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_ _ __ <br />' S4'7� <br /> �� �0 C oa ���9 [� c�[� ��� [��o <br /> Signed thi� 8eventh day of 4ctobor A.D.1918 'i <br /> � �; <br /> In pre�ence of E.11.�estarvelt <br /> � <br /> --------------_.__ i <br /> i� .t�.S.Cnok ( $.50 I.R. ) Rosamond A.�eetervelt i) <br /> ' Stamps �; <br /> Leonard A. Flansburg � Cancelle d�_� E� <br /> i , <br /> � <br /> ,. <br /> �, <br /> �. Ths State of Nebraska, } _ �; <br /> }�s . ' <br /> Lancastar C�unty. ) Cn thia Seventh. day of October A.D.1918, before me �.�.S.Cook , <br /> � <br /> 'i a Notary Public duly commi�sioned and qualified for and residing in said Coz�tp, personallq aameil <br /> ;i <br /> E.�l.�►est�rvelt ancl Roeamond A.l�estervelt hugband and wife to me lmown to be the identical `' <br /> � si <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> ' persona descr3bed 3n and who s�cecutea the foregoing instrument as grantors and they aclmowledged;j <br /> � <br /> the said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. �� <br /> � <br /> ;, <br /> � i�ITNES� my hand and Cfficial Seal �t Lincoln in said Cnunty, the day and year last above rrritten;� ,_ <br /> i <br /> �� <br /> SEAL �i .4.S.0 oo k �, <br /> � ) <br /> I i <br /> . <br /> �ty commission e,apires: Dec 29, 1921 Notary Publio �1 <br /> � � � � �) <br /> Filed for record on the 10 day of October 1921 at 4 o'clock P.M. !( <br /> • ` � �"`__��_i_ ''i <br />' �Register o�Deeda ' <br /> ;i <br /> —O—O—O—O—O—O--0—O—t>—O—O—O—4—O—0—O—0—0—O—O—0—O--O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O-•O—O—O--O—O� <br /> �A��� ���:^,,, I <br /> �� <br /> � � is � <br /> RN01Y ALL �N BY TH�SE PRESEI3TS. Th.�t Frr�ncis M.1di11iken� a widorver '� <br /> +, <br /> � <br /> in coneiderr�tion of (�415p.�0) Four Thousand, One Hundred x�nd �'ifty Dollara� t�i::h�nd paid, do i <br /> , i= <br /> u <br /> , , h�reby gr�.nt� bargain, sell, convey r�nd confirra unto Earl E.Pr3ae the Pollowfng described real ;� <br /> �i <br /> eatate, situate in the County of Hall �.nd St�te of Nebr$ska� to-wit: The Aortherly (76) Se9enty�► <br /> !I <br /> _ sia Fedt oP Zot (1) One Block (141) One Fiundred and Forty-one of the Union Pacific Ra.ilway i� <br /> � <br /> Compr�ny'� Second Addition to Grand Islr�n.d� Nebraska. togather �rith all the tenements� heredita � <br /> � <br /> i i <br /> � <br /> ments, and ap�urten�nces to the same belonging, and all the est�te title, dower� right cf home- �! <br /> I <br /> +�tead, claim or dem�,nd whatsoever of th8 s�.id Fr�ncis u.Milliken of, in, or to the same, or any ,� <br /> ,l <br />''r � psrt thereof; �! <br /> , <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> TO HAVE A,ND TO HOLD the above described premie�s, with the appurten�nces, unto the said �arl E. �� <br /> ; . Price r�nd to his heirs and assigns forever, and I the e�id Trancfs 3d.ldilliken for myaelf a�nd <br /> , <br /> m,y he3rs, executor� �nd �inistrators, do covenant with the eaid �arl �.Pri�ce and r�it�Y�his heir� <br /> . � ! <br /> and aasigns, that 3 am la�wfully eeized of asid premises+ that they �re free from incumbrance , <br /> , <br /> i <br /> that I h�,ve good right and la�ful authority to seli the s�me and that I will and my heira, �� <br />' �aecutors, and adminiatrator� ehr�lZ �rarrant �nd defend the s4me unto the said Earl R.Pr�►ce and �� <br /> � <br /> ,, <br /> hia heir$ �nd aasigns forever, againat the lawful claims of all persons whomeoever. � <br /> I <br /> � I�i �ITN�SS �1�0�' i have he re unto set my hr� t�is 24th day oY August A.D. 1921. �� <br /> � � <br /> In presence of ----�--�------- Fr�ncis M.�iilliken <br /> � �4.50 I.R. } . I <br /> i <br /> ' �red Pease � Axampa ) <br /> I ( C�ncellea � �, <br /> ; J.G$ll ow�y ;� <br /> ji <br /> � 8tx�te of C�;;,lifornia, } i <br /> � � <br /> � )ss On -thi�a 24th d�,y of August A.D.1921, before me a �otary Public � <br /> � <br /> + County of �:���;�eles ) ' �I <br /> in t�nd for Sa�d Courlty � personally c�►me the r�bave named Francie �' <br /> Y.?Silliken. a xidower rrho is person�.11y knovrn� to me to be the identical peraon xrhose nr�,me ie �� <br /> i � � <br /> ! �.ffixed to the r�bove instrument as grra,ntor �nd he acknor►ledged said instsument to be His <br /> , <br /> � voluntary act �.nd deed. : � � <br /> � <br /> , �►IT�B$ m� hand and Notarir�l. Seal the date l�st a�'o�esaid. <br /> ` - B'red Pease . � <br /> (S�AL) Notazy Public � <br /> i Yy Commisaion Expirea Dec.6,1923 , <br /> , <br /> Fil�d for record on the 11 dt�y� of October 1921 r�t 4.50 o'clock p.�. ������✓d �� <br /> . � , � � �� <br /> . Register of Deed �' <br /> ; - I <br /> ( <br /> i <br />�- -� ' " . _____—_ <br />