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<br /> °. .. •.',-: -._A-.:. ._ - .
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<br /> ,_ ., .. i-�w.. ti - - . ..._
<br /> . .. , : . . .._� . .
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<br /> ..._ ._ .. . . .. .,
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<br />__ _ _ ___ ._ ._,".._......c.. __ ..: ..,. .. ,.�. — _
<br /> `. � . �:�� . , , ��' - ,�' ` � ���'�`:.�iW�lf/{/
<br /> •.•�.:,. .� - � •� -
<br /> ' . � .'5:�. � . . . . . ' . _ _ . .
<br /> .�. . � � �_�pra�e�w.wl�ic6 ae erten�d a ia 2.�dr ei�e-�e a,pooe d�P!Xdiews. M�►a�oas Peuoeed�ov�er�n
<br /> n
<br /> .. :� ; awowit re�i�ed��wa�adi��m�r ffie I+�o�aud eliia Soamhr ta�aq�oeat s�be p�'id b tba�at�qr
<br /> _ L t�a.ireaaetm�r odlect fees aod��,by'the Sec�t�qr ':. . ,
<br /> !.(,fiwMi�IrrAootk[�Itow�tDeM. ,.: ,
<br /> � (�)Oeh�lt. lraider m�y.exoept s lim�ed by�uluion+iswed by tho Secs�tiu4r ia dre r�e.d pa}med d�fauh�.
<br /> tequi�i�mme�o ' e ia ii�li dall sua�s securad by ti�is Sawity�asuuratnt�f• . .
<br /> ��!►f�6�F�Y m��►�►P�Y���Mr d�is Sa�cicY Ia�urt►eat pcior
<br /> - _�;to oroa tl�dn�d�oftl�oe�t moatlJy paymeot,at
<br /> - � :-:-f�Baro�radef�by failing,fcr a period of�hirty days.w pecC«m anY at�a obli8atioos aocuained in tlds
<br /> ' � • ��- . iavv indwith d�e prior apptovat oitbe
<br /> - � = -- --(► 'S�te�t�r�i(Ell�ie+waL Icnder sbtll.if p�mdt�i►Y�t3C
<br /> __ _ _ --- ---_,- - -_���ii�_tiiw!=+.Yn�entiafull��iithesumsssaauedbvWtsSoauitYlastrum�eoti�....---- ----
<br /> ---�(��111 ar p�t of tha .or�6a�a�I�St m a tnnt ownu�g'�1a —a pr�o�dre . a
<br /> ..�.'�a�awl�e u�ee€tnod E�DY d�.wise ad�soa�t)[�►d�c Hama�rer,and --
<br /> Gi)'ll�e Pnopaty i�uot aoca�p�cd bY tbe p�ud�asa a Er+�a�e as his a her princip�n.gidanoG a tbe pncd�asa
<br /> ot grnllee does so ooc�py die Ptopeaty I�u I� at Nar c[odit h�s not Gctn App�red io aocardn�oe
<br /> w6h U��aflbc .
<br /> (e)1W 11f�her. If�ac�a_ � �euuf��Y�eader W ralui�e irnmediate payment in fWt.,6M!�� -'-- :
<br /> does��archpay�Imderdoes noE�e it��ti,�ls��lh t�oCt to�� eM�!°.i�;. �:..,'°-- ,:..� ,__'.;,
<br /> t� dHUQS'�-ta-'a�aag���sa�dhY �°�.��'��"_-;.-;:;;'.
<br /> �". ri�1ts,in tbe c�e ot paymast to �ie iuu�o�: in ful!aad f�a�.� �aot T6�s .
<br /> ..�''� Sec�ity�snentdaesiwuuihocizeacceleiatioq�:.oc��tT����dbY�Add;����• . ..
<br /> > (e)1NK��e N�t I�ewced Bormwa sg�oes t6iit,q�OCr�iS'�;�r�uY_1�!+md tI�a�6�S,��+.iuod tbeceby not' ..
<br /> be d'g'blafa in�ncewides tbeN�tta►tt Hei�ii0��t:ini�i��;t_ 8 :�•,,�:,:�'`- ' fiomthe ,;,
<br /> ,�. �.. ��:. m �� ....
<br /> _ - d�le�et�eo�l.endtr msy.at ics ap�i��d natv�i�rc��.,:.ar��ia��ieqau�r,iitl�tiedi�ne P�Y� , :,.�.;:.
