.h: _
<br /> - -_ - - _-- _ -__ - - _ .-�: - , _-- -` _-=---=g��--:��t�� -- --_
<br /> �,
<br /> ,:applic+�bic l�►�Y�Pec+(�►far t+d�l�laiie+�i befae We aE 1fe llapeYiy p�Mnt 10�sjr pb�e��iE�sale ooarained ip�ia
<br /> Se�!ritZ I�rweir�!�(b)a�1��a j�dp�e�t�to�c��i+a Sxwiny�wwt�ane. 7�ae oonditiom�I�t Bar�: (U .
<br /> pi�rlt l.�de�all swrit�4k���nwW be�drt!pederti�s Sec�tit�r �waan�nd dre Nol�a��f'�a aoederaaoa i�d ._ ..�:';:,'.`'--
<br /> voc�fe�tb�e�at�r ddi�ic d�s�►a�in��av.±��a�q�tcd:a�r�:.{c)prys all exPa�e�incuROd ia enfv�in�this Sec+xity;'. . . .<
<br /> I�np1�n�.IsiY�ia�.b�aat 1'sailea 1a.zp�i�bie�Ys`�aod(�tskes such s�t�oa u I�dtr m�y ne�aon�bQt� .
<br /> te�q a�weet�t die�en a F�s S e o�i t y t a s p u m a r t,l.e n d a�r i�h t a in tl�A ro p a t y�d Barrorr��a 6 l i a i t l o n b py 3e
<br /> saa�e:i�we+d b��tis:Sa�i�t ti�tiummt ahaU oonfuwe �e�d- Upoe �C 6I► Bam��is Sec�ot�1
<br /> Io�isaaA�od�e ob�ipCri�tl��ecured d�nebY a6�U�awia fal�r etl'ectire as if ao aoodauion hwd oaainod: 1ia�r�evcr.�iis �-
<br /> tF�tiot�esbailnotappiyiathacs�eafacoei�tiaaa4darp�apbi7. _ ..._. . . :' �" `� _:� '. :... .: _-
<br /> 1!Swie�f 1WIe;�.'iwe�f Iwr Serrloer, 't6e Na1e ar a p�tul inta�est ia the Nota t��?�this Se�iry - _,
<br /> L�UwtkM)aWUi be�aW A1.ti a�ri�ro ti�s�ri�o�tP�°ruotloe 1�Bo�row�er. A aile may rosuh in s�c�a�e.�the aMity ' � .
<br /> (iceown s�tbe"Lo�n�avjoet")t�t'ca�eCis�7.Pay�a�3 d��d�e Nae ard dRS Saantity tn�''flrerc atso
<br /> _--- -�.�,�wrr���af�.i�e.S�s�la��rlue�tn a sde of tho Nala.--Ifthe�c is a s�of Lh�I v�fn Saqioa, . -
<br /> BamwMa vr�i be�,t�ven wdq�n notic�of�be eh�e in sco�noe��p�apsph 14 above w ea�-- _
<br /> rv►'!i uale fhe mase ssA addresa of d�t�ww l.wo Savloa��e addiiess w w�b3ch pyments a6ouW br made.7Ue natioe wlii
<br /> �'C�ii�it�ay o16�r iof'am�tion reqrit�ed bY applir�6ie Lw.
<br /> �•;:'��,�eihw S�oes Ba�ruwer sMU not cwse a pamit tbe pcesasce.uae.dispos�l.ston�a r�laise ot�r►y
<br /> ;_;,,`��: . , �nn a�tbe Propaty. i3o�ver sball not d�aor slbw anyaae dse w do.aayttt�at�'actiaa�e . .
<br /> �,�:. �`t `�$'���otiition aFmy Fmiuoam�l Lsw T�e prooedit�g two sea�awes s6�ti mt�p/y t�i��rwa�ce.us�or-
<br /> �,�ti�.�< �ssd�r�,�g�e�a�aj y�ye���F�"�q t�f small q���jes af Ef��tdous Subs�oGS tdt ars ganasUy raa�niaed to��� w�i _
<br />. c {QR�Ii,rY+���VF.��,- . . , . .. ..- . ..'.." :.'.�./•
<br /> , �,.
<br /> • HCR01rY[��11�t{y�1fd,�Cl_Yi�Y�ksl1#fOff04Q�ia}t��i$�tl011,C1�iR.�;�.��_�...,�.��?�",.�, .
<br /> � . _ �9r. ��. �*. �. �y ?!�. _
<br /> i�C�I�� , tifG �tl�;�YC ?0� �1�A�i� <�,� ,�.
<br /> •,1 r . . !�f:• .
<br /> �ttr $0� ;�ta���'; r�r olE:s4�xd. ., ..� .r''1,;,
<br /> .� U�w of u�hicb� hts.q�cc�F' . �� karns. b�''� Sc��,� ?�!�i?�'Y ,..
