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r .-- .. . <br /> 5�'7 � <br /> C�� �O �oc� �� 9 �Ic�[� ��� L��o <br /> Q�Ui T CZAIM DE�D ;' <br /> � <br /> T�iIS INDENTU�E.�ade this 30th d�y� of December in the year One T�ousr�nd Nine HundrPd and 15 i <br /> ' B���N Cora Whi.tson (a married woman residen of Harrington,K�.nsasawho st�tes that $he haa �� <br /> �I <br /> never l�ved on the property herein sj.nce her - rris�p und her huaband a$ well as hera�lf are no�- <br /> �, <br /> re�idents of th� st�.tP of Nebr�.ska. � of the f rst part,and Ftobert D. S�eift and E��ard s.Yliiliams':,� <br /> of thP second p�rt � <br /> �� <br /> ,� <br /> �ITntEgSFTg. th�.t th? said p�,rties of thP fi. st pwrt,in eonsider�.tior� of thP sum of One Dolla�,rj <br /> ji <br /> and other good �r�d vaZuable c�nsideratit�ns to thpm du13� �aid,th� reccipt wherPof i� hereby I <br /> a.eknowled�Ad,h�.ve remised, releused dnd qui.t-c �.im�d ar.d by th�ae p�esents do� for themselves � <br /> � <br /> r,�nd heirs.executars �.nd admfr�f�strators, remise rel��,se and forever quit�claim �ind convey unta th, <br /> . . � <br /> swid p�.rties of the second pdrt and to their eirs �,nd a�signs forever,all their right, ti.tle. ;; <br /> interest, e�tatA� cl�.im �,nd dem�cr� both at law nd in equity, of, in,and to all Lots Six (6) �nd �I <br /> � <br /> }i <br /> Se��n (7) of block Ten (10) in Cl�,x�kson' s Fi.r t �ddition to the Villug� of Alda,Hall County, i� <br /> ;, <br /> Neb xr�s ka . `i <br /> !� <br /> Gr�.ntors h�xPin furth�r cov�n�.nt that the bove describ�d property now atands in th� nama � <br /> � <br /> of Allie R.Willi�.ms who died in Ald�. lQebr upo thP 17th drey nf December 1915 �.nd rer�e at the ; <br /> . ' 1I <br /> 3at� cf h?r dersth th� owner therAof Tha�C s�hA eft the following r�dult childr�n to-wit: 1 Willia�. <br /> �� <br /> G.19illiaxns �, sin�;ie maM: 2.W�.lt�sr S.Wi3li�ars hose wife js F�nny Will��ms: 3•Blorence Swift who�e <br /> � '� <br /> � �husbc.nd's n�r�e is RobArt D. ywift:4.Cor� Whits n whoee husband's nr�me ia Ellis �7.1�hi teon: 5 Ed- �� <br /> ,� <br /> rra.rd G.Willir�ns whos«� wifP' s nsrne is Minnie W lii�rne 6. Frmd �t' �. widower �'.Bessie E.�ioff ;l <br /> � <br /> whose husb�.nd's n�rne i s Alb�rt Haff and 8th C drles Tpilli�zes �zhose wi fe' � nr�.ms i.s Carrie Will- �i <br /> �, <br /> , f�.m$ and dlso one minor aan to-wit 9th Cliffo d E.�li�.lir�.ms who will be 19 y�ars of �,,ge in Janu�.�y <br /> ��- <br /> , <br /> 1816. i' <br /> I� <br /> That the abo�e are all of thQ h�irs of sai Allie R.@1i12i�,rr�s. I, <br /> i <br /> To�ether with �il.l u.nd singul�.r thA herPditame ts therennto belar,ging. i <br /> T� �iAVE AND TO HOLn the �bovP deseri.bed gr mises unto the s�.id Robert D.SWift and Edw�rd G. i! <br /> �, <br /> � !i <br /> �;'ill��s their heirs �.nd �,ssigns; $o t:�at neit er of thg sai.d partiee of fj.rst part or �.ny per- �; <br /> i <br /> scn in their namA �nd behalf ,sh�.11 or �rill he ea2'ter claim or dem,and ar� right or title to the I; <br /> �, <br /> said pr�mises or �.r�y p�,rt thereof bufi they ure every one of th�n ehall by th�s� prpsents be ex- jj <br /> � <br /> eluded and forevgr barr�d. I <br /> I <br /> �1�T �ITNF.�� �'H��OF,The said partics of. th.e firat �art hdve herAunto set th�ir r.�,nds and s�s�l� <br /> �� <br /> the day dnd ye�.r la.�t abav� written. ,, <br /> 'I <br /> �i�r.�d,sealed r�nd d�liv erpd in pre,�ence of�I <br /> � <br /> '. Ze on L.Ols on B&rs C ora Nlhita ori ' <br /> i <br /> . i� <br /> �� Stdt e Of Utdh � } ;i <br /> � �� ) ss. � li <br /> � � S�,lt Zake County } On thi s 26 day of Feb uary A. D. 1916 b�for� m� the und�raigned LPon L. •� <br /> =1 <br /> Ulson �. Not�. Public dul commissioned anci <br /> i ry , y q alified for �,nd r�sidin�; ir. said county,personally`� <br /> Co�a �hitson to me known to be the idpnt c�.l per�on whose name is affjxed to thp forPgoing � <br /> ,i <br /> , corivey�.nce as gx�.ntor and �cknowied$ed the s• ee• to be her voluntary act and de�d for the Fur- '� <br /> ' poses thergin �et forth. ;� <br /> �; <br /> ° ��tnes� my hcnd and Not�.rial S��.1 this 26 dy of Feb. 1916 �� <br />� - <br /> (���,) I,e on L.Ols on '' <br /> Nota,ry Public i� <br /> �vqy commission Aac�;ires the lst day of June� 191 . �; <br /> , <br /> Tiiled for r�cord thi� 14 day of Novpmbpr 1921 dt 11: 3G o' cloek A.�I. ;� <br /> . ����O� � <br /> w�_,_.�. <br /> Re�ister of Deeds !; <br /> . i <br /> -o-e-�-Q-oo-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-o o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-Q-�-�� <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> �'� <br /> � <br /> il <br /> I.0_ ; _-- <br /> � _ <br />