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� <br /> 559� <br /> , <br /> � a.viT cLAn� ��n I <br /> RNO� AI,L I�XFTT �Y THF�F PRL�sER TS: � <br /> � <br /> .:� <br /> , Thz�t We.Yr�rgaret LvrPnzen and Rudoiph J.Lor�nz�n.wifP and hu$ba.nd of 4shkosh, of the Coun�q' oP �� <br /> Garden and 3t�te of I!3ebraska for the consider�ition of One �nd no/100 Doll�rs, hsr�by Quit Claim�, <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> an� �onvey unto Williz�m �ienry Christ�n$en, of the county of Ha].1 �nd :�tate of I�ebraska,all flf �� <br /> our ri�ht,titl� �►nd int�rest of whatsoever nature, in and to the following describ�sd Real Estat� � <br /> � <br /> sft�zdted in ths County of Hall and StatR of Nebxaska, ta-v�it: Th$ Northwe�t Qus.rt�r of the RortY��} <br /> ,� <br /> rorest Qus�rtgr f�� of l�it�) of �ection Twenty-three (23�. Township Ten (10},Aorth,Range E13ven i� <br /> , <br /> (11) ,Wsst of th� 6th P•1�. contrxining 40 acr�ss � littla morg or lgss r�ccording to the Govsrnment f� <br /> �urvey therAof. � <br /> �j <br /> IN @tITT3��4 1�RFOF.�e hav+� herpunto $et our hands this 29th d�y of Octob�r,A.D.1921 �i <br /> � �i <br /> �� WitnAss: fE <br /> `I <br /> �r�►nk A.Dutton Yargaret I.orenzen j� <br /> I <br /> Rudolph J.Lorpnzen j� <br /> � . <br /> St�ct�s of �3ebruska, } <br /> � <br /> ' j as. �{ <br /> ' Garden C ounty ) �i <br /> On this 29th d�.y of October.A.D. �1921�b�fors me, the undersign�d.a l�otar� <br /> ' Publi e i n un d f o r said e ounty.,pers onally e�.me lii�.rgaret Lorenzen and Reidolph J.Lorenzen,�►iPe a,nd �i <br /> 1 <br /> . husband of Oehlcosh�Nebr�:ska�who are per$onz�lly knoqvn to me to be tne id�sntic�.l psr�ons whose ( <br /> �. <br /> � ni�mes are affi�ced to the �,bavA instrum�nt as grantors �nd t:��y severally r�eknowledged the �xe- i� <br /> cuLion �f sai�instrumpnt to be their volunta,ry act �,nd deed. ' <br /> I <br /> ; �itn?ss my hand �.nd Notari�.l Sedl� the d�.te �cfor�s�.id. ( <br /> ; (�AI,) $ronk A.Dutt on ' <br /> Idota.ry Public. �� <br /> �y Commission Ex�irgs Anril 9th 1925 � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> Filed fox rPeorcl this 1 day of Nwember 1921,at 2:45 o'clock P.M. <br /> , ' � <br /> ,' ��«�� �� � <br /> ; Register of Deeds � <br /> � -0-0-4-0-4-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-4-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-f1-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- -0 <br /> � �U1I T CI,A IId I�EED <br /> ! <br /> KNO� ALI, MEN BY THFSE PRESLI�TS: ,� � <br /> � � <br /> That �le�William Henry ChristQnsen �.nd Gsrtrudp V.Christensen,husband �ind wif� of �ood Ri.ver. i� <br /> � �� � � �I <br /> of thg County of H.�.11 and StatA of Nebrask�i for the considsrwtion of One and no/100 Dollars, �� <br /> !f <br /> hqr�by Qui t Claim and eonvey unt o M�rga r�t I.orpnzen of the c ounty of H�,11 and State of Nebrask�►,� <br /> ' all of our ri�ht� title �nd interest of whatsoev�r nature, in �.nd to the follo�►ing described Real ,_ <br /> � <br /> � .�st�te, �i'tua.tpd in the County of Hdl i dnd State of .Nebr��it: T:ng Northeast Quart�*r of th � <br /> ; _ <br /> i Northv►est Qu�.rter (N��� of I�W�-) of Section Twsnty-thre� (23a in Township �en (1fl�,North�Rang+s <br /> � <br /> j �leven ( 11).1�'gst of thp 6th P.�[• containing forty acrPs a little more or less according to the (I <br /> � �i <br /> ' GovArnment survey thereof. �I <br />' IN �ITNF:$S !'�I�RLO�'.�e have hereunto set our Y��.nds thia 29th dayof Octob�r,A.D. 1921 <br /> Witngss: � <br /> William Hen Chriat�nsen � <br /> rY � <br /> Ben ,7.Cunninghanu I� <br /> Gertrude �.Chri stensen <br /> , ! <br /> � 3tat� of J�ebr�ska, } I <br /> � g3� On this 2�3th ri�iy �qf- Octoiaer,A.D. , 1921,before me, the undersigned�a <br /> � Hd 11 C o�tnty � <br /> � Not�.ry Public in �nd for sdid County,persanal�y �ame Willi�tn Henry Ch�iatensen a,nd aertrude Q. j <br /> ChrisL�n$�n�hu$bdnd �nd wifg, of Wood Riv�r.who .�rs �ereonal],y kno�n to me to be the id�ntiers�:� ! <br /> ' persons whos�s n�r:es �.rg affixed to the abave instr�ent d.s grantors and tney severally �.eknow- <br /> l�d�ed the gxecution of said instrumsnt to b�► their volunt�ry �ci� r►nd deed. <br /> 4 a t�ot� S ul th datp af crss�id. <br /> �itn.,ss my h nd and urial g . g � <br /> � (SEAL� Ben�j. J.Ct�nninghr�m <br /> Nota.ry Public. <br /> � My Com:ni ssi on Fx�i rPs Aug 5 th 1923 <br /> � T3.l�:d for reccrd thi$ 1" �a,y of November I921,at 2:45 o� cloc� P.M. � <br /> ���-�-� � <br /> � " Register of Deeds <br />�__ , ' <br />