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� <br /> �5�� <br /> Dc�c�� �����c��l [� oo � z�o � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> coverlG.nt to warrant and dsfend thA said premises d��inst the lawful cluims of all persons whom <br /> soever. <br /> � <br /> IN �ITIIESS t�9HFR:�OF. thP said Grand Isl.�.nd Land Comp�.ny h�.s hereunto caus�d its corporate sea� <br /> to be a.ffixpd and thsse �rPsents to bP signed by its Presidpnt the d�y and yPar first above ' <br /> �rit tPn. <br /> I i <br /> �igned�se�.lsd and delivered in prPsence of ` # <br /> � <br /> Walter H.R�uert (�pRp) Gr�.nd Isl�.nd ��nd Company � <br /> (SEtiL� <br /> By B;.�y urd H.P:.�i ne PrPs i dent <br /> � <br />� ' By Ir4 T.Pain� Vice Presi.dent. � <br /> St4te of Nebr�ska � � <br /> � <br /> }ss. <br />� Hall County j On this 26th day of August : 1921.bgforP me, the undersigned,Clerk Distric� <br /> Court in dnd for said County �parsonally came B4ya.rd H.P�.ine President and Ird T.paine Vice.Pre� <br /> , <br /> �ident of the Grand Isldnd �,�.nd Compar�y to me persnnally knc�wn to be the President & Vice Pres <br /> and th� identical persox�s rvhose n�.mea �re affixed to the above conveyance,and acknowledged the <br /> exscution thereof to be his voluntary act and de�d �.s such o�ficers �.nd the voluntary act and <br /> dAed of the sai.d Grzind Isl�.nd Land Compaxiy�and th�.t the Corporatp seal of the said Grand Islan <br /> Ldnd Compan`y was tnereto affixPd 'ny its �.uthority. <br /> Wit.n�ss r:�y hand and �otarial Seal at Grand I$la.nd in sai.d County the day cLMd ySa.r last <br /> above writtsn. <br /> (SEAL} Walter H.R�.uert <br /> C1Prk District Court. � <br /> Y Fil?d foa� recox� this 29 dwy of A�ust 1921�at 8: 30 0' clock A.A�. � <br /> �J(���� <br /> � <br /> Regi.stAr of Deeds� <br /> -0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-fl-0-0-0-G-0-0-U-0-�-t�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0 <br /> gUIT CI,ASM 1�EED <br /> THIS INAER;TURE,�d�s this 16th day of August�in tY�,e year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-on <br /> betwe�n Tucker �.nd Eliza J. �uekpr (Husband �and Wife} party� of the firat p�.��,�.nd James S. <br /> Mc1i6i11Qn parts�, of the second �art, <br /> tiVITI�?ESSETH.that the s�.i,d party of the first part, in c onsider�.tion of the su:n of Ons and no/1 p <br /> V <br /> to thPm duly paid� the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed have remised� released and <br /> € <br /> quit-claimed �.nd by the�e prpsents does�for himself and heirs,executors �.nd administrators, remi A, <br /> release and forever qui.t-claim a.nd convey unto ths said party of the second part und to his hAi s <br />' dnd assjgns fore�er,aZl �thei r right� ti tle,interest� estate,cl�.im and demand both at law and in <br /> �quityT, of, insa,nd to al� of Block ten (10} �in Sherida.n Place.sai.d Sheridan Place being B1ock ten <br /> (10} i�n Harrison's of 5outh �►est Qudrter (SW�� of South East Quarter f�-) of Secti n <br /> . .. <br /> ei�ht (8) Township eleven (11} North.Range nine (9) �Vest sixth (6th� P.B�. �.n Grand Islan.d�Hall <br /> County,ISebr�.ska. <br /> Together with �.11 and singular the hereditarnents thereunto belongin�. <br /> :�'D TO HO D the above described premises unto the said Ja.mes S.�c�dillen and his heir <br /> TO HAVE A �, <br /> l - � p - <br /> Ik <br /> and assigns,�so th,�t neither the said C.H.Tu�ker G.nd, or �r�y person in th.,ir name and behalf, shal <br /> or will herea.fter cldim or dema.nd ar�y right or ti tle to the sai.d premises or arr� part thereof b t <br /> they and every one of them shU11 by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS VVHEREOF,The said of the first part hereunto set their hand and seal <br /> the day and yea.r above written. <br /> Signpd, se�.led a.nd delivered in pr�sence of ' <br />' J.E.Li 11 C.H. Tueker � <br /> V.Krikac Jr. �.s t o Eliz�. J. mucker �liza J.Tucker <br /> St�.te of Nebraska. � <br /> Ha.l.l County � $$� <br /> Or_ this 23" day of August,A.D. .1921,beforg me the undersigned a Notary <br />___ : <br />