<br /> sodia�r;dut�*�im�bv�!or a�r`��:��Sa6�i�ide�t�e Ptnpeitji��.;�et=�� _- , ,
<br /> aballptaoptlYd�e�IE t�ii�d'a�►a��raiia000�OexubE�+';'�1l.a�v. . _ ��;,;�_ �, : . :t.; \�._:';
<br /> .�:,. .,
<br />. ' ;�,+;��ased in this�,�1W�tdous:Su6saaoes,",;�te tlnse sobs�oes defned u wzic or ha�iu���bY`
<br /> E�iO�atawl Law aad tbe faiolii�`ri�sabshnqe� 8a.sct�,i!e::�Caosene.ud�er liaeunabie or tosic petnolauri p�fa�ii���:tic .
<br /> ��;.: '"''� aod t�bicides.vW�dtik sdveats.roa�xriats caN�g ssbesws at fonn�idebyde.and�adioactive�� As
<br /> ,:::,.-.:,, t�sad�w tbls po�Igpf�Qh ZQ"Fnvitmmmtal Isi��;�ts fe�ddCi�i�►ws a�1�ws of the ju�isdictiott whae the NiipMy is Iocated , 4
<br /> °`,;"' t6at telale oo I�ta11�.�ty or eavironme�Mal protation. . �
<br /> ;;��, NO1WUNff(l �COVENAN7'S. Barowa a�d Lender fuMer covenant and agee s�s foUows:
<br />'•��r. Meser ot asr covera�t� s�nt iw Sec�ty Iastn�eN tb�t�ot pdor� �aoc� pa�rayi 17
<br />:i` des�yiplicabie4w peovide+otierwtsel,T�e�otke aWl speeif': (a)t�e defsd�(b)tre acti���ed to cue Ne
<br /> ;';;'. ' �d�(c)a��ot le�tisw 30 t�s 16w�tMe d�te tiie�otice is�t�ae�to aoRO�wer,A7 ai�$!4e defs�lt a�st be �
<br />'r;::;,:�: cire/;�d(4 tMt f�iNre b.aQe tMe delfi�iMtw or 6dare tMe dste:�ec�l i IUe�otke a��i�a�cekr�tio�af ';;; ,
<br /> >„,": tre�s searrei 6�tNs Secn�it„y�aid ade af t�e Prnperty���'!e�olioe aM�N tw'I�els�iili�m Botra�er of ,�.
<br /> :'�;ti:;��'`,. Iljr.._ to r�i�efale alkr aooe�fs��Mti�e ri¢t ta bei�s ewrt actio�to�+tert.tie�d�roe of a�e�i!a'
<br /> �.:�. ��er a�ra�or eo��-,�;,,�s.a�,�t�ad�c�.a c.�a oA a�oK�e�aas��a�b
<br /> t�e+�tiaiee.i,eader�R,its cptta�re�+���at L fill d�B am�ser'v�d by tMb Seai�ty t+e�a+at
<br /> -` - wNl�o�t hrNia'�ia�ra�d aad m�y iovq�c,'�r�'+�tee,'ii�:s�e aed sx�i�er rdnedits pen■it�ed.by sppliabk law.
<br />�`�'<; I�eMer slWl be:1.r�tted tu oollect sl!ez�i�caqr��?pm'sa+���r+e�e�edic�provided�i�¢;i�Ois W�SraPb 2t,
<br /> ;�"..::'� Yclydi�,6Mt�at�ite8 tar.r+easaeable atteraess•ftes.��:asts a�titk evidei� '. �. : '.��'.
<br /> �'•,,' U tMe poeer a�sab h i�voked.7�stee s6a11 reisqti��notic�e at defaWt i�eact;e�iit�ty i�a�icb say lp�t of tlie --
<br /> ";��; Pra�eet�i�bcated a�d ai�N ssil c�opies o�s�wotke k�ie aau��er prescribM Ay i�Wa�ie la+v to Barrara��d W ---
<br /> tMe afier perso�s�escribed by sppliwbk iaw A1ter tl�e thae reqnirsd by sOP�G�c,;�st�e sIW sive prblk
<br /> . �otke d ssk to tLe peraoas sid i�the��'esc�l6ed by sppliati4k Iaw 7lrnstN�'�s�l�diti�d a�Bori+awer.
<br /> � . �YY seN tie Pruperp st poblic aocNos to�is�hest 6idder al!Ue time a�d pt�eE aad�iia��,�ie(�isais d�ed is
<br /> tre�ottce o��te i�ase or awK psrcels artt�bissmy order Trostee detmninea. liroste.e msy p�l�t+Ne afiNk of ap or s�y -..
<br /> ` pa�rs+e�dtk Propert�6y p�6tic aanwacta�:m4#l�e;�e and P��+�Y P�eY�,7'schedukA sala l,ea�'u�its
<br /> d�;lqitoe wiy y��aia�e tUe Propert'at aRy st,�i�'':...,,.:�. .' ,• . -. �. _
<br /> � ,�.s
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