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�. 532 <br /> ����c��l ���c����� ��o ��o <br /> ��'!'A.RRANTY I�ED <br /> ; <br /> �. <br /> KNJV�I AI,Z a�SEN BY THESE PRES^Tv'TS: , <br /> Th�t LAwis W.�dcCormiek a.nd �irmenia �€eCor�nick� ��,ch. in thQir own ri�ht and as the Husbdnd or �ife' <br /> of tne oth�r. of the County of Hall and StatA of Nebruska for �.nd i.n consideration of the sum <br /> of Two Hundred and no%IOc) Dollars, in hG.nd ��,id, do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN,SELL�CONZ�Y�At1?? CORrFIR'�[,. <br /> unto Ha11iQ H. Shouse. of the County of Hall and State of Nebr�.ska ths followin� described prP- <br /> :�ises situ�.ted in C�,i .ro in the County of Hall �nd State of Nebr�.sk�, to-�it: Lot numbered <br /> SevPnteAn (17) �.n i3lock numbArAd Ei�ht (8) of the original Tcvin of C�.iro as shown by th� recorded <br /> plat thpr�e�f. �.nd rvA do hereb�a covenant wi th thP sdi d ?ialli� H. Shouse �.nd hi s hei rs and assigns, <br /> th�,t vne ar�: lawfully seized of said i;remises; that th�y 4re free from incumbrance that we havs <br /> �ood ri�;ht and l�,wful aut:�oxity to convey the s�.me;and evp do hereby co4ena,nt to warrant an:i defPnd <br /> the s�id �Y'PI111S?$ dgdinst the lawful clµims of all persons whomsoevPr. <br /> t�nd the �said grantcr� herA'Qy rslinquishes all their claims in ar.d to the above �escribed <br /> p remi ses. - <br /> �igned Lhi s 30" d�.y of Au�;ust A.D. 1921 <br /> Tn presence of <br /> .. i�YA+�1�i�.��a��������r . . � <br /> � G. C.Z�.v�n (�.50 I.�.Stamps ) Lewis W.�cCormic?c <br /> (Canc e1�1�d 1 <br /> Armenia. McCormi ck <br /> The �tate of Nebrwska, } ' <br /> � � 83. , �� <br /> H�.11 County. ) • <br /> On this 30" d�.y of ku�:ust A.D. 1921,bef ore m� G. C.R�.ven,a N otdry <br /> Public dUly commissioned �n:� �.�ualifipd for �.nd residing in said County��srsonally came Lewi$ : <br /> W.MeCormi ck and hrmQnia McCo r.mi ck,t o mA known t o be the i denticu.l ;�ers ons describQd i n and <br /> F who execut?d the f�rpgoing inatru.mPnt �.s gr�.ntors �nd t�ey acknowledged the said instrument � <br /> t o be th�i r v oluntary act dnd deed. <br /> ' �►I��� � hund and not�r� ul sedl at C�.iro 3n sai.d County�the day �.nd year l�st above writte;n. <br /> (SE�L) G. C.8�.v en <br /> Notary Public <br /> �Gy comr:�issi on expirea J }aly 27, 1922 <br /> Fi led for rpcord �his 6 d�� of Se�;te*nbsr 1921,at 10: 3� o' cloc k �.�. <br /> ���-���`� <br /> Register of UeP� ,ds��� <br /> -0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-G-0-0-0-0-0-«0- <br /> QUIT CI,AIM DE�D <br /> twenty <br /> THI"� INDEIITURE.��de this lOth day of S�ptember�in the y ear one thous�.nd nine hundred and��ne he-� <br /> twesn Henry �.��nders (husadnd of Daisy Sdnders) of the first part�and Daisy S�.nder�e (wife of ; <br /> � <br /> Henry P. Sdnders of the sec ond p�rt. <br /> �ITNESSETH,��t the s�.id p�.rt� . of the fi.rst g�.rt, in consider�.tion of the su.� af Twelve Hun- <br /> dred & no/l0U Doll�.rs to me duly paid,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgr�d I have remised, <br /> r�lewsed and quit-cl�.imed,and by tr�ese pr�sents do,for myself my heirs,executors �n3 adminiatru�ors. <br />' �rnise, rPlea�� �.nd forever �uit-claim. and convey unto the sdid p�.rty of ' ?� second part,and to h�r <br /> heirs �.nd a,ssigns foxever,�+.11 my ri.ght, title,interest,estut� claim dnd demand both at larr �;nd <br /> in equity� of,in �.nd io all Lot .Nine (9) Block Sixty Nin�, t69),Wheeler & Bennett's Secon3 �dditi�n <br /> to Grand Island Nebraskw,as surveyed;platt�d & recorded. <br /> Together with all and sin�ular tYie iier�dit�:.:nents ti�ereunto belon�ing. <br /> . <br /> TO HAVE AT1D TO HOI.D the �bove describAd pxpmises �unto the said Daisy S4nder$ her heirs an�d ; <br /> assigns; sa tha.t naiti�er I �he su�id HAnry P. ��.ndPrs , or any person in my name a.n3 behalf,shall <br /> or wili herea.ft:�r or demr�ns� uny ri�ht or title to tne s�.id premisss or ar�� �art therAof, <br />� ��tt tney and every one of th�m 8h�.11 by� t�iese pr�sents be excluded �ind forever narrsd. <br />� � � � � � � ii � �_� <br />