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� 546 <br /> Dc����l ����c��� [� c�o ��o <br /> QUYT_CLAIi� DEED: „ <br /> This In�ienture, P�dade this 1" day �f Gctober in the year Gne Thousand Nine Hundr��, and twenty one <br /> BET�EEN Mae K.�3ach Sorensen onQ tirae widnw of John :' .Aach decea�sed son of Mary Rach and Felix <br /> Bach both de;ea�ed and Vic tor Sorensen, her husUand of the fixst part, and Anne� F3owser of the <br /> sec.�nd part �VITNESSET� that the said partie� of the first part, in considaration of the sum <br /> of Gne Hun3red Sixty c�ne & 5f�/100 8�llars to ua duly paid, the receipt whereof is hexeby acknow-� <br /> led�ed, have remi6e;� reJ.eased and quit�-claimed and by these presents do, for our�elves, our <br /> heirs, executars an3 administratorr�, r�amise� �elease and forever quit�laim and convey y�nto the <br /> said party of the second part ar.d to her heirs ans assigns forever, all aur right, title, interest, <br /> estate, claim and demar.d both at law and in equity, of, in, ar.d to all of Lots One (1), an3 two + <br /> (2} in Bloc;� Three C3) in John Vaitla' s Addition to City of �rand Islank a:�1 Lots tweive (1�) <br />,� thirtevr. (i3) an.3 fourteen (14) in bincic t�r� �2) and Lots ane �l) four (4) five (5) si$ (6) and <br /> seven (7) in Blocic Three E3) in Pleasant Hill Ac�dition to the �ity of-Grand �gland <br /> Together with all and singular the heredita.ment� thereunto belonging. <br /> TG HAVE AND 'TG HC�I.D the above 3escribed unto the said Anna Rowser, her heirs and <br />� assigns; so th3t neither the said grantor�s ar any per$on in our name and behalf, sha11 or will <br /> hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof but thep ' <br /> and every one of them shall by the�e presents be exeluded and forever barre�, <br /> iN IAITNESS �HERECF, The said parties of the first part havs hereunto set our hands and aeals <br /> the day and year last above written. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of --------------- <br /> $ .50 I.R. Mre ldae K.Bach �orensen <br /> Arthur C .�tayar Stamp <br /> Cancelled Victor Sorensen <br /> State of Nebra�ka j <br /> �s <br /> Hall County � 4n thie 3" day of October A.D.1921 be#'are me th� under�igned <br /> A.C ,lt�►yor � Notary Public, duly oommiss�oneci and qualif�.ed for t�►nd residing in said county, . <br /> personally ca�r,e Mae K.Bacri Sorensen and Victor Sorenfien, wife and huaband to me lmown to be �he � <br /> ic�ntical persqn� �:h�se na.mee are affixed to the foregoing conveyamce as grantor� and ac]anoa- <br /> ledged the same te be their voluntary act and deed for the purpose� -therein set forth. � <br /> �Vitness my hand and N�tarial Seal thi� 3" day of Octobex 1Q21 <br /> 1+6y commi�s3on expires the 17" day of �de�y 1923 <br /> Art hur C.ltay e r <br /> ��EAL) <br /> , Notary Public <br /> Filed for re�eord on the 8 day of Gctaber 1921 at 5�30 o 'clock P.J�. <br /> ��^�d � ____ <br /> _ ___ ___. _�_ <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -o-o-n-o-c-c-o-o-c-o-o-o-c;-e-o-o-e-a-o-c-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-Q-a--o-e-Q-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a- <br /> �IARRANTY DEED: ,, <br /> Know all Men by the�e �re�ents: <br /> � That E.�I.W�st�rvelt and Rosarnond f3.iPestorvelt, hueband and wife, of the Countp of Lanca�ter and �i' .., <br /> �tate of Nebra�ka for and in conaideration �f the sum of Three hunared fifty (�350.00j Dollars, �' ' <br /> in hand paid, dp hereby ±�RAN��� �AR�AYN, BELL, CONVEY, At1D CUNFIR� unto John F.Uever of the <br /> County of �ia11 and State of Nebraska the follo�►ing de�cribed premises situatsd in 4rand Island - <br /> in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska to wit: The ea^terly ten (10) feet of lot sia (6) <br /> in �31ock two (2) of Nagy's Addition to �rand Island, , as surreyec�, platted and recorded, e�nd y <br /> they c�� �er�by covenant with the ,said John F.Dever and her heirs and assigne, that they are _ <br /> lawfully seized c�f said premise�; that they are free frc�m incumbrance and that they have good <br /> right and lawful auth�rity to aonvey the came; and they �io hereby covenant to -warrant and .defend <br /> the said premise� a�ainst the lawFul claims of all pers�ns whr�msoever. <br /> And the said Roaamond A.�teatervalt hereby relinquishes all right �f d�wer or othex interest in <br /> and �� the above de�cribed premi ae3. , <br />�. � � I� � <br />