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�` <br /> � ��� <br /> DcG�`��� ���c����c�� � �o �`�o <br /> � <br /> �AR�?hNTY T.RP;FD <br /> KN�t'" Ai.L �� ±� B� T I�iFS� �?�:��;NT S: <br /> That R►e Iienry C.Ancierson and Id�. �,l�nderaon his wifp gruntors of Connprse County,Wyoming, for ' <br /> �nd in consider�ti on of the surn of one HundrPd 8event3r F1V� no/144 Dolla.r,e, to thAm in hand paid,: <br /> conv �ya and wrarrants tp Hor4ce P. Tucker �r�ntee �f Hal1 County Stat� of Nebr�ska the� folloveing <br /> described real Astate and property: Lot �i�ht (8} 3.n Eiock FcurtePn (14} of Pa.eker 8c B�.rr' a ' <br /> A�dition to Gr�.nd Island l�ebr�.ska �� surv�yed,�,latted �nd rpcorded. to�Pther vni.t� all the c�rivi- : <br /> 1?gPs�hex'�ditamAnts, t�nements �.nd appurt�n�nce� ther�unto appertainin�� or in �xny wi$e belonging� <br /> sittz�te in H�.11 County�St�.te of N�bra.ska;her�by rsi+��,sing and w�.iving �11 ri�hts under �.nd by <br /> vi.rtu� of the homeste�.d �xemption lawa of this state. <br /> Uiv�n vndQr aur Y�nds thi.s 7th day of �Ic�vsmber�A. D.1.9�J. - <br /> Si�ned, s�ul�d and d�Zi.verpd in the pressnce of <br /> �P.73',.D r ew <br /> ---------_�___.._--- HAnry C.Ander�on <br /> H. F.Esmdy {�.5 U I. R.Stamps ) <br /> (Cance2l�,d } Id� �•Anderson <br /> St�,tA of 9�yoming, ) <br /> � s�. <br /> County of Cor�v�z�se� } I,H. F.�smay a �3ot�.ry �ublic in und for s�id c ounty� in th� sta,tg a.for�y <br /> ��.id do hPs�b�� certify th�.t �Ienry C.Anderson per�onally kno�rn to m� to be the s�xna person v�hose ;, <br /> nums is subscrio�d to the for�goir.� ins�rument �.p�n�ar�� ��foxP me thi� �wy in p�rs�n a,nd acknow� <br /> 1�+3�ed �nat Y�.e gi�ned �nd dAiivered said instrumpn'G of writing a� hja frPP dn�i �olunt�.ry act <br /> for the u$es and purpose$ therAin �et forth, incluciin�; the rel��.�� �.nd waivpr of th� rights of <br /> home$tQad� �.n� I further certify thdt Id� 3�, AndArson wifP of the s�.id H�nry C. AndAr�on,w�s by �e� <br /> first asparwtA wnd ap�rt fro�n hQr � 'nusbd,nd in reFgrAnce to thp signing a.nd ackn�w- <br /> 1�3�in� of such deed; tjh� n�.tur� �nd sff�et of such deed bein� expl�.ined to h�r by �e an3 tha.t <br /> s�ie be�.n� '�y r,�e fully �.p�r�,ised bf ��r ri�ht��.nd of tne Pff�et of signing �.n� �ci�nowl�d�;ing sue� <br /> depd ciid sign thA s�.rn� while so sep�r�t� �nd apart from her sa.jd husb�nd dnd did ther� acknowled�e <br /> th�.t she freely �un��. �roluntt��ily si�npd �.nd �eknowi�dg�d thP same for �he veea �.nd purposes <br /> therpin s�t forth, incluciin� t�Q r�lP..�.s� �nd wwiv�r of th� right o�' homest�a,d. � <br /> G iven under my h�.nd dnd N otdr��.l se�.l thi s 7 day of Nov,A.D. 1�321 <br /> (SEAL) �i. �'.�smay <br /> Nflt�.ry �ublia <br /> I�y corrmi s�i on pxpi rP� �ept 28 1922 <br /> Fi l�d f or rpc ord thi� 1.5 day of Rlovgmbsr 1921,at 1: 30 0�c lock I'.M. <br /> \�J�-�;c� �-�c v� � � <br /> �� <br /> Regist�r of DeP s <br /> -0-0-0-0-U-fl-O-U-fl-O-b-�J-0-Q-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-CD- <br /> Q�.��� C�ili� ����� <br /> ° — — <br /> ��o� �.L ����,ra � �I�sE �R,,�rtTS: <br /> Th�t �e, 5amuel B.�xrsh �.nd ]�o11ip ��dxsh, husb�nd and wife, of tl�P County of Hal1 and St�,te of <br /> I`lebrask� for t�iQ c onsic�srati on of �nP Dol l�s und no/lU0 Do11�.rs,hpreb3� Qui t Cl�im and cornr ey <br /> unto August Y�ters and �lnert �ehr of the county of �iall an�. St�,te of Nebraska.all of our <br /> ri f,ht� titlp �3 i�terest c�f ;vh�tsoPver n�tur��in u.nd t o tnpfollowin� dR$cri oecl Re�i Fst�,tp, sit- <br /> u�ited in t:�P County of �iu�.1 �.nd St�t� of Nebr��k�x, to-arit: �he �ast 100 fPet of Lot Two f 2) c�f <br /> the Gount;� Sub-Divi�ion c�f ��wrt of the S�uth ii�,lf (S�) of �eetion �ivA� (5 ) ,Townahip Nine (9), <br /> . ,----_ _ ___ ..__, <br /> R�e Nine (9 ), t<� Doniyah�n;Nebr�.sk�,�.nd �. T�orth exten�ion �f 14 f��t, bAing �art of thP Southwe's� <br /> Quart�r of tne Sc�uti�P�.st Qu�rt�r (S�►V4 of S��) of s�.i.c3 Sec;tion Five (5 )� thA whois m�king � rec- <br /> t��Ul�.r gfPce of �r�und,havin� w �'r�nt�ge of 10� ft. �n tn� South linP of s�id aection and �. dApth ' <br /> nf 195� ft. <br /> {`Thi.s deed is given principolly for thp pur�ose c�f corrpcLi n� tn� descript�°in a certdin ��.rrdnty� <br /> �'?Qed from tnP �r�.ntors her�in to ri.A. �edrr�n,ddted �Tune 8, 1�18 wnd r�corded in �ook 52,��sg� 205 <br />