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' � 558 <br /> Dc�c�c� �.�c�c���� � oo ��70 <br /> �AR�tANTY D�FD <br /> SNO� ALL MEN BY THES� PRFSFNTS.Th�.t N.P.Do�ge Jr.and L�.ur� �P.Dodge,husbmnd and wiF�,in eon- <br /> sidPr�tion of One I3undred Tni.rty-nin� ��139.�0� Doliar� ir� hand p�id, 3o hereby �rant,b�.rg�,i.n, <br /> s�ll, convey and confix�a unto G.E[. CostQilo thp follo�ring described real estat�,situa.tP in the <br /> County of Hall �.nd 3t�tp flf Nebr�►sk�,,to-wit: �.ot One �iundred �i�ht (108) in Bel.mont Addi ti on to ' the <br /> City of Grand Island,ds surveyed�platted and recorded. <br /> Sub�ject to any lisns or encumbrance dssu�r,+�c� �r created by purc�a.ser under contxr�ct ci�ted June let <br /> 1912.or his aasi�r��. <br /> To�ether with a11 the tenements,hPr�dit�ents and appurt�nr�.ncea to the sa,me belonging,a�nd all t�e <br /> est�.tp titl�+,c�ower, x�.�ht �f homPstead�cl�.im or d�..m�nd v�ha.tsoever of the aaid N.P.Dodge Jr. and <br /> I,aura W. �o dge. of�im, or to th� s�.mp,or ar�y ��.rt th9x�of; <br /> TO HAVE A�dD TO HO�J� '�he abov� d�scribed prgmises,�vith the appurtpn�,nces.unto the �aaid G.�. Co�tello <br /> �.nd t o hi.s h�i rs �nd as signs forevgr�and v�e, tn� said �t.�. Dodg� Jr.�.n� I,�.ur� W.I�d�e,for ou.r�elv�ts <br /> �.n� our hQirs,Pxecutors �.nd administr�.tors,do covendnt �vith the s�.id G.I�d.Costello �,nd with his <br /> heir� �.nd assigns. that �ve �rp l�,wfully �ei��d of suid premises, thut t�ey ar� fr�e from eneumbra�ac� <br /> sx�P�t the regul�r t�x�s for thR yedr 1921 �.nci sub$s�usnt taxes and all special taxes Ieoi+�d or <br /> a.sseased on or �ftPr Juna ist 1912; th�.t ws hdve good right and lawful authority to s�ll the sam�, ` <br /> �.nd tnat ws �rill �.nd our :�eirs.pxecutars w.nd administratora sh�ll warrant ancl; defen3 th� $ame u�to <br /> the said G.�t.�ostello and his h�irs a.nd aasi�ns forever.against ti�e l�.wful cl�ims of all �rerson�t <br /> v�homso�vAr• <br /> Tl1is lot i$ sold and deed givPn on the exprPss �ovAn�nt th�,t no dv►elling shdll at �ny .time <br /> b� placed thereon of leas than four raoms,shinglp roofir.� ,drop sidin��p�.int�d,pl�,stprpd or c$il�d, <br /> or of brick�cAment ox st�ne,and that ��.ic� ��rpmis�� ah�.1.1 nevsr be oceupi+�d b�r a colflred person. <br /> It is undPrstood �nd a�r�:�d th�►t thp�e restricti.ons sh�.11 xun with th� l�nd,and �.ny violation <br /> th�rec�f shall causP the ti.�tl� herPin corivAyed tv revest in the �r�.ntors. <br /> IN V�ITN�3� PlH .FRFOF.�P have h�rAunto sQt vur hands tnis Nin�te�nth day of october A. D+ 1921 <br /> In pres�nc� of <br /> _____�_�_�._____-__4__-- ]�.�. Dodge Jr ' <br /> E.H. S�jgert ��.54 I. R. 9tdrpps j <br /> . {Cance lled } Laura �'.Dodga <br /> 3�.!�. 5he�re r <br /> $tate of !�ebraska, � <br /> } ss• <br /> County of Dou�las, �' On tnis 19th d�y of October A. D. 1921 beforP m� �. Notary Public in anct <br /> for said County,��rson�,lly ca,me tn� �bove n�.rned �i.P.Dodgg Jr. �.nd Laur�. '4�.Dodge,who are personal3.y <br />� known to me to be the idAntic�.1 pPrsons whose n�anes arA �.ffixed �o the a,bove instrumPnt as <br /> �r�,ntors�and tnsy wckno�wlpdged sai.d instrumAnt to bP their volunt�sry act �nd deed. <br /> �itn�ss� my hand and Notarial Seal the da.te l�cst afor�s�.id. <br /> (SEAI,� 3�•�•Sag e rt <br /> Notaxy Public. <br /> My c ommi ss i un �x�i res on the 16 d�.y of Aug A.13. 1923 <br /> Filed Por rpc ord this 1N d�.y of November 2:3� o'c loak P.M. <br /> , <br /> ��2�� � , <br /> Re�ister of Depde � <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-q-0-fl-0-Q-4-f3-0-4-0-0-�-U-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-t�-0-4-4-0-0-f1-�-0-4-4-0-0- <br />