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� <br />,�594 <br />; <br /> DC�C�� G��C�C�Co�C�C�� � OO ❑ ��n <br /> i <br /> : <br /> a'AR�ANTY T1EF.0 . <br /> . <br /> KTJ Ot�► AL L A1'�+'1'? BY THF C�!, Q?�F',��"`�T r: <br /> T:��t �ndrPw Je4��n and ThPima �T�SS91'�,husban�i anri wife� of Howa,rd County �,n.d Statm vf 14ebra.aka <br /> in e onsidAr�,ti on of th� sum of f�ne Doll�r and othPr v�luabl� c onsid�r�ti on Doliars;i.n hand paid <br /> by Sadie P�t�r�on of �ood'c�ury Coun'ty and St�.tA of Iow�, �io h�r�:by �ZZ �t�� �p?NEq unto the s�,id � <br /> uadiA Pet�rson the followin�; dPscr:bed y�rPmises t�itu�tAd in the County of H�,li an� Stat>> of N�b- <br /> raska to-wit: The T`iJI'theast Qu�.rtpr (NE�y of S�ction Two (2) , and thP East Ha.lf (E�) of the NortYi- <br /> s <br /> �►est QuartAr (NW4) uf Section Two {2), in Townshi.p Tvrelve (12),Rr�nge Tvrelve� <br /> And the s�.id gr�nt or� hereby� c av Pr��.nt �vith thp said gr�.ntee that thpy hold said �remj s�:� b�� <br /> �ood and pprfect titl�; that th?y h4ve �ood rf�ht �.nd lawful author3 ty to �e11 �.nd cornr�y th� ; <br /> II <br />; that thRy �.rp frc�e und ciPar of �11 li�n� �,nd incu�►br�,nces wh�atsoe4Pr, pxeRpt moxtgagp of <br /> �250G�which gr�.ntse �ssum�� �.nd agrAPa to �_:jay. <br /> And they cavPn�.nt to ��r��ANT A1�� n�'FEN� the titl� to the s�.id pr�mises �igr�inst the lawftzl <br /> claims of �11 ��erson.s ���ho��:soever <br /> Rnd thp sai.d Thelrn� JessPn hereby r�►linquish�es �,11 contin�ent ri�;hts, including all her ri�ht ' <br /> of dower.homPste�+d or distributive share in and to the 400ee described premises. <br /> �i�ned the 23rd d�y of Aecember A. D. 1�21 <br /> Inth� presence of _.........._..____------...... <br /> (�4.5 0 I. R. St rxmp s } <br /> Roy G.Appel (Cancelled �, _ _� '__ �� AndreW Jeseen . <br /> � T`he lma �Tes�en <br /> State of �ebx�,sk�► ) . <br /> } s s. <br /> �£owurd Gour.ty' „ � On this ?.3}d d�g° e:f ��a�mber,l�.�. T9�1,b�fore m,� th�_ ti�nd�r�i.���d �3oy �,.�i <br /> �.�i�peZ-a�Not�,ry. Pt�b2� c ,du1�� c cmmf$si or��d an�. qu�.lif�pd ;for �.r�d ,r�t�idir�, ir.-.a�.id x CQ,unt�,pA�s c���:ly <br /> �uxre'�r.dr�t� Jgs��n- �.zx� Th�+lm� :Tes�en,��usb�.nd ��;�.' ��f�. ta mi��l�n.own= �o be�. t�.���id�n�ic�..l. per�sor�s _ " . - ' <br /> �r�ro�� r�rps �xP- �.ffixed to �the: for��o�.i-� ..��st�w�.�n� �s gr�ntors :�.nd ae�������+�d th�_ e�n� to :b�:. <br /> tnei x v�3urt:�ry � �.et u.n� !�n�d. . . _ {' <br /> 1�'itness m3T h�.nd �nd Not�,ra�i Se�l the d�y �nd yPar l�st above written. ; <br /> (�F�� Poy G.Appel <br />' Not�ry Public <br /> �y com�r�ission ex�ires the 20th day of October,1923• � <br /> Tiled f or rec crd this 23 ddy of Decemb�r 1921,�,t 4:20 0'clock p.M. <br /> _-.���-�� � �� -_ . <br /> �`�' �-----� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -o-o-e-o-oyQ-e-o-o-e-e-o-e-�-e-e-o-�-�-e-e-�-e-e-�-a-c;-o-e-�-Q-e-�-o-o-e-Q-o-o-o-o-Q-Q-o-a-o-e-d- <br /> sz3��zr�� s ��n <br /> KNO� ALL I�EN �iY TF3E SE PRESFNT�: <br /> Thdt Wher�asain u.n action in ths District Court of the e2�venth Judicfal District of Nebr�.sk$, <br /> wi thin u.nd for H�.11 Ccunty�,wherPin Earl O.l�orrfe w�s glaintiff, and Wiiliwn Fei�ke;Rr�.ty F�lske, �' <br /> E.P.Gaines�Gu�.rd��,n of the gStutP of 1llilli€�m Felske ins�.ne,rind Theodore Mo1l, sued as John Doe, rq►al <br />' name unkn�wn,wsx� defends�nts, it w�,8 by s�.id court at the June Term thereof,A. D. ?p20� to-�iti �r� �;he <br /> 22nd day of OctobQr� 1�2G.c onsidgred;ad judgsd and d�creed that in dPfwult of the p�.ymPnt to the �; <br /> ClPrk of the Distri.ct Court of thp costs of sdid a,etion�c+.nd to Edrl 0�Morrie,pl�.intiff� th� sun ; <br /> cf �6633•52 with intprest thereon �.t thp rate of 1�� per a.nnwn from the date thereof,wfth�.n tv�er�ty <br /> da.y� from the date of such �iud�men� �n.d decree. th�.t the equity of rQdemption of- each and all of ;! <br /> � <br /> s�.id defendanta in and tv thP 1p.nds �,nd tenem�nts herein�.ft�r deecribed bp for?clo��d and forPva�r <br /> 'oaxr�:d,and that thP Sheriff of said :Ia.Zl County� caus� the ldnds �cnd t�n�mente herAinafter dea- <br /> cribed to be �.dvprtised �,nd sold aceordir�ly to law;and wher��.s th� a�,id def�sr.dants havin.� mad� ; � <br /> d?f�.ult th�rein, John E.�cCutcl�n,�.s sh�rj.ff cf s�.ici ecunt���undPr and by virtu+� of thA order ;, <br /> r <br /> of �t�ici c ou rt t o him di rec t Pd,d�d, on t hA 23rd dd;� of November,A. D. 1921�at th e mai n do or� of thA l; <br /> cQUrt house in the City of Grand Isl�.nd, in sai.d county of Hd;l.i� (the s�me bein� thA plaee whereir� <br /> , _ , �; . <br /> il . <br />