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� <br /> ��g� <br /> agr�A t o and with the said p�.xty of thP sec ond part a.nd his hei rs �.nd assi�ns, that at the time <br /> i <br /> of the ea�cution and dPl3very of these �resent$ 3t i� la�afully s+sized of said pr�smises; that it <br /> ?�is �ood right dnd lawful �.uthority to convey the sam�; th,�t th�y are free from Ancumbr2�nce a.nd <br /> doPs hereby cov«�nant to WaxTarit and defend ��id prPmises �cgainst the lawful cl�.ims of all �er�ent� ' <br /> !�homs o�ve�r. <br /> IN �.'ITNES� �'"FiER.�OF.the s�.i.d Gr�.nd Ial�.nd Zand Compar� h�s herpunto eaueed its corpora.te seal <br /> t o b� af fixed and t.�ese p resent s t o be signed by its Pres id ent the day r�n� y e�r fi rst abov s �ri t!GPn. <br /> Si�ned, sealed and d�3ivpr�d in pr�ssencP of <br /> Dale i'. St ough (CORP} GRAI'7� ISLAND LAND COMnATtX <br /> t sFtiL) <br /> �y B�y�.rd �i.P;;.i n e <br /> -------------------- Presidpnt <br /> f�1.flf3 I.R. �t�mps � <br /> (Cdncelled } <br /> State of Nebr�►s�a � <br /> � 89. <br /> Hall County } On tY�is 3rd d�iy of December, 1921 beforP m��th� undprsigned Mot�.ry Public,� <br /> in and for e�id County,�erson�.l � came 13uy�.rd H.P�in�,Prs$ident of the Gr�.nd Isl�nd, I.and Comp�ny <br /> to me person�zlly known to bP the Pr�si�er_t and th� identical p�rson whose nr�sn�* is affixed to the <br /> �.bov� c onveyar�ce��nd acknowledged thA �xecution th�r?of to b� his voluntary and de�:d as �ueh <br /> offic�r and the voluntar� act and deed of the ��id Grand Isl�nd Lr�nd Com��,ny��.nd that' the CvrporJ�t� <br /> sedl of th�: Gr�.nd Isl.wnd Land Go��any was th�srPta �,ffixed by its autharity. <br /> �Yitnes my:. h�.nd �.nd �fficial Seal at Grand IsZ�.nd Nebr. in said Coun�y the day und yAar last <br /> abon�s written. <br /> (SEAI.) D�.1� P. St tiugh <br /> T�otr�r,q Publi c. , <br /> �y commission expires the 17 dr�y of �dr�rch� 1926. <br /> ril�d f or r�c ord thi s 10 day o f Decemb�sr 1921,at 4 0' c loek P.�. <br /> Ul�� �-��- <br /> � <br /> Register of Degds <br /> - - - �► - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-n-Q-0-0-0-0-0- - - - - - i- <br /> 4 0 fl 0 4 0 0 (3 0 0-fl 0 Q 0-0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 C3-0 0-0-0-0-�-0 0 0 0 <br /> R�FERI�E' S DEED <br /> KN04! AI,L 1`�N BY THESF �"�:�r?�ITS: That�wherPas, in �.n r�cti.on or �artition �ez�ding in the J3istrict <br /> Couxt of H�.11 County,tdpbr�.skd,whPrpin Alfr�d �endt �,nd Esther �9enclt,husb�snd dnd wife,arg pl�int�ffs, <br /> �d August Wenc�t, Pt �l�,are def�ndant� . for the p�.rLition of the premis�:s herein�.fteT descrfbed, <br /> th�s undersigned�RsfRre��ap�ointed by thP s�.id �ourt to make pr�rtition of said re�l `astat�.made <br /> r�►port jn writing. dul;� signr�d� �pttin� r"arth that �artition of $ai.d � re�l est�t+� c oald not b� mad� <br /> �:.t�out �r�dt prA,judicQ to thP ovvners ther�of,whi �h xw�ort wds duly exa.�inRd b57 the sa.i:-ii Court�and <br /> the s�.id Gourt bein� ��,tisfipd ther�v�ith,confirmed th� s�.me �+,nd ther�-u�;�on made an order� �.nd es��sed <br /> thA samP to be ertered,dirPctin�, me� Cl$ ,��i.l.i� R�.,°�P�'PA to sell the s�,id �remis�s� on thP Pollowing <br /> tQrms�to-wit: thd.t s�id premises be sold to the highest bidder for cash. <br /> �nd in pursur�nce of said order,I edused a notice to be publis�ied in the An2eig�r-Iierold.a !' <br />� le�al weekly newspaper printpd and pubiished in Gr�.nd Isldnd.Ha11 County�Nebrr�ska,and in �enera� <br /> circul�tion in Ha11 County�Nebrask�.� that I would off�r ar�id real est�t� for sale at the front <br /> and door of the Court House in the City of Gr�.nd Isl�xnd, on S�turdr�y,th�! Fi rst d�y of Octobd�r <br /> �i.D. 1921 at 1: 3p o'clock P.�. of said d�.y�dnd t�t tiY�p t12TlP and pl�a.ce stated i.n ��id notice,a.nd af�er <br /> notice Y�d been published for more t�i�n thirty daya .I offerQd s�,id r�al estate,to-rrit: <br /> I,ots One (1} �Two (2),Thre� (3},and Four (4},in Block Two (2}, of I,ambert' s Addi.tion' to the C3.�y <br /> of Gra.nd Isldnd.Ha11 County�Nebrask�, as surveyed,platt�d and rscorded. <br /> fcr s�le �t publi.c auction and sold thP s�rr.e to Jonas Lor�,nce for �thg sum qf �ine Iiundred Eightyt <br /> and No/lOC (�580•OG} Doll.�.rs.he being the high�est bidder therPPor,an� �fterw�.rd�s �n thp 26 th dr�� <br /> of Novem�ber�A.D. 3321 said Court �,�proved •�nd confirmed sai.d eal.e�and by order dir�cted me �.s <br /> RefPres to execute to the said .Ton�.s Lor�.nce�u deed conveying the s�id real estate to hi� in <br /> feP simple• <br /> . _ fi <br />