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� ��� <br /> CD����C�I Gt�C�C�OC�� �IOO o ��o <br /> St�,te of Nebraska } ' <br /> ) ss. <br /> Hall County ) On this 21 day of November,l921ibefor� me,the under��gned,a Notary �, <br /> �ublic i.n dnd for said County,personally c�une L. C.Gilbert�President of the RP�,ity Inv�r�tment' Co� , <br /> �o me per�onally known �o be the Pr�sident and thP identieal per�on whoap name i� affixed to the � <br /> above conveyance,and acknowrled�ed the execution` thereag to be h�a volunt�.ry a�ct• and d�ed as such <br /> officer �nd the volunt�.ry �ct rx,nd deed of the s�id Re�lt�r Inve�tment Co. ,�nd that' the Corpor�te <br /> seal of the said Rer�lty Investment Cn.t��.s thereta a.ffi�ed by its r�uthority . <br />� <br /> �i�tness my hGnd and Not� SeG+.I �.t G3'axld Ysland in sQid County the d�y. a,nd year° l:�st above <br /> �rrittpn. <br /> i (�EAI�} V.F.Wa.x ren <br /> Not�ry- pubiic. <br /> �y c ommi s si on exp i res the 10 dwy of J�.n 1925 <br /> �iled for record this 29 day of November 1921,at 8 o'clock A.�S. ' <br /> � C��.��L�o� <br /> Register o�� <br /> -o-�-o-e-Q-a-o-o-e-Q-�-Q-�-o-a-Q-�-o-o-Q-o-o-Q-o-o-e-e-a-Q-o-�-o-Q-�-o-�--Q-o-o-�-a-o-o-o-o-a-e- <br /> �'ARRA?7TY D�ED ' <br /> THF GRA�STORS Edwdrd �Joble and Flor�ncp �.y Noble,huaband and wif� of 13e11ingham,Washington f`or <br /> �.nd in consiciPr�.tion of �ne dollar an3 otr�r �ood dnd v�,lu�.ble eonsider�.tion$ in hand paid,con�ey <br /> and warr�nt to John F.Jsver of H�11 County,�t�brask�, ths following describ�d redl e�tate;All of Lot� <br /> �n�s-hundrpd tavelve (112�,�ne-hun�xed thirt�en ( 113) ,�nd one-fourte�n (114) in Hawthorn� Place <br /> in Gr�.nd Islwnd,H�.11 County,Nebraska,�� �urveyed.platted �nd recvrded. situ�te in the County° of <br /> Ha11,State of ATsbrr�ka. <br /> Date;d titi.s iE3th d�.y c�f October, 1�321. <br /> Signed,S�s�led and DPlivered in Presence of <br /> R. S. Simpson ------------------•- Edward l�oble <br /> (�.5� I.R. Stamps } <br /> W.�i.�Q�bexton C C�ncellsd j Florez�ce �day l�oble <br /> Stats of V�ashi.n�t on, j <br /> � s s. <br /> County of Whatcom ) I.R. S. Sim�son 4 Not�ry Public do herPb�r certify that on thi� 19th da <br /> Y <br /> of October� 1921.person�illy �ppPdrPd befor�: mg Edw�.rd Noble �nd his �ife Flor�nc� �a� AToble,to <br /> me knawn to b� thP individu�ls descri.bed in �nd who execut�d th� withi.n instrument,�nd �cknow- <br /> 3edgpd that the3� signed an� se�.led the s�sne as their free and voluntary act and deed�for the use�s <br /> A <br /> A <br /> t • <br /> �.n� �urpos..s tner.�in men ion�d <br /> Given un.der my hG.n3 and official sPa.l this 19th d�.y of Octobpr.A.D. 1921. <br /> (SE�L) R.S. Simpson <br /> Not�,ry Public in �snd for the; <br /> Stdte of W�shi.ngton, x�srding; <br /> at Beilin�ham in said Countyi, <br /> �y comznission expirps �etobex 14�1923 <br />' FilAd for rec ord thi$ 29 day of Novsmqer 1921,�,t 4'150' clnck p.M. . <br /> ��� � <br /> .��. .,-� <br /> Regi�ter of Deeds <br /> -0-fl-0-0-0-�-fl-fl-0-0-0-t3-0-0-fl-fl-0-fl-0-U-fl-(3-fl-�-U-0-t3-E3-0-0-{�-fl-U-t3-0-0-0-0-d-0-0-t3-0-0-fl-0-0-t?- <br />� <br /> ; <br /> i <br /> i� -- � <br />