsbrask�,cont�ning ei�hty �.cre� a little mor� or less. <br /> IN �IThTI�'SS '4��ERF�F.we h�ve her�eunto sst our hr�nds this 28th dtay of D�scember,A.D. 1921 <br /> Witn+�ss: ------------------•-• Wilhelm Pollock <br /> f�1.00 I.R. Str�mps j � <br /> B.J. Cunningh�m (Can�ce,�ll�d ,n,��, � Thares� Pollock <br /> St�.t� of Nebx�sk�,, � <br /> };ss. <br /> xall CQUnty" j On this 28th d�.y of December,A.D. 1321,,befor� me, the undersf�ned,a Not�ry` <br /> Public in �nd for said county�,personally came �filhelm Polloek �nd Theresa Polloek husband und wife� <br /> of Gr�nd Isiund,who dre personally known to me to be thP id�ntic�►3 gerson� whose nsm�s �re aPfix�d <br /> to ths �bove °inst�r�amQnt r�s �r�Gntors dnd th�y sever�lly �cknowledgeci thp ex����it�on of said instru- <br /> m.ent to be their volunt�.ry a,et r�nd deed. . <br /> Witnesa my h�nd and Not�rir,�l 5��.1, the date aforesaid. <br /> � (�FAI,) �3en,j cJ.Cun nin�ham <br /> Not�,ry Public. <br /> My Commf ssi on �x�ires Au�ust 5 th, 1923 <br /> , <br /> Biled for record this 3 dyy of Jdnu€cry 192���.� 1: 3G o' cTock P.�. <br /> ��� � <br /> Re�;ister of 'De� eds����"�..«. <br /> -o•a-o+a�o-o-o-e-a-e-a-o-Q-o-c�-o-Q-o-o�e-o-Q-o-Q-o-o-e-o-Q-a-Q-o-e-a-o-a-o-Q-o=o-a-o-Q-o-Q-Q-o-o- <br /> �ARRAI`1TY �ED. • <br /> �...�:.- _ <br /> KNOW ALI, A�EN BY THFSE PRL�SEI�T£� THAT �i11i�m ��gBe•�7r. ,sin�;le, of the County of xall �nd the St�.te <br /> of Nebr�:ska, for the considerr�tion of T�vo xundred Doilars (�200} in h�,nd pai.d by Willi.r�,m Th�.ven�'� <br /> of s�id County �.nd State,do hereby gr�nt,b�.rgai.n,s�ll z�nd eonvey unto William Th�venet of"'the ' <br /> eounty of Ha.l.l and the State of Nebr�.ska the following real esta,te situatcd in th� s�.id County <br /> �nd Stat�,to-�rit: Beginning at the originra.l Foint of stor�e `known a.s° the° nort�iwe�t �cb�ner of"tha <br /> southv�e$t �tzarter of Section 27;Township 11 �Torth,Rar�e 9 west of Sixth Princfpal �[ertdir�n and <br /> mer�surita� 851 feet E�st on s�.id qu�rt�r section IinP to �point on° said iin�; thence• in a n�xth�r�.y <br /> �� <br /> dir�ction a�t an angle to th� left of 91 de�r��s 16 minutes and twenty sgeonds;and �par�.11el. to n��th <br /> and � outh section iines between aections 27 and 28, for a diat�nce of 490 faet to ar� 3ror. �'ipe. <br /> S€�id Iron Pipe being the�l�ee on pb�nt �f� beginning of° s�id Th�.venet ice Pond. <br /> /- <br /> From said Iron Pipe �.nd eontinuin� s�.id li�.e in r� n.artharl� dirpction �for �. di$t�nee of 391.� <br /> feet to �n Iron Pipe,thence turni� at an r�n�le to the ri�;ht of 62 de�ree$ �nd 54 minutes for a. <br /> distance of 525. 3 fpet to an Iran Pipe, 7.oc�.ted on the forty �.cr� line, tk�ence at �,n �.ngle of 63 <br /> de�rees 7 minute�s �.nd 30 sec onds to thp left and on ���.d forty �crg line,�nd i�n � nort�er].�r ' dir- <br /> action for �. distance of 188. ry5 fPet to �r! Iron Yipe.and on said forty ��cr� line; th�nee $t- an <br /> �.ngle to thP right of 90 de�rees 40 minutes �nd 30 seconda for � dfsta.nce of 5�'8. 3 feet iM �.n <br />� e�.sterly dirPation to an Iron Yipe; thence �t �n �n�l� to the xight of 89 degreea �.nd Z9 minutes! <br />; <br /> �.nd 30 �e�c onds in a s�utherly df r?ction for �. dist�.nce of 275. '� feet t o an Iron Pipe d�iven <br /> on thP south hank of the South Channel, said Iron Pipe bein� dri�r,en about six inchea on the nortl� <br /> �ide of the wir�s fenc� on the e �uth b�.nk of th� +� outh ChanneY,said wire fenc� being s�� in r�aco�d- <br /> ,, <br /> ance wi t h the Baldwin Survey in the y�ar 1908,dividin� the Thavene� and thp Turner 1and�; th�nce <br /> Prom s�.id Iron PiFe,followin� the sinuositiPs of the said South Ch�,nnel,uF stres,�� and °me�snring <br /> alon� wire fence for r� ciistance of 743.8 fPet to an Iron Pin, on said fort�r �,�re line. <br /> _ . <br /> , . „ ____. <br />