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�' 542 <br /> � <br />, <br /> Dc�c�� ��c��c��� [� oo �`�o <br /> QIIIT CLAI1d DEFI� <br /> KNO�f.► ALL rA�N BY THESF PRESENTS THI3T: <br /> Ar�na Rohweder �.nd Cl�,us Rohweder,hpr husband, of Hall County.N�braska�Henry �[ildenstein and <br /> �a,ggi�s D�ildenstein,hi.s v�ifp, of xow�rd County,Nebraska,Gertrude Rohwede= and Henry Rohweder,her <br /> husbr�nd.�f Hall �ounty,Nebraska,Dor�, Schrein�r and Jacob 5chrein�er,her Yiusb�.nd� of Hsll Cvunty, <br /> Nsbr�.ska� Arnilia. Schaumann and Theodor��nn,her husba.nd, of Hall County�Nebraska,l4fartha <br /> Christenaen �.nd �ndrew Christensen.her husb�nd. of Ha.11 County,Atebr�.ska,Gparge �dilden�tein and <br /> Anna �ild�nstein,his wife.of Ha.11 County,Nebr�.ska and Cathrina 8taa1 �,nd Niel� 8taal,her hu$- <br /> band, of Yerxick County,I�ebraslu�. for the consideration of One Dollar (�1.00) and other good �.nd <br /> suffiaient consider�.tion$,coneisting of love and affeetion of brothera and ei$ter� for their <br /> sister,her�by Quit Claim a.nd convey unto A].wina �ildenst�in of Gr�.nd Isl�.nd�Hall County,Nebrwska� <br /> I : <br /> �s11 of our ri�ht, title dnd intere$t of whatsvever natu��, in and to the following deseribs�d <br /> Real Estate,situated in th� County of Fia11 and Stat� of Nebrask�,�to-wit: Zot Thres f3} �n <br />' Block One Hundrsd Forty-eight C 148 ) of Union P�,cific Ra.ilway Comp�z�y' � Secar��d Addition to the <br /> City of Gra,nd Is1�.nd,�ia11 County,l�ebraska. <br /> IN WITN�S �HER_FOr. I have hsreunto set my h�.nd this 31 da.y of kugust,1921. <br /> Witness: J.L.Cl�ary <br /> Theodorp Schaumra,nn 6milia Schaum�.nn <br /> Cl�.us 8ohwedsr por� �chreiner <br /> Henry Roh�iPder <br /> Jacoe Schreiner <br /> Hsnrsr �ildens��ig� Anna Rahweder <br /> l��gi� �dildenst�in G�rtrude Rohweder <br /> Andrew Christensen Anna �ilc�en�tein <br /> 3�artha Christensen Cathrina Staal <br /> George �ildenstein Niels 6taa1 <br /> Stdte of Nebraska, ) <br /> I �SS. <br /> H�11 County ) <br /> On this 31" da.y of August.1921,before m�, the under�i.gned,a I�otary � <br /> Public in and for sdid county,personully came Anna Roh�eder and Clau� Rohwed�r,her husbr�nd� � <br /> of Ha.11 County�Nebraska,Hsn�y Mild�nstein r�nd ?d�gie A�ilc�enstein.his wif�, of �3oro��rd County� <br /> Nebri�,ska.Gertrude Rohv�eder �nd Henry Rohweder,her husbdnd� of Ha.11 County��ebrask�,Dora Schr�in,Qr:� <br /> �.nd Jacob Schreiner,her hu�bdnd.of H�.11 County,Nsbraska,Ami lia Sch�.umr�nn �.nd Th�odore Schauman�.n, <br /> her husb�.nd,of H�,11 County�Nebraska�Martha Christ�n��t� �.nd Andrew Christ�nsen,her hu�band�of � <br /> H�.11 County,Nebr�.ska,GPorgg �[ild�nst�in and Ann�. Mildenst�ir��his wifs, of H�zll County,l4ebr�$kaj, <br />' �.nd Cathrina Staal �nd �tiPl�a Staal,her husb�,nd.of �errick County.Nebraska who are per�on�.11y ! <br /> known to me to b� th� idPnticdl pexsons whose names affixed ta the above in$trument as granto�,*s <br /> and tn�y severall,y acknov►l�sdgpd the execution of aaid instrument to be their voluntdry act and . <br /> deed. <br /> Witness u�y hdnd and Notdria.l Spol. the date afari�said. <br /> ($EAL} J.L.Cler�t'y <br /> Notr�ry Publi,c. <br /> �y commission expirgs April 18. 1923• <br /> Ii'iled for record this 27 day of Septe�b�sr 1921,at 10:2a o'clock A.Dt. <br /> ����� � <br /> Regist�r of Deed��� <br /> -0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-L�-0-0-�-0-0-0-fl-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-A-0-�-Q <br /> � <br />� < !' ti <br /> � <br />