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�� 5'�0 . <br /> Dc�c��� �� ° ��r��1 � oo ��o <br /> �LTIT CLAIR� D�ED ; <br /> , <br /> RNO�'r AI.L �T'N BY` T�w',rE PT�T{'S�`NTS: <br /> Th�t r�innie S.Iiwrdy , f'or,r��rly 2�dinnis S. �road�ell. of Grand I�l�.nc�,Nebxaslc�, for thA consideration <br /> of One Do11ar �.n3 oth�r �roaludble consi.derations hereb� Ql�i.t Cl�.im dnd convey unto Frances I .BeQkwitY� <br /> of t�e county of H�.11 �nd St�.t� of S�ebr�.skw,all of our ri.g:�t� tit�¢ dnd interest of �,�h�.tsopv�r <br /> n�.turp� in �.nd to �hP follo�in�; descxibed Re�.l Est�,te,situa,ted in tne County of H�.11 �nd State <br /> �f 1��'�xdska, to-i�it: Tne ��.st �nw-nu,l.f af Zot No. �vine (9 ) in F. P. �:.rk' s Sub.riitYision of the <br /> ��.st nalf of the P�orthpast Quurtar of Sec. h7a. Ten (1�) �.n township numbpr Eleven (11) North� of <br /> Rar.�;�s Pdine (9) West of the 6tn P.�d. a,s ti�ze sz�me is �latted and recorded in t1�A officp �f the <br /> RAgi ster of De?d� of ii�.11 County 'Nebraska� c antainin�; one-iiwlf �.�xe. <br /> Ilv' s*"IT?�1.T±;^� C''r�RLUF. I �avp hsr�unt o set my hn.nd ttiis l�th d�1r of Noveraber 1921 <br /> �itn?ss: <br /> U.��.Qu�.ckan'oush �iinnie S.Ii:�.rdy <br /> St�,t� of Nebrw3k�,. ) <br /> ) s s. <br /> Hall Count;� � <br /> On this 18tn d�.3f �f NovemoAr A.J. � 1�21, b�fore me� t��? undersigned,� Not�,r� <br /> �ub�ic in and f�r ��.id c�unty��prscnul]�� camP �iintzie S.�iardy, forn;wrly �ir.n�a S. �roadwell�who is'. <br /> ��rs on�,17,y kno�vn t o mp t � �e t�'�$ idpntic�l pPrson whose nw�e is �,ffi�cPd to tne abovp instrument�' <br /> a� grantor dnd 3nP severµlly wcknowlec�;ed thp exeautioM c�f s�.ici snstrument to be hpr voluntary � <br /> ��ct �.nd cieed. <br /> �litnes� :r.;,� i��.n:� :�nd Nvt�,ria.1 S�ul� th� d�,ta afo.rAs�id. <br /> (�hl,) U.�..4�uackAnbush <br /> Not�.ry ??ublic. <br /> �y Cnmr�is3ion �x�i ras Fea.� 1�23 <br /> FilPd for recc�r� this I3 ��,y of �"�ovPmr�er 1'�21�ut2:�So' clock �.Iui. <br /> _ �i�.� � . <br /> � <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br />� -CC�C�U-t7-0-�-0-v-0-0-0-U-�-0-0-U-G-U-0-U-G-C}-G-�-{�-(�-4-U-Q-0-�-q-0-0-U-0-(1-0-4-0-4-0-0-0-0-4-0-(�-�}-0- <br /> t1IT CI�AIl'ni �E� ' <br /> K�10�' ALI, �11 BY T�?':SF PRFSF'NTS: � <br /> That John Thomas Wi11kPn9 �.nd Ni�.ri�. �illket2s.his �ife, oP the County of and State of Neb- � <br /> r�sku. for the considEr�.tion of Five hundr�d �,nd No/1t3G Doll�.rs,hereby Quzt C�ai.m and corivey untq <br /> S�:rah AAeKinney of thr� count3� af H�.11 �.nd State of Nebrask�,��,,ll of our ri�ht,�► �.nd intPr�st , <br /> pf �vh�,tsopver n�.turp,ixi d.ncl to the following describpd Re�l Fstate� situ�,tPd in the County of H�ill <br /> �.nd St�,teof Pdebr�.sk�.� to-wit:I,�t Nur�ber Four (4) ,in Black �durr�ber: Five (5 � , in Kernohun � �Pcker's <br /> addi.ti an to the City of Gxand Isl�.nd as shown by° t riP rAcorded �l�.t thereof. <br /> I�? t��I'�}tT +„^�r t�IiERFOF,�p �a�ve h�rpunto set ��ur hwnds this 25th day af (�etoi��r 19�1 <br /> ��tness: __________..____�____ . ' <br /> (�.50 I.R.Stamps } John Thomas �lillkPns <br /> A.E. C�.dy ,Tr (Canc�lled� _ _._�_.�.�. � <br /> �ari.d @Yillkens <br /> State of Nebr�.�ka, j <br /> } ss• ' ' <br /> f�.11 County } On this 25th ddy of October 1�.D. . 1921,b�fore �ne, the iander�ignAd��, Notary� <br /> Public in a�2d for s�.id county.pPrsonally c�.me �7ohn Thomds Willkens �.nd �a.ria Willkens�his �if�, <br /> who �re person«.11y kno�rn to be to be thp idpntie�.l �ersons whose n��.mes �.re affj.x�ei to the abo�ce <br /> instrureert �.s �;r�.ntors �.r,ci thA;� ssver�lly �ckno�vleclged the exscutian of s�,i_d instrumpnt to b� <br /> th�ir voluntdry act dnd dePd. <br /> S"'itness �y h�nd. �,nd �ot�.riG.l. Seal� the date aforesdid. <br /> (SEAI,} A'.E. Cwdy Jr. <br /> Rotary Publi c. <br /> ��y Commis�ion E�t�ires Uctobpr 7th-1924 <br /> ,. <br /> Fi led f ox rpc ord this 21 d�y of No�°ember 1921�at 9: �5 0'c lock A.�. ; <br /> ' ..�.�......._,��`::�.�� <br /> , Register of Deeds � <br /> i; � <br />