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� <br /> � <br /> ��V <br /> � <br /> me �s Referee to execute to thp said Jon�,s Lor�nce,_a deed conveying the sa3d r�al estate to hin ��i <br /> fge s3mpls ' <br /> Now,Therefore,I,Ch�irl�e E.Grundy�Referea,in considerution of th� premises and the sum of'e <br /> Hundred Seventy Fi.v� and No/100 {$�1275.00} Loll�crsasv bid by thp s�id Jon�,s I,or�nce,�nd virtue o;� <br /> ; <br /> th? powers v�st�d in me by by thgse pr�s�n�rh ell �nd conv�y to the s$id Jon�.s Lor�nc� , <br /> �nd to his hpirs and ds$igrs.the re�.l described �s follows: - <br /> FRACTI�NAL �,OT FTV� (�) ANn �EST�RZ,Y THIRT`EEN AND TWO/TENTHS {1�• 2� �T OF FRACTIONAL I�OT F�![7R <br /> �?�} ,in Block Seven (7}, of Ev�n' s Addition to the City- of Grdnd Isl�.nd,Nebr�.ska;�,nd it$ Com�l�r�e�n:�t , <br /> Fr�.cti onal I,ot Four (4�a in P�1oek SixtRen (16), in �ambert' s Additi on to the Ci ty of �rs�nd Iel$.nd� <br /> Hall Count3��NPbr�ska��s $urve�ed,pl�tted�and r�corded�with ali the appurtsn�.nces th�rRto bglon�i�g, <br /> to hav� �nd to hold tne s�un� to him� thp eaid Jon�.s I,oranca,and to his h�ix� �nd r�signs forever. <br /> IN �"ITNF'SS PI�RFOF, � h�.ve h�rAunto set �,y h�nd this 12th day of Decemb+*r�A.D. 1921. <br /> �Vi�cress: � <br /> _____-��_------------ <br /> (�1.50 I. R. St�mp$ j Charles E.Grundy <br /> G.YI.l�mnson f Cr�ncelled ? Referee ' <br /> �_.�......_,r�....� <br />� State of Neb�rask�, ) <br /> � ; ss. <br /> T 1 <br /> P <br /> Count3 of H�11 j On this 12th doy of Decemb..r.A.D. _9�l,before me thp undersigned,personal'Zy <br /> dppe�red Ch�.rles E.Grnnd�r�R�feree,in the cz�s� therein Alfred Wendt �nd Esther �Pndt�huaband �nd , <br /> wife�wer� pl.a.intiffs,�.nd kugust W�.ndt �t a�,Ie,wer� d�fend�nts,tQ: me known to be thA id�ntjca.l p�r- <br /> �con whose name i� subscribed t� thP for�going in�trum�nt.�,nd he acknowled�Pd the exe�utior2 there�af <br /> to bP his voluntr�ry act �.n.d dee� for th� purpo��s therein expressed. <br /> �itnPss m,y h�.nd �nd sp�l the ddy and year lr�st ts�ove writt�n. ' <br /> (�FAI,) Edward F.H�.nnon <br /> Not�.ry Public <br /> A�y Commi�siori ex�ires Se�,t 14, 192? ' <br /> Fi l�d f or r�c ord this 12 day �f December 1921,at 2:45 0' ciock p.�. � <br /> �,���a� � <br /> -�----------_ -���,==�-._s,�...-s--«_ <br /> Regist�r of Deeds <br /> -o-c-e-e-o-o-e-o-e-o-o-o-e-o-o-�-Q-o-Q-o-Q-e-�-e-e-a-e-o-o-o-o-o�o-e-e-�o-o-o-o-o-Q-e-�-o-o-e-o-Q�� <br /> RFFEREF'� I�FED <br /> ��..�. <br /> KNO� ALL �'EN BY TH�SF PRFS�TS: Th�,t,wherP�s�in dn s►�tion or pdrtftion ppMding in t�hm District <br /> Court of Ha11 County,Nebraska,Wherein,Alfr�d �endt �nd Esther �endt,husb�.nd a,nd wife.arP pl�.inti�'.f's, <br /> �.nd Augu�t V7�endt �t �.l�,t�re defendants for thA partition of the premises her�inaft�r dsscrf.bed. <br /> the undersi�ned,RefereP,�.ppointed by th? �aid Court to m�ke partition of said rsr�l e�tat�,mad� a', <br /> report in writing �duly si�n�d, s�tti� forth that partition of saici re�l estate cculd not be ��.de, <br /> without �rea,t pre�judic� to thk: �wners therpof,which r�port w�s dul� e�ra.mined by thP $riid Corart,�d <br /> thP said Court bein� sati sfi�d therPrvith�c onf irrcied the s�ne �.nd thereupon mr�de �n ord�r �.nd e�.us�ed <br /> th�: same to be entexed�directing s�,id Referee, to sell s�id pr�mises, on th� following terms; <br /> to-�rit: thr�t a�id pr�r�is�s b� sold to th� hi�;h�st bidder for cash. <br /> ��D in pursurznce of s�.id order� I cz�ussd a notice to be publ��.shed in the Anzei�er-�ie:old,�. le��l <br /> ;: <br /> nPw$pu.per printed and publish?d in �r�nd Island� Nebrusk�.,dnd in �enera.l circuldtion 1.n H�11 Coun�y� <br /> Nebruska,tha,t I would offPr sdid r�al e�tats f or sale c.t thP front �.nd main door of th� Court �; <br /> Hous� in Gr�nd Island, on Saturday,the First day of October,A.D. 1321 at 1: 30 F.�+C. of sai d day,r�nd `;' <br /> �t th� time and pl�,ce st�.tmci in said notice,�nd a.fter the said notice had beAn published for mori� <br /> than thirty days,I offergd said rAai est�.tQ. to-vrit: , <br /> Lots Sever� (7 j .�nd Ei�ht (8 ),in Block Seventy-Four (74�.in IR�heeler �d Bennett' � ?hird A:�diti i�n � <br /> tc tho Ci.t3� of Grund Ial�.nd,�iall County,Nebr�.skr�.as sur�teyed,plz�tted and r�corded,for s$le at pu�D- <br /> , <br /> lic auctian �nd sold the s�une to C�:rl Knickrehm for thQ su� of Three Hundred Eight-�ive �ind No/1�p0 <br /> f�385. 00) Do114rs�he bPing thQ highest bidder therefor,�nd �ft�rw�,rda on the 25th day of Novembe� <br /> A. D. 19�1 $aid Court approved and confiimed sa,id s�.le and by order dir�sct�d me ss R�Peree to exec�it� <br /> to thP sr�,i.d Carl KnickreYun�a deed eonvAyfng the said r�al estr�te to him �.n fee simple. �! <br /> �� <br /> �; <br /> � <br />�. . �; <br />