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� 55� <br /> Dc��c� ������� [�oo ��o <br /> �ARRA�'TY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL �ft BY T�SE 'PRESEIdTS: <br /> Th�.t �e.�illiaxn Buekov�,d single person,Albert B�ckow ar�d Dor�. Buckow�husband and vrifs;Ch�.rlea. <br /> Buckvw �nd Hannz�.h Buckow�husbanci and wife,and �lise �iemoth,foxmerl,� �].ise BuckoW,and �eorge <br /> NiAmoth�wi.fs and husband,the s�id �iiliam }3uckow,Albert Buako�r, Chrxrles �uckow �nd �iise �i�.em�ath <br /> bein� the vniy hei rs at la.w Qf Ad�. �3uckow�deceas ed�a11 of H�.11 County_ �nd Stat e of 16ebr�sk�,in <br /> consider�tion of th� sum of Twelvp Hundred Fifty �.nd no/100 Dollars,in h�nd paid by August C. <br /> , <br />� <br /> 3�Pnck, of Hall County and State of Nebr� her�by grant�iou.rgain,sell,convsy �.nd confirm unto <br /> the s�,id August C.�enek, th� fvllowing, rlescribed pre�ni�es, si:tuat�d in the County of H�,11 anci 'Stat� <br /> of Nebr�ska.�to-�rit: <br /> 4ur undividpd on�-t:�ird interest, Cb�i�g the undinided , one�-thfrd inter��lt . of the said Ada <br /> �uckov�.deesased. � in �.nd to Bloc3k �even�y-t�o (72} of �'he�ler & '.BQnnettrs Secortd Adc��tion tv tY�e <br /> Ci�y of Gr�.nd Island,Ptebr�skaa�s survsyed,:platted dnd r�eorded�Together with r�11 the -tenem�nts, <br /> herPdit�ents �.nd �ppurtpn�.nces to the same beion�;ing,�.nd �.11 thQ �stat�, �i�h�,titie,int�rest, <br /> clr�ira or dem�nd whatsoe'ver;.�ncludi�g do�er,curtesy �nd homestea�d ri�hts of th� s�id 1►ilii�icn Buckorr, <br /> Albert Buckow and Dord �3uckow�Cht�rlgs Buckow and H�.r9n€�h Br,te3�ow,�lise �iiemoth �nd G�or��s Ni�m�th, <br /> of, in, or to thA s�.me, ox uzXy ��►rt therpof. . <br /> To Have �.nd to Hold the abvve descriped premis�s, v�ith th� appurte�ance�,unto the said Avgeast <br /> C.3�enck and to his hQirs �ind �ssigns forPver. , <br /> And we hsreby e oven�.nt with the said August C.Yenck tY�t we hoid a�id premi�es by= gaod �sndper- <br /> f�ct title; th�t we have gaod ri�ht �.nd lav�ful �.uthority to sali z�nd c anvey the same; tYaa.t they � <br /> �.rs free of a,ll liens dnd incumbr�.nces r�h�tsoever. , <br /> Arid we co�renrxnt to �rr�rr�.nt G.nd dPfend the s�.id �.}remi�e$ �s�ainst the l�wful clr�ims of all per- <br /> �cns whoms oev er. <br /> �ignAd thi s 21st d�y of 0e t ober,1921. <br /> In presence of; <br /> --........---------..��...... <br /> A.I.•Jo$eph (�1.50 I.R. St�cmps � �f lliana Buckorr; <br /> (Cancelled } Albert Buckor� <br /> I,ena Voss ' �or�► Buckow <br /> �itnesses to aii si�nuturPs Ch�r1As Bc�eko�► <br /> � Hannah Buckow <br />! I�liss �tiAmoth <br /> fnrrr,erly �lise $uckow <br /> Geoxge Niemoth <br /> State of Nebr�.ska, <br /> as. <br /> Hall County�. On this 21st day of octo"ber,1921,before me Arthur L.Joseph.� Aotary Publiic. <br /> wi thin �.nd for s�.id County�pers on�lly came Willi�,m Fucko�,a sin�le �person,Albert B�ckow �snd Dora <br /> Euckow,husband �nd �ife;Ch�rles Buckow zxnd Hs�nru�.h F�uckow.husb�nd and �rif'e,Elise Niemoth,formerly <br /> Eliss Buekow�and GeorgA 23ierr.oth,wif� and husband,to me kno�n to be the identical �ersons whose <br /> nar�es ar� ra,f,f'fixed to the abovA instrument u.s gr�,ntors,and seeerally ackno�vledged the exacut3.on <br /> of the s�.me t� �e th?ir voiunt�.ry act �.nd deed for the purposes th�rein expressed. <br /> In Witness Wherpof, I have hereunto subscri.bed my ��me �nd affixed my offici�l ser�l �t Gr�nd <br /> Isl�,nd.�i�braskr�, the date last above v�ri�tten. <br /> {��Z} Art�zur I,.Joseph <br /> Notdry Public. , <br /> �y commissj.on .ex�ires SPpt 17,1927 <br /> i ' <br /> Ti led fo r r�c ord thi s 27 ddy of Oct ober 4 0'c loc k P.I�. <br /> ���L� <br /> � � <br /> Register ot Deeds <br /> -o-Q-e-a-a-Q-o-o-a-o-�-e-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o-o-Q-e-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o-e-o-o-o-o-e-Q- <br />