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� . - ___ _ <br /> 5���: <br /> �� oa �oa ���9 � ����� ��o <br /> court house in the City of Grand Island� in said County of H�x1Z, (the same beinC the place where- <br /> fn the District Court wa,s last held in s�.id County},having first given due a�d legal �tice of <br /> the tim�s �snd pla�ce of said sale, for not less th�n thirty dr�ys prior the G�rid Island+j ° <br /> I <br /> Independent,d leg�xl newspaper printcd and in generai c irculation in esid County of Hall,aall th <br /> sr�id pr�misgs at public �.uctior� to Yartha Mo�ller Yeinecke ( she being t2^.e highast and best i <br /> � bi�d;ier therefor) for the sum of On�s thousand r�nd no /100 ($1000.40) Dollars,Which sale w�.s afte - <br /> ; <br /> ev�,rds at the Juns Te rm of $ai d Court,A,D. 1921 examined r�nd c onf i rmed,and the aaid ,John E.�te- i <br /> Cutcha.n,ae �heriff oP said County,w�s order�d to e��cute ,a deed of 'said 'premi�ea to the aaid Mt�� - <br /> tha Moslisr Yeinecke � ' �I <br /> I <br /> NO�,TI�R�FORE.I,xh� $aid Sohn E.3� Sheriff of Hali County�Nebr� purs�$nce ' <br /> � <br /> of the ord�r o f s�id Court, �,s af orssaid,in c onaiderati on of th�s �remises,and by vi rtue of the �; <br /> i <br /> power� in me vgsted by� ldw�do hereby gi�e,g=rr�nt,and convey unto the �aid M�rtha I�oeller Meineck�� <br /> her heir�,administr�,tor�a and �,e pramises sold �►s ��o�cesaid, t�o-wft: All of Lot Four (4)�'( <br /> . �! <br /> in bloc�C twelve ( 12j of the Bonrji�s Brag Addition to the City of Grand Ieland�Nebr�$ka with all�i <br /> ► - <br /> and sin�ul�,r th� a�?purt�nances thereunto belon�ing� to havs a.nd to hold unto hsr the said Yarthb►i <br /> �doell�r �ein�cke her h�irs,�,dministrr�tors u,nd a$signs forever. j� <br /> II <br /> IR �tITNESS`W�REOF. I have.a$ such Sheriff of Hall County,N�brask�,her�sunto s�st my hand this �� <br /> 16th d�y of November A.D. 1921 � �I <br /> ;, <br /> Executed and Delivgred in Presence of • • � <br /> . ! <br /> N�1ter H.:��,uart _________________ John E.McCutcha,n ! <br /> � <br /> � �l.OQ Z.R. ) - �i <br /> �[�srtha Suess ( St�p } Sheriff of, Hall Cot�nty. �� <br /> ( Ca,ncell�d j � <br /> The State of Nebraslca, j : 1� <br /> } ss. {� <br />� �Iall County. j �) <br /> On this 16th day of Nov�mber A. D. i921�before me lYr�lter H.R�.uert � <br /> , Cl�rk of tY�s Dis�rict Ccurt^�lected and qu�.lifi�d for sai.d Count�� ,personally appear�sd �Tohn F. � <br /> �cCatch�,n,Sheriff of said County� to me�nown to be the i.dentica,l peraon described in $nd who <br /> exgcuted the forP�oing in�trum�:nt as grantor, and acknowledgad �aid instrwnent to be his volun- i <br /> . <br /> tary �.Ct r�nd dead as such Sheriff. <br /> IN' WITI�FSS '�RFOF, I havp hereunto set my ha.nd and official se�l at Grand I$land.Nebraaka�, � <br /> I <br /> in said County, the day and year last above xritten. � <br /> � I <br /> (�Ay) W�lter H.R�vgrt ( <br /> Cler�s of the Di strict <br /> ' Caurt ( <br /> Filed for record this 10 day of December 1�21.�.t 3 otclock P.Y. � <br /> • (����G�� �-��_��y <br /> - Rpgister of Da�sds <br /> -�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-4-0-0-fl-0-fl-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0- <br /> �ARRANTY D�ED-CORPORATION � <br /> THIS INDEIVTURF��dde this 3rd day of December�A.D. 1921,b�tween Qrand Island I,and ComF�ny a cor- <br /> poration orga,niaPd �nd C�i�ting ander a.nd by virtu�s of the l�,ws of the State oY l�ebra.ska party <br /> of the fi rst p art,and H�nry �.Koehl�sr of the County of Hall� and State of NebrGska�party oP the <br /> ; <br /> seaond p�rt, <br /> WITNESS�ETIi,"�ha.t the said �art _ of th� first part,for und in coneiderution of �Y� sum of Nine <br /> Hundr�d anci Fifty Nin�s Hundred (�950� Doll�rs in ha.nd paid�r�sceipt wher�ef is hereby �ckxtowledg d� <br /> � has sold and by th�see prss�nts doas �rant�convey �.nd ccx.�firm unto the said party of the second <br /> . par�, �h� following described premises, ,aitaat�d in Gr�.nd Isir�r�d T�ill County,and State of �ebrask . <br /> to-witt .All of Lot Sev�n (7) in Block Twelve ( 12) of Baker's Addition to the City of Grand <br /> Island�I3a11 County,Nebraska�aub,jsct to nnpaid sewer taxes. <br /> TO F�AVE AN� TO ��iOLD the premises above deearibed,togeth�r rvith all ths Tenements,HerPditam�n s� <br /> and Appurten�.ncgs tY�r�unto belonging unto �hp said Henry 1�.Koehler <br /> And the s�.id Gr�nd Isiand La.nd Compar� for itself ar i.ts succeasors,do hereby covenant and <br />�_ _.�_ _ _ _ <br />