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r� . <br /> F <br /> 549,� <br /> [�� �0 C�o� ����� [� c�[� ��� ��o <br /> ; <br /> C�TERY &AR RI�i1TY DEED No. 4 �. ` <br /> ' i <br /> THIS I��D m�de thira 15 d�.y of October A.D. 1921,by the Doniphan Ced�.r Vi�w Cemetery Assoc itstion.� <br /> ;, <br /> as g r�,nt�r�t� �rs L.A.Stevens on & �[r8 J�.y H�rding of Ha.11 County.St�te of l�ebr�.ska�a� g rantee. ii <br /> WITNESS: T�t x�e s�,id �r�ntor.fvr ��d in ccn$ider�:tion of the $u� of Thirty no/100 Dollar„s in �� <br /> i, <br /> � hrand pdid,does her�by sell �nd convey unto the s�.id gr�,nte��the follvwfng re�.l eatat�,situ�.ted � <br /> in H�.11 County �in the Stdte of �iebri�ska�to wit: I,ot �To. 371� :[n Block No. the Doni�hsn Cedr�s�l <br /> I <br /> ' Vietv Cemetery�accordin� to the r�corded ther�of� to hr�ve and to hold unto the e4id �rr�ntee, ii <br /> hi� heirs �►nd a,ssigns.for the pu o$e of human ir�urial and for no Qther <br /> rp purpoee,�.nd sub�ect to s ch <br /> rule� �nd regul�tions aa the said Doniphan Cedar '�iew Cemetery A�asocia�tion has add�ted. <br /> In testir�ony whereof�the said Doniphrin Ced�,r View Cemstery Associ4tion,doe� by ite Preaident� <br /> � 'I <br /> �.n� i5ecret�.ry exe�ste �.r_d dsliver this deed. - �� . <br /> ii . <br /> Si�ned th3s 15 d�,y of Uctober ♦.D. i921. �� � <br /> �I <br /> �itnees: John aallacher � <br /> � Pre�ident. ;I <br /> ' I:.A.1?edman ;i <br /> ,;,� Attested by '� <br /> Chtis.l�.�tdm�zn � <br /> St€a,te c�f N�brdak�x � <br /> _ Sec retary � <br /> � $S. 1I <br /> County �f H�.11 � � <br /> � On this 15 day of October A.D. 1�21,befc�re me H.t►.Recu�►n,a notr�ry publi.e! <br /> � ,� <br /> ' in and for s�id aounty personwlly c�e �no Gal3wcher,as President �f the Doniphan Cedar VieW i� <br /> ; <br /> ' CemPtery �ssociation. to me,well known to be such a.nd the identic�.l �erson vrho sig►_zed the fore- �► <br /> ;I <br /> goin� 3eed aa� President,�nd �.cknowledge3 the txecution of the s�id in�trument to be his volunt�.` <br /> . I <br /> �ct �,nd deed,by wuthority �f ��,id As�ociGtion.for the purpose thexein expressed. ;; <br /> �, <br /> In teatimony whereef, I Y:�iv� hereunto set my nund urld officia�l r�edl on thg date la�t above :� <br /> �, <br />� � written. � (�Lj � ' <br /> � H.A. Odman �� <br /> � <br /> 2�ot�.ry Public. ;; <br /> ;, <br /> �y c omuission e�ires �a.r. 38,1923 �I <br /> (� <br /> �iled for record thi� 17 da�y of October 1921�wt 10 o'clock A.�. . i? <br /> ��� � , <br /> �� <br /> Reg��ter of Deeds ; <br /> -0-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-G�•Q-C-O-C-Q-4-0-C-4-C-0-0-Q-0-Q-4-Q-C-�-O-�-�-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-Q-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q- -0- <br /> , S�,A�,',`'��NTY �EFD .,� i; <br /> KNO�V ALZ MFN BY THI�SE PRFSENTS= �� <br /> � <br /> 4 That the Nebraska St�.te Building and Loan Association,grantor.� `corpora�tion, of Fremont,Neb- ;� <br /> , � <br /> ; r�.skas, in consider�t� on of �i�ht Hundred Dolldrs�in hand paid�does hereby Gra.nt,Bargain, sell, �� <br /> ; Convey �nd Confir� unto Edith J.�G�rsh �rwntees ���'� Grand Island,Nebrr�ska the f�llowin� described <br /> � Real Estr�te, situate in the County of Hall, ar�d St�,te of Nebrusk�,,to wit: Lot TAO (2) , in B�oek � <br /> I Eleven (11) ,Evans` �dditian to th� CiLy of Gr�►nd Isl�.nd�Hr�ll Count3�.Nebrask$. � �, <br /> ;, <br /> Tog�ther with �11 the Tenements,HerPditament$ und Appurtenances to the belonging,r�nd a21 � <br /> , i <br /> i the Est�te Right,'1a.tle.Interest.�ower�Courtesy C14im or Dem�.nd wh�tsoever of the sdid gr�.ntor o �� <br /> iin� or to the same gr any p�.rt thsreof,TO HAV� AND TO HOI,D the above de�cribed premisas,with the �� <br /> appurtendnces unto the s�.id gr�.ntees and to their heirs �.nd �,esigne forever. ,� <br /> �.nd the gr�.ntor doea hereby covenant with the adid �rantees wnd their heirs dnd r►ssigns t2�at ` <br /> i <br /> the gra.ntor will w�.rrant G.nd defend the s�.id premis�s ag�inst the la►�ful claim9 of any s�nd all �� <br /> '! <br /> persons cldiming by or througY� the �r�ntor. i <br /> Ir� �'itness 1�Ther�of� ��i d gruntor ha.s c�used the�e presents to be si�ned and its oPfici�►1 se�.l to <br /> • � <br /> . I be aLta.Cll6d thls 16th d'ay Of July 1921 <br /> 'I <br /> � ;I <br /> In prfesence of (CORP) �� <br /> (SEAL) NEBRA�KA STATE BUII�DING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIOW I <br />. ,,T.M.Sax�nsen � <br /> -------------------- By T.L.�a.thet�s �i <br /> �` (�1.00 I.R. St�.rnps ) Pre$ident. '! <br /> �' (Canc e 11 ed �� <br /> ,, �.� �� <br /> ; i� <br /> �, � <br />� �: �� <br />