<br /> ;,��;` � fall oF afl aians senaed by dds Secanty`� A�rtitti�+.�t�fiemmt of any wtd'oii�e�`e�eat�the Sa�eta�► -�,;;',
<br /> ,t.�:;=:; d�od wbsequeat w B n hs . ' . froin tAe date hereo�f,daunureg w u,sim tbi4�ity
<br /> ;,-'�� Inson�meat and the note�t�ae6y.sba11 tie deemed canctusire proot of such iaelig�'biliqr. NatR�id�pading :��'`
<br /> �ee roee�mg.tdis�opaan m�y noe be e�c«+ct�sea by►Lrndee iufie„a�e m�av�;l�ity o€a�ui�n�is sok��dwe w ;'�;�
<br /> ",`` Lender's fa'Iwe w iemit a mat inwianoe um to the � .._ , ,:�:_`s�
<br /> ,:. . 8�. P� Saret��Y- ` •_• :.
<br /> "�` ' 1�. �I�f. BoROwCf If�s a ilg�IL t0 be tC�tOd tf f.�pldet his zEQultbd Immedis�p6.pi471t 1A fuU 601�1t5Qc`'r'<+`�_:
<br /> \*�`` O���f�1��QtC t0�j/ill a1110N11[dUC OfldC[tIIC•NOfC a[l2113 SOCiItII}I�1lAiCf![. �f15���tCS CVE71�:-;„ ,'±t
<br /> '�i1[OC�Q[E plOGCOf�q�S�IC.-1RShfIIICa. �[CIflSf�tC t11C$OCUAIJI �ItSatRlidll. BQRDWCI S�fi�� _ fliE`a�tUlljl�:�.:�''"; ''�
<br /> s��aiba��e4���B Basawa�s accamt c�ment including.to the estrnt tlky an obligaums aii;�cmwer�`t#s�'_�'.,•;''
<br /> � 9qra�ity l�nanait,fa�4clasi�e ca�ts and r�easan�ble and cuuanary attomeys'fas aad expeasss���assoCi�k�:�filfb..:c;�:`.•
<br /> — :��.•, ♦'t5e forixlosu�e p�q�".�oedinE. Upnr�nautatement by Bormwer,this Sec�uity Inswment aM tbe tl�t it��aeaa�es.;,;�_'�;_;
<br /> sb�11 temain in elibet as if l.ender h�d natneq�u�ed�mmediate payma�t in fall. Hawever.I.encier iiss�euuC r::�uired w�mit�.:;�`�;;
<br /> , �asptement iG (i)Le�det hts aooeped neins�emait afrer ttu ca�nnencement of fonxbs�ne�pr.oi�mgs witbm twa':�.::_;
<br /> �t �����P��B the oomtnencement of a cu�cent faciciasu�e Praceedin& (ii)reFasiu�ernent will pncIude :�;�� '
<br /> _ �� las�ua ��n�gnnwKfs ia the fuitaie.or tiw)�t will adversety affoct the prioriry of the lien c�ed by .
<br /> ' 1�1.�Bara�er Not Rekued: Forbaraoee py Leader Nd a Wiiver. Batension of the t�me of payrtKnt ar
<br /> modlficuion of amofizatioo of the sums secuird by this Securiry Instrument g�anted by Leader to an�s,ucoessor�n uuerest .
<br /> of Borrower shalt na operate to nelease the liability of the ariginal Botrower or Brnsower s suoce�,r,cn interes� 1.eackr ,
<br /> slf�ll not be roqulKd to eommence mgs agamst any successor in intenest or refuse to exoer�t�ne for payt� t or
<br /> atherwise mod�fy amortitaria�uf sums sccuraf by this Security Instrumen�by rason 6�any ikmatd tts�0e,by the.
<br /> _ ori�l Bo�owrer or Boaoyve��ucceswrs in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender 1R eaerrising aay rigfit a rri�3y sball
<br /> _ _ not be a waiva of or pnoclEir,i�111�,exe�se of arry right or remedY• �� ,•. •, � ._.� .
