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� - - - <br /> o- <br />� � � � �53�5 � <br /> . � C��00 C�oc� r���9 G� «[� r��� [��o � <br /> t��� n�D: i <br /> _ KbTO� � ?� BY T�i$S� PR�S�NTS: ( <br /> � <br /> Th�.t Bred H.J�,�per �nd Sm�►� Jaeper. husb�nd and wife. ot the County �t' Hall and State @f �ebr�s <br /> for �,nd in cc�nsiderati�n �f th� sum �t Fifty tvro hundred and No/100 Doll�►ra in Yu�nd pa�id do h�re� <br /> i� <br /> by gr�nt, b�rg�n, $ell, aomrey. €�nd c�nfirm unt� Peter T.Pr�ulsen oi the C�unt3� _�r H�11 an.d Str�te j� <br /> ot' Nebrask�. th� foll�wing described re�l estato aitu�ted in -- in �11 Ceunty, s�nd �t�►te •t �� <br /> Nebra,sk� t�-wit: TY3e �0ut�erly. eig�tLy four feat f84�t. � of Lot Si�ht (8j, in �lock 8eventy 8ia i <br /> ,! <br /> (76}. Town at� Grsnd Iala�ad, Nebr�slca srame being r� Rectr�ngr�lar tr�►at af gr�und ha.v3ng a fr�nt�ge �� <br /> I <br /> ot �ixty six (66� feet on Fir�t Street �nd extending in a Nartharly direati�n �i�kty lour (84� ! <br /> � <br /> faet,, this com►eyance incladas a permanent easem�nt acr�sa the we�ter],y__pr�rt of tl�e ls'orther],y ;� <br /> �� <br /> �'�rty. eight �98} feet mf sr�1d b�t �i�ht (8j._ re$erved in a certain deed reaorded in Bosk 44 Page !� <br /> 263 �f the deed rec�0rds of �all C�unty, �ebraslcsi for aewer connecti�n� �rtd sub�ect t• s m�rtgage I' <br /> �� <br /> af Twenty five hundr�d ($2500.0�} dall�rs, ssid mnrtgage bsir� rea�rd.ed iu Baak 49 Pags 309 �f i� � <br /> h <br /> the ffiortgs►g� recarda �f I�11 C�unty, Mebraska. i� <br /> TO HAV$ A14'D TO �iOI.D the premisea ab�ve desorii�ed, together with all tba Tenements. Hereditaments !i <br /> � �. <br /> � <br /> �nd �.ppurtenances tY�ereunto bel�nging,. unto the sr�id Peter T.Faulsen and te his heirs and assigna�j <br />� ;` <br /> fvrever. and they do hareby c�ren�nt with the ssid Gr�ntee and wiLh his heir�t and as�ign�. that ;; <br /> 'I <br /> the �re l�wful seized of ssid '� <br /> y ly premise$; tYu�t tY�e� �re free from encumbrance Lhat t�ey h�ve <br /> i <br /> ;� <br /> g��d right �.nd laMful uuthority te sell th� srame; and tl�ey c�o 2�erob� c�v.nant t� w�rrs�nt a�� �� <br /> ,; <br /> defend the titld tm a�id premises �gair�st the iawful c2+wima �f all pere�na whomsoever. � 'j <br /> � jl <br /> And Lhe a�id B�ima Jasger hereby relinqui��iss all et�tutory riBht� whxta�eve�r fn and t• the �.be�e �� <br /> �, <br /> dascribed prersisea. i <br /> i <br /> 8igned thfs 29 day �f August g.A 1821 � <br /> . � Fre� H.Jsaper �� <br /> �w�.�����.���s�.� <br /> In presence •f �,: �i3�,00 I.�., } ;I <br /> f. Sta�mp a . j 8mma J�sp er I; <br /> A.�.Cady Jr. t Caaacell�i-;: j �I <br /> ,, <br /> Ej <br /> 1�.K.YcKin�a�n Eas ta �n�► Jaeper) i� <br /> � <br /> St�te at Nebr�.�aka ) �� <br /> }ae. I <br /> H�cll C�uut�. � an thi� 29t2� day �f Auguat. A.D.1921, before me, tha under�igneal A.S.Ca <br /> � � i <br /> Jr. $ Not�sry Public duly e�mmissioned �.nd quslified for and residir�g in eai� a��xnty. _persanally �� <br /> i <br /> cs�e �'red H.Jasper t• me kn��rn t• be the identieal pe rsons wh0se naa�s°, is a►ffi�ced t• the ��regoi <br /> inaLrranent aa gr�nt�r �nd aeYna�wl�dged the ��e t• be his v�lunt�ry �ct and dead. ( <br /> Mlitness m� l�ind �►nd 2�ots�ri�.l Saal the day_ �nd year la�t r�bmre written. �+ <br /> I <br /> f 884L} A,�.Cad,y Jr. � <br /> � , I1y ��mmiosi�n expire�s the ?t�i day et October 1924 Notary Public �� <br /> � <br /> State ot �'ebrs�skaj , � <br /> )�� On Lbis 3ist d�y of August A.D.1S21� befere me, the �nder$igned N.K. <br /> D�ugl�us C�unty ) ' <br /> 1tcKinnon � Metary Public. duly c�mmis�foned and qualifieA !�r �nd � <br /> r�si�ing in �e�id C�unty, pers�nally came Famm� Jsspar tm me knmxn ta+ be the fa�entic�l psr�oA i� II <br /> I <br /> who$e name i� affi�ced to tMe f�regoira� inetrument aa grant�r and raaknowledged the same to be 2�tr !� <br /> �� <br /> ♦mlunts�ry_ ac t and deed. iI <br /> � <br /> �itness a�y hand r�ncl �i�t�rial 8e�1 Lhis 31st d�y �f Aug 1921 � <br /> N.R.l[cSi nn�n � <br /> �88AL� � <br /> l��t+�r�r Fv�blio �� <br /> Yy c��amisaioa expfres the 28th day �f June 1922 , <br /> t� <br /> �'iled f�r rec�rct on the 13 d�y ot September 1921 at 2:3a �tclock P.Y. <br /> 1 ��=-���� � � <br /> —�- --..... . .. ..........,. . � �� <br /> _: .. Re�st�r_ o� �d� +!� <br /> -�-�•o-o�-o-�-s-a-o-�-�-c-o-�-s-o•�-o-m-s-�-o-�-�-0-�-e-�-a-o-�-�-�-o�-o�o�s-m-o•o-o-s��N�•�N+� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> �. <br /> i , I! .� <br />� _. _ __ <br />