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5�9� <br /> ��oa c�o� ���g ��a �����o <br /> � NQ�!',TF�R�F�RE� I Charl�s E.Grundy,R�sf�rpe,in consi3�►ration of thP premisee �.nd the sum of 'f <br /> ; � <br /> Three Hundred Ei.ghty-Fi�e r�nd No/100 ($385. 00� Dollars so bid by the said Carl BMickrehm�and f <br /> l <br /> � virt of t o P A �` <br /> ue he w�rs vested in me b la�► do b th..�e resents r�nt sell and conv to t i <br /> e he sa <br /> I� Y , 3' P .6 , Y j � <br /> , Carl KnickreY�m and to his heirs �+.nd re�.l estate described as followe: - <br /> ' I.ots Seven (7) and Eight (8}.in Block S�vent��-Four (74) .in llheeler and B•�nnett's Third I <br /> ' Addition to the City �f Gr�.nd Is1�nd.FIa11 Count3i,14�br�ska,r�s surveyed�platted a,nd record�d � <br /> 1� <br /> � <br /> with �.11 th� appurtena,nces thereta b� hr�ve �.nd to hold thP same to him, the �aid Carl �i <br /> � <br /> �nickr�hm�and to his heirs dnd rsssigns for�sv�r. !� <br /> IN t�tITTT�SS �HEI�EOF� I have hereunto set � hand thi� 12th d�y o�; Deeember,A.D. 1921. '� <br /> I <br /> l�itness: ------------------- I <br /> , <br /> (�.50 I. R. Stra,mpe } Charles E.Grundy � <br /> G.�i.�dor.s on (C�g,,,,ncell�,d ��.�_.� Referse � <br /> Stat e of Nebr�.�k� ) <br /> � ss <br /> C ounty o f Ha�l l ) <br /> On thi$ 12th day of December�A. D. 1921,before the under-ejgned�persondllyi, <br /> n <br /> appe�red Ch�,rles E.Grundy�Referee,in the case rvherein Alfred Wendt �nd Esther Wendt,huaband � <br /> � <br /> �.nd wife,�rer�: plaintiffs�and Au�ust tl�endt et �,ls,were d�fendr� me known to b� thp idAntica1 <br /> { <br /> person whose n�rne is subscribed to the foregoing ir.etrumPnt and h� acl�owledged the execution i <br /> thereof to be his voluntr�ry act and deed for th�s purpose� therein expressed. �� <br /> � <br /> l�itness my hand a.nd se�l the d�.y and year last abov�� written. I <br /> �� <br /> (SEAL} �dw�rd F.H�.nnon �+ <br /> Nctary Public � <br /> i <br />� I�y c ommi s si on exp i res Sep t. 14� 1927 <br /> . <br /> �'i led f or rec ord thie 12 dt�y of December 1921,�t 3 0'e lock P.M. i� <br /> ������� ����� i <br /> gieter of Deeds <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-4-Q-0-0-Q-Q-Q-Q-Q-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-C�-C�-Q-0-0-Q-0-0-4-0-0-Q-0-C�-4-(?-0-0-0-Q- <br /> �ARRANTY IYEED-CORP(3R�TION � <br /> THI S INT�A"TTTTJR''', r.'��ade thi s 24th day of Bd�.y�A. D. , 1920, between the Alda St�,te Bank of A1cks,Nebraska, I <br /> a corpor�.tion orga,nized and existing under and by virtue of the lawa of th�e State of Nebrdsk�. <br /> I party of the first part,dnd the Farmers 5tate B�.nk of A1dxa..Nebrdsk�,�a corporation,pf the County <br /> , of H�11, and State of Nebr�.ska,ga.rty of the second part, ,) <br /> � <br /> ! WITNFS�ETH.2h�t the saic� party of the firat ��rt,for �.nd in c onsi3arati on of the sum of One <br /> � � <br /> ' und no/100 (�vl. pG) Dollars in hdnd p�id� receipt whereof is hereby �,.cknawledged�has sold �.nd by <br /> ' �hese }�resents does grant, cor�vey and confirm unto thP said party of the second pa.rt,the followi <br /> described premises,si tuated in Ald�.� in Hall County,dnd State of Nebraeka� to-wit: All of the <br /> ! West t�►enty two ft of Lot Block Number 19 in the Village of A1da�Hrsi1 County ,Nebrdska�as <br /> �� surveyed�pl�tt�d dr� reeorded. <br /> ; T4 HAV� AND TO HOLD the premises above de$cribed,Logeth�r with �li th� Tenements,Hereditszr.ent <br /> ; <br /> ` �.nd Appurten�ncss thereunt o belon�ing unt o the s�i d Fz�rmers St�te �a.nk of Ald�,Nebraska,a c or- <br /> I por�.tion. I <br /> And the e�.id Al�iu State B�,nk of Alda,Nebraska,a corpor�tion.for itself or its suceessors,�do <br /> fhereby covena,nt and agree to �.nd with ths said party of the second part �.nd its heira �.nd assi�n . <br /> i <br /> � tha.t at the time of ths execution r�nd delivery of these presenta it is lawfully seized of sr�id <br /> ' premises; thut it has good right and ldwful authori'ty to convey the same; that they drg free from <br /> j encumbr�.nce and the Alda St�.te Bank of Alda�Nebr�.ska�a c orporz►ti on. does hereby cov eru�nt to a8r t <br /> , and defend thp s�.id �;remises r�g�fnst thP lawful claims of all persans whomsoever. <br /> i <br /> IN WIT�TFS� �"'HFR�OF� the said Aldr3 State �ank of Ald�.�Nebruska.�a c orpoxati on,h�e hereunto cause <br /> � <br /> ` its corpor�.te se�,l to be affixed and these presents to be si�M�d b3� ;ts Fresident,the dt�,y and <br /> ; �ear �'�rst �bvve writtAn. <br /> Sigt�ed,$�iled �nd deliver9d in presence of The Alda State B� <br /> (CORP) By C.A.Ellis Pres. <br /> Ben,j. J'.Cun nin�hx�m (S�uAL) �',►'I+.Kelly C�shier <br /> � . . <br />