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5q�.�� <br /> �� �� �0� ���9 �1c�[���� [��o <br /> QU�� C�z� ��D <br /> THIS IN:f�E?�TUR�,�ade this 17th day of Septemb�r,,ii� the year one thousand nine hundrPd �nd twenty <br /> : one bet�reen Hgnry B.Balmat,and �da='y A.B�,1mat.Husband a.nd Wife� of the first part;Joseph V.Balmat <br /> n <br /> of the sec ond part, <br /> � WITNLS.�FTH. th�,t thp said parties of the first part,in c onsideratf on of the eum of One & Ato/140 <br /> ! Dollar� to th� duly �aid� the rec�sipt wher�of is hereby acknowledged have remised� rPleased and <br /> ; quit-c��.imed�and by thgse presants do, for themselve� h�ir�,executors dnd adminietr�.tors. r�mise <br /> ' relaase and foreve�r quit-clr�im �nd convey unto the said party of the second part,r�n3 to hia <br /> ' heira �nd a.ssi�ns forever.all their right. titlP. intsrgst� est�.te el.�im and demz3.nd.both wt law and <br /> ; <br /> �in equity�of,in and to all Lot ntamb�►rQd four (4j in block numbgred twenty (20) in the criginal <br /> town of Aldd,Nebr�ska..accordin� to the recorded plat thereof. <br /> TogethEr �vith dll �,nd singul�.r the hereditaxnents thereunto belon�ing. <br /> , TO HAVE AT1D TO HOLD the above described premis�s unto the s�id Jossph V.Balmat his heira �.nd <br /> - dsaigns; s� thdt n�ither the Gr�.ntoxs or aniy per$on in thei r n�nme �nd behalP�sh�].l or will <br /> ; Y�ereafter cl�.im or dgina,nd ar�y ri�ht or title to the said premises or any p�rt thereof,but they <br /> and every on� of thAm shall by these presenta be excludRd and f�rpver b�.rred. <br /> IN �'lITNESS �;'IH�R.��'� the $r�ad parties of thp first pdrt have her�znto $et their hdnds rr�nnd seal i <br /> t he day u nd y Aa� aboQ e .�vri t t�n. <br /> Signed,se�ilgd �rrxd deli.vered in �ressnce of � <br /> A. ll�ulters i <br /> He nry B.F.+�1ma�t � <br /> � Mary Ann Balmat <br /> ` Statg of Wyo j <br /> ; ) �s. , <br /> ! Sweetwuter CountY ) � ' <br /> ' ' On this 21 duy of Sep,A• D. 1921,be�ore me� thg undersigned Her.ry B.� _Y <br /> ' 8c �ry hnn B�lrnat u Not�ry Pub]tic.duly c.:om.nission�d and qualified for �nd residing in said count <br /> % personally came to me known to b� the identical person whosP-�nume is a,ffiaed to the foregoing <br /> � i <br /> ' instrumPnt �.s grantor and acknowlgdged the ar-ame to be voluntwry act �nd deed. ; <br /> WitnPss m�y h�.nd und Not�,ri�,l Spul thp da,y �nd yPar last above written. <br /> (SF.AZ) A.�►�1 t e rs <br /> Not�.ry_ Public. <br /> � �y cts�mmission expirss the ?1 driy of Spp, 1921 <br /> Fil�d for r�coxd this 15 d�y of Dscsir�'opr 1921,at 9 o' clock A.3i. I <br /> �=c�� <br /> Regi$ter of Deeds <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-C-G-(7-U-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> ; �UI T CI,AI�d. 1�ED <br />� ': THIS ItJ�F]�TURF,�de this 17th cl�y of September,in the ysdr one thou$and nine hundred and Twenty <br /> i onR b�tw�en Stella M. C�unpbell dnd �T. Fr�nk Campbell,Wife �.nd Hus'bra,nd of the fir�t part,and Joseph <br />� �� V.B;�lma.t of the second ,p�rt, � <br /> ; ; <br /> { �'ITNFSS�TH, that the sa�id ��.rties of the first p�,.rt,in consider�.tion of the sum of One & No/100 <br /> ' Dollars t 3 thean dtaly ��uid, the r�cgiPt wher�of is he reby acknowledged have remissd� rele�xsed and <br />' c�uit-cla.imed��nd by these pressnts do.for themselves heirs� �xe:.utors a.nd administratcra�rsmi�se, <br /> rele�se and forever quit-claim �.nd conqey unto the sr�id pa,rty of the second p�,.rt,and to his hei <br /> wnd aesigns forPver,dll their ri�ht� title. interest, �stat? claim and dsmand�both �.t law �.nd in <br /> equity, of. in and to all Lot numbered four (4) in block nwnbered twsnty (20) in the orjgin�,l ta�n <br /> ; of g1d�,Nebrwska,according to tne recorded plat thereof. <br /> � Together with wll �.nd singular the herc�ditc.�nents therpunto belonging. '' <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the db ovP desc ri�ACi prerr�ise9 unto the said Jos eph Y.�a.lmat hi s heirs �.nd <br /> ' assigns; so tna�t nsither the s�id grantors or �ny p�rson in tneir name �.nd behalf,sY�11 or will <br /> L_.�.__ , __ — <br />