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� 5�Q <br /> D�c��l ����c��� [� oo � �o <br /> that havs become due ha.vP been �aid by Alex McNergney; that s�.id purc�ase wars made for the t�es <br /> �.ss�ssed �gdinst s�, prg�ises for the ��ar 1919. Thdt sdi.d premi�es �t�re a�ssesssd in the n�tne <br /> of E.�.�Cirtland; that the tit1P to _ the pr�mises �►hen �.ss�ssed.�.nd still of r�eard in the office <br /> of the Register of Deeds of Hull County,Nebrr�ska, in the n�sne of �lla E.Kirtland�and that a ta�c <br /> de�d for s�.id premises from the County Treasurer of H�.11 County,Ngbr�.ska,will be re�u�atQd unle�s <br /> premis�e are rsdeA�med, on or bef'ore the lst ddy of Deoember, 1921� on v►hich date time for r�- <br /> demption will expirs. <br /> �. J'.1Nilkinson <br /> His Attorney. <br /> AFFI I?IVAT UF PU�3LI C AT I 0�3 <br /> Th� Stat P of Nebr�.ska, � <br /> j s�. <br /> Ha7.1 C ounty � <br /> Ch�.s Wasmer.bAin� first duly sworn on his oath, c�epo$�$ �.nd s�.ys <br /> that he is the I��.nager of the Anzei�er-�Ierold �ublishin� Compdny, of Grand Island,Nebrr�$ka,� <br /> corpor�tion,publishsr of the Grand Isl�.nd H�r�.ld,a. wee�Cly nev�spaper printed and publishPd at <br /> Gr«.nd Island, in Ha1.1 County.Nebraska,and of �Pnerr�l eircult�tion in Hall County,Nebr�skr�,and a�► <br /> such officer hz3s charge of the records �.nd files of s�,id compdny ; that s�id ner�sp�per has �. bona�fids <br /> eircul�,tion of morP thdn 200 copi�s of e�.ch i.ssue, h�s been y�ublished �zt Grand I$1�nd,Nebr�askr�, <br /> for morP than 52 w�Pka suc c�a�iv�ly �rior to the fir�t �ublicdtion of the annexed printed notic� <br /> an�. is w legal ne�►sp��er withi.n the m�aning of th� lwv�; t�it the anr�exed printed noticc wa,s <br /> �ubli�hed in sdid nRwsp�.p�r for 3 consecutive weeks� thp first publication being on the 18 ddy <br /> of Au� 1921 �nd tne last public�tion bein� on th� 1 d�.y of SPptember 1921 <br /> Chas. Wasmer �igr <br /> Suescribe�d in my presence �n�. sworn to beforp me thi$ 2d d�.y of Septemb�r 1921 <br /> f�FAL� W.J.Wi 1ki ns on <br /> Not�.ry Pubiic. <br /> �y commission expirms October 28tn 1926 <br /> Fe es,�8.00 <br /> Fil�d for record this 2 ddy flf Decem�er 1921,at 3: 30 o' clock P.M. <br />'�. . �_".�`� �1d�-�-�/ <br /> Rs�;ister of Deed$ <br /> -0-(3-0-0-0-fl-fl-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-Q-4-0-�-fl-0-4-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-p- <br /> �!'ARRAI4TTY D�ED-GORPORATION <br /> _ <br />'i THIS IND�'NTURE,��de this 7th d�.y of Plovemb�r,A.D. 1921,between Re�,lty Inve�tm�nt Co.� corpor�tion <br /> or�anized �.nd existin� under �,nd by virtu� of the ldws of the St�.tP of Nebr�.ska pdrty of the fir�t <br /> pa.rt,�.nd G1�uds F.V:�nce of thQ County of H�.11, and Stat�. of Nebraskr�,,party of th� second part� <br /> �ITN�S�ETH.Th�.t the s�ii d p�crty of th� first part,fox and in considsrdti on of the sum of Six <br /> Hundr�d dnd No/i00 Dollars in hand ��.id�rAc+�fpt v�herpof is herPby acknowledged,has sold �snd by th:esg <br /> presents does grunt�c ornr?y and c onfirm unto the �aid p�.�ty of the second part, thP followf ng de�- <br /> cribed premises,situ�,ted in Hall County �a.nd State of Nebr�,sk�c, to-�rit: Ali of Lots One ( 1) and Two <br /> {2} in �lock SAven (7} Gilbert' s Second Addition to the City of Gr�.nd Isldnd��s survAy�d,platted ' <br /> �nd r�corded. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO .HOLA th�s premiseg above described� together with all th� T�nemsnts*I3erPditampnt� <br /> �.ncl Appurtena.nces thPx�unto be7.on�ir� ,unto th� said Cl�.ude I�'.V�.nce <br /> And the s�id Re�lt� Investment Co. for itsei� or its succ�ssors,do hereby cc�v�n�nt �snd agr�se tci and <br /> with th? s�.i � �arty of the secona p�.rt �,nd his heirs and aesigns� tha,t at t�P timP of thP executic�n <br /> and delivery of thesQ �resPnts it is ld�vfully seized of s�id premises; that it ha,s good rtght �nd <br /> l�wful authority tv conve3� th? s�ur��; that th� arp fr��: from encumbr�nce+` and d�as hereby cov�n�nt <br /> to warrant and defend the sai.d prpmises aga,i.nst the lawful vl�ims of �.11 �ersons xhomso�ver. <br /> IN Q►ITNFSS �IHER�"OF.thP said ?�P�lty Investm�nt Co. ha,s her�unto e�.usgd its corporr�te seal to be <br /> affixed �nd thAse prPsents to be signed by its President th� day �ind ��s�r firat above �►rittPn. <br />