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���� <br /> �1�0� C�oa ����9 �J����� [��o <br /> � <br /> � 9UIT �I.,AIi� AErD j� <br />' + ii <br />� KN01�I ALI, ]�fEN BY THFSF PRFS�TITS: <br />� �I <br /> T�at I,Alma S�,qder,wifP of R�.lph SnydAr�formerly of Gr�.nd Isiand,Nebraska, of thP County of `; <br /> _ �, <br /> Plattp �nd it�te of Wyaming�for the considerdtion of Ten Dollars,her�by Quit Claim and cornrey �� <br /> � <br />, unto Henry Ruff, of the County of Hall �.nd StatA of Nebraska.�all ��' our ri�ht� titlA and interPsi� <br /> � <br /> of wh�.tsoever nuture, in and to t:�e followin� described Re�.l �atate�situated in th� County of f <br /> � <br />, � Hall and Strxt� of Nebr�.ska�to-wi t: Lots Seven f 7),Ei�ht (8 ),I�ine (9)�and Tgn ( 10),in Alock jl <br /> ;� <br /> Ei.ght (£3) � in Boggs & Hill's Ad�ition to Grand Isl�.nd�as survgysd�platted�and recorded, �j <br /> 14 <br /> ItS �ITNESS ��4i .F,R:�`pF� I have herQunto set m� hand thi s 26th day of NovPmber, 1921. �i <br /> Witness: � <br /> i� <br /> Lpna� hd. 7r�.vi$ Alma Snyder �j <br /> f <br /> St�,te o�' �llyoming} � <br /> } ss. ji <br /> Platt� County� j On this 26th day of November A. D. , 1921�beforP ms, the undersigned,a � <br /> �� <br /> Not�.ry �u-qlic in �,nd for said county,personally came Alma Snydsr,wifp of Ralph ir.y�der,who i� ;i <br /> Ij <br /> persondlly known to mR t� bp tne identical person �vnose name is affixAd +o the abave instru.mpn� <br /> as �;rantor and siu� ackno�vledged thP suid instrumPnt to be hgr voiuntary act and de�d. ;� <br /> i, <br /> . Witness my hand und P7otari�.1 Sea1, ��e date af'orpsaid. �� <br /> � <br /> , <br /> (fxEAI,) S,ena M. D�.vis ;� <br /> Not�.ry Public. �� <br /> �y Comrni s si on Expi res Jun e 22nd 1923 �i <br /> ;� <br /> ;, <br /> • Filpd for record this 28 d�y of NovPmbAr 192,1,at 10 o' clock A.D�• ;� <br /> �-u-�-� ��. <br /> R�gister of Deeds �';' <br /> �; <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-b-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-G-0-0-0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0� <br /> �1A�TY DEED -CORPORATI ON 'l <br /> ;; <br /> . � THIS IN�NTURE���de 'this 3rd dr�y of�2l,between Reaity Investment Co.s ct�rporatio� <br /> ,� <br /> r <br /> organized and existing under �nd by virtue of the la,ws of the Str�t� of Nebr�.ska pr�rty af the i� <br /> l' <br /> first� part,rind lYilli�rn H.ldidciagh of the County� of Ha,ll,and State of Nebr�ska- party ot'' the' seconc� <br /> �� <br /> pdrt, <br /> , <br /> WiTNESSETH.Th�.t the s�id party of ths fir�t� p�rt,for �nd in eonsidarati on- of the� aum of� Thre ' <br /> �I <br /> Hundred Fifty �nd No/100 Dollars in hand paid, recefpt whereof is hereby �.cknowledged�ha.a sold i� <br /> 41 <br /> �nd by these presents does grwnt,c onv e� r�nd c onfirm unto the� said- party of the second� part,the � <br /> �Po2loWir�g deacribed pr� in Hall County,and- St�,te of Nabr$ska,to-Rit: All of Lot � <br /> � Seven (7� Block Fifteen (15 ) Schimmer's Addition to the City of Gr�.nd Isiand;as surv�yad,piatte <br /> anc3 rec orded. � <br /> ; � i <br /> � <br /> ' TO HAVE AND T� HOLD the premises �.bove described,togather� �ith all the Tenementis�Heredit$men�e <br /> and Appurtenances tYyar�unto unto the said Wiliiram H.Yidcia�gh �` <br /> i <br /> i� <br /> And the said Re�.lty- Irlve�tment Co.for itself or its successors,db hereby cov�nant- and• $gree ;� <br /> ' ' �i <br /> ' to r�nd. with tY�e swici px�rty cf the secor_d part and his heirs ax�.d rdssigna,th�t- at the time of the �i <br /> � <br /> ,,� <br /> exeeution and d�Zivery of these pree�ents it is la�rfully saized of eaid gremi ses; th:at it� haae goo� <br /> i <br /> right and lawful authority to convey th� er�me;that they �ire t'rae frna eneumbrance and doe$ hereb <br /> �ovena,nt to xr�rr�.nt� und defend the s�.id premises r�g�inst the ldwful cla.ims of �►11 per$on�a` whom- '� <br /> (j <br /> ;� <br /> � s oever. . i <br /> IN WITATESS �RLOF.the said Re�.lty� Inveetment Co.h� her�unto ct�used its corpor�►te seal to b� <br /> �� <br /> aff'ia�d and these presents to be $igned by its President the d�y and year first above �ri tten. �� <br /> �i <br /> $ign�sd�se�led and delivered in presenco of �' <br /> � � � !� <br /> '' V.E.��rr�n (CORP) Realty� Inveatment Co. ?; <br /> • (S�AL) !� <br /> Attest E.L.Gilbert Sec'y By L.C.Giibert Pr+�sident �! <br /> I, <br /> ------------------ ,, <br /> ' (�•50 I. R. Stamps ) � ;j <br />� (Cancel led ;� <br /> ..._...�,__ 3 <br /> � <br />� �__ � _ .� <br />