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� . <br /> 5'7'7 � <br /> �`1� DD C�o� �.���9 �I����� [��o <br /> , r <br /> i <br /> �uzx czAir� nE�� <br /> jTHIS INDE'�TTURE,��de the 26th. �d�y of the yP�r oP our I.ord one thou�and nin� hundre <br /> 'i <br /> � <br /> �nd twenty-one between Otto Prather, of (ne�r} T�onida�ll[e�tana.,th� party of the first part�and , <br /> i �ary K.Pra,ther, of the s�me plaee,the �if� of the gr�ntor. the prxrty of the second part.l�ITNFSS��f , <br /> f <br /> � that the ��,id pa.rty of the first part�for and in eo118fdeTat3oA of the Sum of Ten Doll�rs lawfu � <br /> !! <br /> � manQy to him in h�snd p�id by thP s�.id pa�ty of tha seaond part, the receipt of:arhich is her�by ;� <br /> !i <br /> ;.. r�cknowledgsd�doss remfs��release.and for�ver quitcl�sim unto the said pr�rty of the sscond part, !� <br /> !i <br /> �.nd to her hpirs �,nd assigns, the following descrieed re�l �ste�tP� situated in Gr�nd Isl�and.Ha11 �� <br /> ; <br /> Co. �Nebr�.sk�,to�rit: All of his right�title and interest of, in and to Lots One.Two�Threg.�'oux �' <br /> � ;� <br /> ; and Five� in 131ock Two� o� the P1er��t�nt Hi11 Addition to the City of Grand Isldnd.Ha11 County� �; <br /> i ,�I <br /> i Nebraska,according tv th� officia.i rria.p �nd plat therPof; togsther with all imprQVAments thereon.j! <br /> , �) <br /> T()GETHFR �ith wll the tengments.her�ditaments �nd appurten�,nces thereunto beionging.and the �; <br /> i' <br /> rPversion �.nd r�ver$ions, rPma.inder and r�mainders, rPnt$,issues,�nd profits thereof;�t1d •al�o �17� <br /> ' �� <br /> thp es�z�te.right. title, interest�prope�ty,po$seasion, cl�im �.nd dema.nd whatsoever,ds �vell in law �� <br /> I <br /> as in equity. of the said pz�rty of thP first part of, in or to th� said prPmiaea, and every part ji <br /> ;� <br /> �n� parc�l ther�of �� <br /> TO HAVF ANA TO HOLD.�11 and singuldr, the st�fd prRmises.�ith th� appurten�nce$ unto the said 1; <br /> !i <br /> party of the second part�her heirs and a�ssigns. forever. ;1 <br /> IN �ITRT�:Sr �HL�RT+'�B.The sc�i d party of the first �art h�.s hernunto set his h�nd u.nd sedl the i� <br /> .i <br /> day und ye�.r first above �►ritten. � <br /> i. <br /> : I <br /> Signed.Se�lad a.nd Delivered in the Pre$ence of �� <br /> • � <br /> , <br /> Otto Pr�ther (Seal) � <br /> � ii <br /> State of �ontand. j �f <br />� � � 88. �� il <br /> County of Beaverhedd. j On this 26th d4y flf November, in th� ye�r one thoasand nine hundr�jd <br />� ii <br /> �.nd twenty-one beforP ms Edmund J.Cr�lla,vrx�y �r� Nota.ry Public in �nd for the 5t�,be aforPs�►id,pPr- �f <br /> �� <br /> sonttlly �.ppeared Otto Prdther hueband of th� grdntee herPin,known to me to be the per$or� vrhose ' <br /> j <br /> t <br /> n�,mg is suoscribed to th� within instrumpnt,r�nd �►cknoxledged to me that he eaecut�sd th9 r�ame. j, <br /> �� <br /> II� 49ITNFSS �►I�;R�OF I have h�rpunto $et my hand and r�ffixed rr� notari,�.l seal the cla:y �,nd �� <br /> �; <br /> �; <br /> y��r �first �bove �rit�sn. � i? <br /> , . ii <br /> (SEl�I,) Edmund J.ea.11awuy �� <br /> Notary Public for the °5tatp �i� <br /> of �[on�r�nr�, residing at Di11� � <br /> �iontana. <br /> My Commission �xpires �arch 27th. � 1924. �� <br /> ,� <br /> �� <br /> FiZed for record this 1 d�y of December 1921,r�t 9 o' clock A.M. ���-� � �� <br /> �-�-,�f i� <br /> Register of Deeds �� <br /> i II <br /> ; -0-0-fl-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl ;t3-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-{� <br /> 11AR�ANTY DEF.D � �i <br />, THIS INDFI�TU�E���dg the 26th. .day of November,in the ye�.r of our Lord� one thous�nd n�tnp hundrP � <br /> # �� <br /> and t�venty-onP�gET�EN �tto Prather, of (near) �onida��.onta�na.the party of thP fi rat part,and � <br /> �i <br /> ,� <br /> , B��ry K.Pr�ther, of thA same place, the wifP of the grantor, the party of thP �aeond part,�r�NESSFT{�I. <br /> � <br /> th�,t th� st�id pa,rty of thP first nart� for �nd in consi.der�tion of the sum of Ten Dollars,lavrPul�� <br /> money of the Unit�:d States of Americ�s to him in hand paid by the said �arty of the seeond part��� <br /> � <br /> the r�ceipt �rhereof is he��.by �.ckno�rledged, does by these �rPsents grant�bargain, ssll, conv�y a,ndl <br /> eonfirin unto said p�.rty of thA �eeond pr�rt,�,nd to her h�sirs �nd r�ssigns forgvgr, �ll the rpal i! <br /> {; <br /> , <br /> i� <br /> property situated in Gr�,nd Island,H�.11 County,Nebr�.ska ddscribed as follows: Lot Ten (10) in �I <br /> Block On� (1) . of the Pler�sant Hill Addition to the City of Gr�.nd Island�Ha11 County,Nebraska. � <br /> r�ccording to thg official m�ip and plat t,hereof; together v�ith a11 improvPments thereon. �� <br /> ��� <br /> TOG�THER �ith �11 �+nd singuldr the tQn�ment�,heredit�un�nts a.nd appurtenances th�rPunto belongi <br /> or in any wisw �.p�ert�,i nin��dnd the re�versi on �,nd rAversions� remuinder and rsmainder�, rentg� <br />