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- 569 �. <br /> [���� C�o� c���9 � ����� [��o <br /> � �.nd dl$o cnriveyin�; �aid nortn Qxtensi�n of 14 ft. which w�:e inadvernta�ly omitt�d in dr�win� I <br /> I ( <br /> � tne s�i a a�Aa. ) ! <br /> : � <br /> � I'� �ITN�SS �liiEF{EOF.wg hav� herAunto �et our h�.nda this 31st day of October,A. �J. 1�2i � <br /> 3 <br /> Wi tness: ' <br /> � <br /> I <br /> ! Ben �T. Cunningham S�nusl B.?,�rsh �I <br /> Dollie �l�:rsh �{ <br /> i <br /> 4 St�t A of N�br�ska� � � <br /> ) s s. I <br /> Hall Gounty ) � <br /> On this 31�t day of Octooer A.D. . ly2l. �eforA me, the undAisigned,a Notz� <br /> i _�'ublic in and for sui3 county,�ersonally 5urnuel �3.��.reh �nd Doilie �rsh�huabrxnd and wife�I <br /> ' � <br /> who personally known to me to bP the fdAntical persons v�hosP n�nes ar� affixed to the above �! <br /> ji <br /> instrum�:nt �,s gr�:,ntors �nd tney� sever�ll,y �.cknowledged thp execution of said instrument to be �� <br /> thei r v olunt�.ry �.c t �,nd dp sd. �� <br /> �� <br /> Witness u�y h�,nd �nd Not�ir.ial Seal, thp datA sforPS4id. � <br /> �, <br /> � (��iI.) F�.J. Cunningham � <br /> Notary Publie. ' <br /> ; � �, � <br /> P�y Commission Fx�irea August 5 .1923. ij <br /> a <br />, Filed for record this l�i d�y of November 1921,v,t 10 of cloek A.�. �f <br /> ; � � � � � <br /> ; ���/ !� <br /> Register of Deeds ,� <br /> . ; <br /> � <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-U-Q-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-u-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 � <br /> �t���ANTY �D�FD� i; <br /> ;i <br /> No, 31� DONI�IiAN C£�TERY AS�OCIATIOIV ;i <br /> �i <br /> ;I. <br /> , _ �N01"� ALI. MEN BY THE�E PRESBT?T$• _ ' '� <br /> n <br /> ,, <br /> ' That Wm H.1��.rsh Sr r�nd B. �. Sc:adder r�nd A.�. Smith Trus,taes of Doniphr�,n.,Nebr�.ska.,in consid- <br /> � � � <br /> er�tion of Thirty, in ha,nd �Qid,do� heseb� gr�xnt,,b�.rg�.in� sell a.nd c o�ey unut6 E..7�ne �he ii <br /> : <br /> following d�scribed real estatc sit�ate in th� county� o�f: Ht�.11,and State of Nebrra�}ca., to-wit:. <br /> ° I,ot Number 5� �n Tlack Number 15 in the Doni��Y�n Ce�etery, situ�te on the Narthe��t Quarter of ; <br /> ` thp North-�a�st Qura,xter of Section Five {5 ) in `Township Nine (9) ,North of Rdnge Nine (9) 9�est <br /> ; <br /> of the Sixth �ri.ncipal �erjclian�aa thp sdme is laid do�rn and de$cribed on the plat of sdid ;i <br /> �! <br /> Cemetery now on file in the County Clerk's office of s�id H�11 County,Nebr�.sk�. Tagether with ;i <br /> i <br /> i <br /> all the '.�en�ments,Herpditarnc�nts and Ap�ur�enances to the ��.rne belonging,a,nd all the Eatate, � <br /> �� <br /> , Right,'�itle� Inter�st,Dower,Cl�.im or Aerrand whw,tsoever cf the s�,id Grr�ntors� or� either of then, � <br /> f� <br />, or ta thA s�me, or dny po.rt thereof, to h�,ve u,r�d to hold the above descr�bed premises,with j� <br /> il <br /> ' the ap�urtenu�nces�unto the said Gr�ntee �.nd to heirs a.nd assigns farever. knd we �o hez�by ,j <br /> conen�,nt with the Gr�;.nt�e and heirs und �.ssigns� thut we are lawfully seized of st�id pre- � � <br /> misPs; that th�y are fre e from e r�umbrance; th��t we have �ood ri�ht and lawful authOZ'�ty to ! <br /> ' sell t�s s�.me;dnd we do hereby c w�nta.nt t o warr�nt �nd def�nd the pxemises a�ainst the l�x�- <br /> ful cl�,ims of �,11 persons whomsoever. �� <br /> iI <br /> Si�ned thie 10 d�.y of June A.D. , lt��,5y, �� <br /> ,1 <br /> In �resence of ' <br /> �m H.�ars h Sr � <br /> J�.mes �.Smi tn �E <br />��� � B.F. Scudder �� � <br /> Roy r�llswortn ;I <br /> A.B.fimi th �' <br /> The _�tate of �debraska, � �� <br /> li�,ll County � g$� �� <br /> ) Un this 10 d�,,y of June A.D. . 1915 before me.a Not�ry i'ublic in and � <br /> for said c ounty,pers Gn�lly c�.rne the dbove named �m ��.Marsh Sr.�.F. Scudder �,nd ti.B. Smith Trustee� <br /> who �.rP personally known to mp to be thg identical person� whoee n�.rnes are r�ffixed to the aboa�� <br /> Deed ds Gr�ntors, �.nd th�y severdlly acknowlsdged the �ecution of the s�ne to be their volun- ; <br /> tary �ct �nd deed for the pur�os�s therein stated. ;� <br /> i�"�tness my hand �nd not�r��.1 se�.l,at Doni-..i�.r_. on t:�e dt�te �.fores�.id. <br /> �� <br /> (SEAL) ChiaS.I�.Red7tit�.21 �, <br /> I� Notary �ub1iC,H�.11 County . I <br />' �dy Gomms�sion Expires Dec. Z8 1917 Nebr�.ska. <br /> i <br /> Filed fox record this 17 d�.y of November 1921,at 2 0' c lock P.M. <br /> � �� �.�`�„�-� <br /> �_ t - <br />