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531 � <br /> C��00 U�oa ���9 �] �[�a��� [��o <br /> ' Signed,sealed anc� delivered in presence of I <br /> � <br /> ' Dal� P. Stough Ba.yard H.Paine <br /> i . � <br /> Grace B.Paine <br /> ; State of Y�ebraska j <br /> � ��- i �88. � � <br /> Hal l �C ou nty � <br /> ' On this 26th day of August A.D. 1921 bgfore me the undersigned Dale <br /> , P.Stough a Notary Public,duly ccanmi�sioned and qualifisd for �nd reaiding in said county,per <br /> � ( <br /> sonally came Bayard H.Pa,ine and Gr�.ce his wife to me known to be tYie identical persons <br /> � whose name$ are affixed to the fore�oin� conveyance as g�antors and acknowledged the same to <br /> ` be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> 1Vitn�ss �y hand and Notarial Seal thi.s 26t�i ddy of August 1921 <br /> (g,$�,� Dale P. Stough <br /> , Not�.ry Public <br /> i My commission expirps the 17th day of �[a.rch 1926 <br /> ; <br /> t <br /> ' Filpd for record this 1 day of Septembsr 1921�at 1: 30 0� clock P.3d. <br /> . � <br /> Register of Deeda <br /> ; c�-4-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- -0 <br /> i �UI T CLAI�d I�EED <br /> �' THI� IiJDER�TTURE,�de thi s 23d duy of Ma�•, in t.�e y ea.r one thousand nine hundred �.nd twsnty one, � <br /> betw��n T�.e Trustees of th� • t C ? at onal h ch - <br /> s „ Soa h �lr�tte ongr.� i C ur of Hall County�Nebraskts. of <br /> � , <br /> ;� the first part, and the �9illiam O. Tyler,heirs, of thQ secon� part. <br /> ;� • <br /> +! �ITN�'SSETH� that the sai d pdrt ies of the fi. rst �art� in cons ideratj on of tne sum of One dollar <br /> � and othsr YaluablA considsrations Dollars to tnem duly i.,uid, t�ie r$ceipt wherPof is hereby ac- <br /> � '�nowledged and they' haVe remised, released �nd qui�-cl�.imed�u.nd by these prPsents do for.for <br /> ; � <br /> 1 <br /> ! themselves hei rs,executors and ad.ministra.tors� remise, reledse and forever quit-claim �nd convey . <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> � unto the sai.d partiPs of the second part�and to tnei.r heirs and assigns fore4pr,all their right <br /> i <br /> i t i.tle, interest, Astate and claj.m a.nd demand,botn at law �,nd in equi ty, of,in and to al1 of the <br /> j <br /> i parcAl of ldr.d cantaining one square acre situwted in the $outh East Corner of the South �ast <br /> j <br /> � QuartAr�SE�.of Section Eight (8) ,Township Nine (9) North of Runge Ten (10) West of the 6th <br /> ; <br /> ; P.�. in H�11 Count;��Nebrdska. <br /> ; <br /> . To�ether witn �.11 and singul�.r the herPdita.menta thereunto b�lon�in�. <br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO HOT,D the above dpscribed premises unto thP said t�rantees their hPirs and <br /> i a,ssi�ns ;so that neithsr of thA s�id Grantors, or �riy person in their naxne and behalf� shall or <br /> I ! wi�1 hereafter c laim or demand ariy right or title to the �aid premises or arry pa.rt thereof�but �, <br /> ' they and every one of them sho,ll by thAse presents be excluded a.nd forPVer� barrPd, <br /> IN VJITNESS V'Ji3ERF0�.the p�rties of the first p�.rt h4ve hereunto set theix ha.nds and seal <br /> � <br /> , th� day �,nd yeor aoove written. <br /> � SignQd,se�,lAd and delivered in presence of <br /> '�'RUSTEES Ok��� THE SOUTH �I,ATT� CONGREGATIONAL <br /> C.M.Cdrls on CIiUT�CH <br /> W.H.3�AcDowell <br /> ClarPnce J.Cox <br /> H.J.Mcl,a.ughlin <br /> Sta.te of Nebraska } <br /> ) s s. ' <br /> Ha.11 County j On this 23d d�.y of ]�ay ,A.D. i921� before TIIP� ti116 underaignPd C.�II.Carlson �` <br /> a Notar�y Public,duly commissione�i wnd qualified for and residing in said county,person�.11y camA ' <br /> V7.H.�cDowell,Cl�rence J.Cox�and H.J.?�oI,aughlin,TrusteQs of the South Platte CongrAgational Chtzs h <br /> to me known to be t?�e identical per�ons whose naxnes are affiaed to thP forPgoing instrument ae <br /> grantors and acknowledgPd th� s�unP to be their voluntdry act and dePd. <br /> �itness m� hand �nd Notarial Seal the ddy and yPdr last abovg written. I! <br /> (��,) C.M. Carlson ( <br /> l�otary Public. �( <br /> My commission ex�irPs the 20tn day of Jan 1923. �� <br /> Filed for record t�is 6 da.y of 5eptember 1921,at 10: 30 o'clock A.M. � <br /> ; �', <br /> . ���� � al � <br /> Re�i ste r of Deeds <br /> . <br /> . <br />� ' <br /> ii _ <br />