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p� + � <br /> A��� <br /> Dc��� ��c����r�� � oo ��o <br /> IN �CITNESS �HEREOF�The said garties of the first pa.rt have hereunto set their hands and sea <br /> the day �.nd y eu.r �bov� v�ritten. <br /> Signed,Sealed and Delivered in prersence of <br /> A.J. Theob�ld Virgil V.Shdfer <br /> Dorot2�y Z; Sh�fer <br /> $tate of Nebr�.ska � <br /> I' � ss. <br /> Ac�ams t�:ounty � <br /> On this 17 d�xy of Aug,A.D. .1921.befvre me the undereignesd A.J.Theob�id <br /> a Not�.ry public �duly commissi.oned and qualified for and residing in eafd CaanLy,person�ll,y e�z <br /> Virgil V. Shafer and Dorot�,y L.Sh�.fer to me known to be the iden.tical per�ons whoee n�mes are <br /> �.ffixed to the foregoing conveyanc� as gr�,ntors and acknowledgPd the execution of the same to <br /> ., <br /> their �oluntary act a�nd de�d. <br /> �itne�s my hdnd and Atotari�l Seal the day �.nd ye�.r 24st �bove written. <br /> t�g�yy} A.J.Treobald <br /> DTotary PubZic. <br /> l6y commissi.on expires ths lb day of M�.rch 1926 <br /> F'il�d for record thia 19 d�.y of August 1921,at 9 0' clock A.�d. � <br /> ��� � <br /> , Re�ister of Deeds <br /> -o-o-e-Q-e-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o^o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o-o-o-�-Q-Q-a-a-o-o-o - : <br /> WAR T3AI6TI' DEED <br /> RNOW AI,L � BY THES� PRLS�ATB: <br /> That Alda State Ba.nk ofthe County of H�.11,and State of Nebraska.for and in c ox�sideration of the <br /> sum of Two hundrPd (�200.00) Dollars in hand pr�id da hereby grant,b�.r�ain,s�ll,convey and confi <br /> unto For�st G.Iinox and Earl A.]tii�rtin of tMe County of Hall and State of Nebraek�.the following <br /> deserib�sd real est�ztA sitnated in �lda, in Hall County,and Stdte of I�ebr� The e�sterly <br /> tw�nty two (22} fPet of the north ha,lf c�f lot five (5 j Block ninsteen (19� in the Ori�inal Town <br /> of Alda,as surveyed,platted r�nd r�:corded, <br /> TO HAV� AND TO HOZD t�e �aremises above described, together with all the Tenements.Herc�dita�ent <br /> and Appurtenances thereunto .unto the $aid �'orest G.Snox and Edrl A,�iartin and to thei <br /> � <br /> heirs dnd assigna. forever. <br /> And we do herEby covenant with the said �r�tttee,and �ith the�r h�irs and assi�ns that r�e l�wful <br /> seized of sai.d �remises; that they are free fr� encumbrancs that we have good right and lawful <br /> �uthority to s�'21 the s�me; c.nd we do hereby c ovenant to wr�rr�.nt and daf�nd the tit1� to saici pr <br /> misse against the lawful c la.ims of all per$ons v�homsoever. <br /> And the said Alda Sta,ts b�nk hereby r�liri�.uishe$ all it� right� in and to the above described p �mises. , <br /> Sign�d this 8 day of October,A•�. 1919 and that sea.l hereto att�,ched is seai of said corporat' on <br /> In Pre�ence of At test (CORP� ALDA �TATE BANK <br /> � John Thomssen Cashier �SBAI,� <br /> ' P. C.Kelley Pr�s. � <br /> W.L.�cs�iy ----_...,..�_,�______---- <br /> {�.50 I.R.Strtimps � <br /> StdLe of Nebraska j <br /> f <br /> C <br /> ancgl2ed } <br /> } s�- <br /> Ha.12 County } On this 8 day of October�1919,b�fore m� tYie undersigned�a l�otr�rg Public <br /> Y e r� <br /> in and for sdid County, a�r�me P. C.Ke11Ay Fresident of the Ald� State Bank to me pers on <br /> _ <br /> ally known to be the President and ths idsntical person who$e nar�e ig affixed to the foregoing n- <br /> strument and acknowledged the execution therpof to be his voluntary dct and d�pd as such ofFice ; <br /> a.nd the v oluntary act dnd depd of the said ------:�n3 that the Co=porr�te Seal of the said Alda <br />� State Bo.nk w�.s thereto affixgd by its authority. <br /> l�itness � ha.nd dnd tiotarial Seal at Alda,in �aid e�unty.the d�y 4nd y�ar last above �rritten. <br /> (SEAL) �l.I,.Re l ly <br /> I�otaYy Public. <br /> l,�y Commi��ion expirgs the Jan. l6 1924 <br /> Filed for r�cord tnis 19 :�iay of Au�ust 1921�aL 3 o�clock P.�. �����-� � <br />� 8e�;ister of De s <br />