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� -- - - - -- - - <br /> J��� <br />. �� oa �0� ���9 � ����� ��o- <br />; <br /> �� <br /> �, <br /> , �ublic,di�ly_ ctunmi.s si oned and ed for and residin� in said County,personaily came C.�i. �) <br /> ; � <br /> � Tucker Husband of Eliza J. Tucker t� me kno�rn to be the identical pers ons whos� name are af fi.xed;i <br /> � << <br /> � <br /> � to the foregoing inatrument as grantors �nd acknowledged the saane to be their voluntary act ii <br /> '� <br /> �,nd deed. �i <br /> ;� <br /> ' plitness rAy h�nd and Notarial �5ea1 the day and ye�.r l�.st above written. �� <br /> i; <br /> (g�;�,) J.E.Di 11 <br /> � � Notary Pubiic ;� <br /> �� <br /> �![y commission expires the 23" day of July 1925 ' ;� <br /> ;', <br /> Str�te of Nebr�.sk� j <br /> ��s• ;� <br /> Custer County, � On this 26th d�y of Au�ust�A.D. 1321� before me, the undersigned a Notary j! <br /> Ij <br /> ; Public�duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, came Eiiza ,� <br /> , <br /> J. Tucker wife of C.H.Tucker one of the grantors of the within deed to me known to be the identic�al <br /> i� <br /> person whose ndme is affiaed to the foregoing instrument �,s gra.ntor she and acknowledged the s�e <br /> ;; <br /> � t o be her voluntu.r�,� �ct and deed. <br /> � � � �� 'i <br /> V"itness �y ha.nd a.nd Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. �� <br /> (��,} V.Krikac Jr. <br /> � Notary Public. ''' <br /> � i� <br /> ;! <br /> ' My commission expires the 19 day of �rch,1926 <br /> �: <br /> Filed for rPcord this 30 day of August 1921,at 9 o' clock A.M. r��;��� ;i <br /> L <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> . -o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-e-o-o-a-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�- <br />� ; DEED OF REF�REES. � <br /> i <br /> KNOW ALL DdEN BY TH�SE PRESENTS TIiAT�� ;, <br /> i.i <br /> �7hereas in an a.ction of p�.rtition pending in the District Court of Hall County,Nebraska�case ii <br /> � <br /> number 49e45,wherein L�.ura I,opscher wds plaintiff��.nd i�illi4m F.Loescher�Ella Loescher,Agnee Wagn��r, <br /> Ernest �• ner,Bertha. Niemoth Albert Niemath Minnie He '! <br /> dg � , ngen.Fred �engsII.Herm�n Zoescher Rosina �� <br /> ,. <br /> Loescher,Charles Loesch�r,8ophia Loescher,Frederick I.oescher,Ol�a L�escher,Gordon l�iemoth,a mino��, <br /> ,i <br /> , Henry Niemoth,a minor,I,eona hrien�oth.a minor,Arnold Nie�oth,a m��or,Irene Niemoth,a minor,and ;' <br /> � <br /> Irvine Nieraoth,a minor were defend�nts,for the partition of the premisps hereina.fter described, ;� <br /> �, <br /> ; . ,� <br /> ; <br /> the undersi�ned referees,appointed by said Court to_ make partition of said real eetate,made re- ;; <br /> ,� ;; <br /> sf '; <br /> � port in writing.duly signed setting forth that partition of s€cid lands eould not be made wi�houti� <br /> "; ,y <br />; great prg�judice to owners therPof,which report mds duly exa,mined by said Court and $aid Court �; <br /> being satisfied therewith confirmed the sr�me and thereupon m�de an order and c�,used the $arn,e tq; <br /> ! <br /> � - be entered�di.rpctin� the undersigned referees to sell the said real eetate for cash. ; <br /> � � �I <br /> � Ar.d in pursuance of said order the said referees caussd a notice to be published in the Qrand; <br /> �i <br /> Isl.a,nd Independent.a newsp�+.per printed and in gPneral circulution in Hr�,ll County�Nebraska, that �i <br /> s4id we would offer sai.d lands for s�,le 4t the front door of the Court ht�use in Hall County, j" <br /> '� <br /> � on the 23ad day of July A.D. 1921�at 2 0' c lock P.�[. of said dt�y,a,nd �.t the time and pl�.ce stated �� <br /> in said notice �.nd after said notice h�s been published 5 consecutive weeks we offered the fol <br /> � <br /> i' <br /> !; owing describAd real est�,te,to-r�it: Lot Fifteen (15j and Lot Sixteen (16} in Block Nine (9} in ; <br /> � <br /> ,; Bog�s a�nd Hills Addition to the City of Grand Ialand,Hall County,Nebraska,��'or sale at public �; <br /> ; duc ti on�and s old the said lo ts Fifteen (15 j and S��xteen (16) Block Nine (9) in Bog�s and Hills �� <br /> ;� <br /> i� <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Isla.nd,Nebrask�..Ha.11 County,to Henry Ruff for the sum of One i� <br /> L <br /> Hundred Twenty-fiPe (�125. 00} Dollars�he bein� the highest bidder therefore,dnd afterwards to-wi��t: <br /> ,� <br /> on the 26th d�.y of July, l921,said Court approved and confirmed said sale,and by an order dir�ctefld <br /> us as said referees to execute to the said Henry Ruff a deed conveying said land� to him in fes �i <br /> � a <br /> s imple. � �` <br /> W P rees in c onsideration of the sum of Ona ;; <br /> hr r f e <br /> o,m Su ., <br /> P N �11� � <br /> A Jo .Cls�. arld 1 , <br /> Mow therefor� w., hn L ry i� <br /> i <br /> ,I <br /> � <br />�_ _ ii �_ ___ _-�--- - 11 _ <br />