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r . <br /> 551,�_ <br /> C�� �� C�oa ���9 �1c�L� ��� [��o <br /> IN V�'IT�SS t"�'HF.R�'OF,we hdve hereunta set our Y��.nds this 3rd day of October.A.D. 1921. lf <br /> , �. �itness: . (I <br /> A.J.GuPndel ----------------------- B.J.Cunningh�m � <br /> ��2•00 I.R. Stamps ) �� <br /> (C�ncelled _ ) �m Suhr � <br /> _�� <br /> Re�£ereea �; <br /> '� <br /> St�te of Nebr�:ska j �j <br /> : ss: �� <br /> County of Hall ) 'I <br /> �n this 3rd day of Octob�r,A.D. 1921�before the under$ignAd.a Not�,.ry � <br /> Public in and for s�id County,peraondlly appearad �s.J.Cunnin�h�m and �i�.Suhr. referPe�-i� the ;; <br /> ;, <br /> �; <br /> c�se wherein John W.Guy,� etals. �are pl�intiffs and John G. Jc�hnston,et als. ,are �efend�.nte�to me !� <br /> known to be the persons wY�ose n�es are subscribed to the foregoing instrum.ent and the�y . <br /> � ,, <br /> a; <br /> �.cknowled�ed the execution th�reof to be their volunt�,ry �.ct and deed for the purposes therein <br /> �t <br /> !; <br /> exp re�sed. '' <br /> �; <br /> h <br /> Witnass �y hdnd und s�al the duy �.nd yPar l�iet �.bcnre writtpn. �; <br /> � ' �� <br /> (�Ay) A.J.Guendel 'i <br /> Notary Public. '� <br /> Bi�yy Cc�mmission Txpires �Tuly 20th 1923• - y I� <br /> �� <br /> ' Filed for xecord this 18 ddy of October 1921.�+.t 9:3G o' clock A.B�. �! <br /> �'��� ��"- ;' <br /> ; Regist�r of Deeds��"'� <br /> ;� <br /> ' -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-�I-o <br /> �..�."�. r��.�.�..,.. i <br /> KNC1�Ff AI.L h��1 BY THFSE PRF�ENTS: �I <br /> That we,Jat�nna Morris on,d widow�Jamea �orris on,a, sirigl�► m�dn,Clint on Morria on and Elizabeth Morr <br /> ison.husb�nd �nd e�ifg� of the County of dnd Sta.te of for and in consider�tion of the �! <br /> E i� <br /> � sum of Tv�elve iiundred and no/100 Doll�.rs in ha.nd paid do hereby gr�nt.b�.rgain.seli, con vey �.nd i� <br /> , i! <br /> � confirm unto John �.�.zaghan of the County� of H�.11 �nd State of Nebra�ka,the following described i <br /> '� <br /> re�l estdte situated in in Hall County,�.nd Stdte of P�ebraskr3� to-wit: Lots twelve (12) �nd �, <br /> fourteen (14) of Foater's Sub-Divisic�n cf lots eleven (11) �nd twelve (12) of 1Pood I,awn�a Sub- � <br /> � <br /> , Bivi�j.on of p4rt of the South-E�st quarter (SE�) of the North-East qu�rt�r (IV��) €�nd part of th� <br /> Nortn-East qu�.rt�r (NE�) of the South-East i�uarter (SE�) of section twenty-four (24) in Town$hi ` <br /> , <br /> � ten (1(�) N orth of R�nge twelve (12) West of the Sixth princi�;dl meri dian. �! <br /> �; <br /> �i <br /> Said Jodnn� Morrison.widaw,and Jr�mes Morrison �.nd Clinton �Gorrison.childr�n�being the only ;� <br /> i '� <br /> h�ir� �.nd d�viseee of D�vid �3.��rri� on, deceased. ii <br /> � <br /> � TO H�VE AND TO HOI.D thp premf ae$ �,bove described, together with a,ll the Tenements.Hereditamen s <br /> i <br /> i �nd uppurten�ncers tlzsreunto belon�in��unto thP sdid John i�.�+.ughdn and to his heirs ana assigne ,, <br /> ; forever. ;� <br /> ;� � <br /> And vre do hereby covenwnt with the sr�id Gr�.ntee �nd uith his hPir� �.nd �.ssi�ns, that we are l�w- �� <br /> I � <br /> I <br /> � fully seiz�d of �;remises; th�t they arA frae from encumbr�nce th�t we have good right �.nd ,� <br /> I� lawful �►utharity to sell thA srsme;�nd we do hereay ewenant to w�,rrant rsnd defend the titl� to � <br /> �� <br /> $did premises �+.gainst the ldwful claims af all �per$ons whomso�ver. � <br /> And the Eli��beth Morrison hereby •relinquishe� �11 her of whatever kind in and toI <br /> � the �bove descri.bed premises. i <br /> ; <br /> � Sign ed thi s 28t:E1 d�a.y of SeptPmber.A.D. 1921. <br /> In pr�sence of <br /> :� W.Z. Spr4gue as to-------------------------- ----------------------Jo�.nr.a I�orrison <br /> Jam�s l�iorri s on <br /> Hov��.rd�.rris Clintan Moxrison ;� <br /> Howard �.Harris Flizabeth Morrison j` <br /> ---------------------- i <br /> (�1.50 I.R.Stamps } <br /> (�dnc e 11 ed ,_�,,,�, ' <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> ; � <br />� <br /> � <br /> L Ii <br />