<br /> 12. Sead�:�'J'tk�B�dnl and Severnl tiabilit�r:Co-Si�er ers. 7lye eoYeru°s and agraments of ::�:
<br /> � thls Socarity h�tvrj�a�6���iI 6id��ausl, t tht successors and assigrc�qeff Lende and BatruR+e��trj�ect to the provistons ' �;,,:,,'
<br /> ��'��'• af Par�graph 9b �tarral�4�s.c��b+r d t�E s:�ra�agmements s h a l! b e joint a n d scv e r a l.. My�w h o c a si g n s t h i s
<br />_ - — ''. Secmity lnstruroent but Qoes a�:�xute the Nae: (a)i.c co�igning this Security tnstrainent oat�•io inortgage.grant and
<br /> - °;_��; co�vey that Botmwer�a intt��i�in the Ptaperty ur�der the terms of this Security Instrum�eni:'(bl is not petsonaliy obligntod to
<br />� pay tbe swns secured by this 5ecuriry lnstrument:and tc)agrees that l.ender and an�Mtier 8orro�maY ag�ee to eatend.
<br />- — modifjr.torbeat a m�ko any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Secunty Inst��rtue����Wi�han th�t
<br /> � Boeovra�scan.5en� ` i�.::` , �,, :..
<br /> '��' �.....,
<br /> --','�.:,; ' 13: Nolkes My notice to Bor�awer pravided fa In this Sccurity lnstrument Fh�U be"�es p3t i�k��Yi�g t or by
<br /> ���_.;-:,_;,�. . . ":�ail6ig It by first class mai!unkss a�plicabk faw requirai ute of anather mqhod..:'t'F�°�t,r�,`�.:�;p,�,'�;t��sv��to the
<br /> —., �; ' ,1Pruperty Addtess or any other addres.c Barrawer designates by rtaice to Lender. R�?��3�fsr�:?�lu�.v�shali�re:�,iven by
<br /> - --- .`:� � 15�clacs m�il to Lender�s address statod herein ar any address Lerides�I�.aign�c55�#�i��Iscii��tri��.�ower. �Sisy notice
<br /> __— pvvjded for in thls Sccurity lnstrument shall 6e deemed to have be�+n g,ivc�r.tv Borra�:+:��i.t+�3t�i v�lt�.given as pmvlded
<br /> �==,v�;� ,�� �ntlilspara�p}� . �, .,, .•
<br /> ' , 1�, �;weratng I.aw:Severa6ilil� 'f'his Secarity lnstrumcnt�hali loe guvrme�,$r;�tY.r'.r�1.+��end the taw of the
<br /> aw
<br /> ' :�sdiation in whkh the Prapeny ii tacated. In the event tha!any prwision ar cl����lt d7is-�Y�a3�:ry lnstrumenl ar the _
<br /> te ca�flicts witb applicable law.sunc�ontlict shall na1 affcct atherprovisioh�ot'�iii��'r`��Tnstrument ar.t�he Note
<br /> •:Vvli�c3's can 6e giyen e!t'ett without the conflicting pmvision. To thl�end the pravi�id�;����v�.�l���a:�it�+lnsmunezrf:sed the '
<br /> ��i�+�•� � '�ttflf:ue dect�ed to 6e severable. • . . .,• ,`,.: . �, .
<br /> � _ 15 ��s�y. Bomuwer sf�l�ic given one ccmfarme�l.uopy qf this 5ecutity fsK • •
<br /> � � lf�. t d eeta Borrowertuxortdifionally asst �:�#�z�natvr::to Lrrt¢sr�i{��s;rand revenu�.w of the
<br /> - • L�roperty. $rnrc�wwer aWhoriaes Lender or Lc�t►der's abenG4;ar w��r;i�s�4ziit�;:+.aa rea�.��°.�rJ�'t-�jf'd'ueets each tec�nt of
<br /> Brn
<br /> t1�e PrropeRy to pzy the rents to Lender or Lender�,agenay:,ttowevcr.:�ta Lcti�i�,nvti:�to�nnrrower of BormK�e�3� ;
<br />_ ,;�: bre�b otany covenant a agteement in trie 5erutity i�astruinent.f3nrrmw��.!���¢•:oi�r:i-nini�n.�ce�ve all reatc�nd revenues of
<br /> y .,,�i � the Pl�operty as�rustee for the benefil of l.ertder and Bormwer. 'ihis a�,���ent oQri��t!�u�hstitutes an ubsaWte�si�rtmcn�
<br />'���l��� and nat an assignment foradditionail security oniy. ' .
<br /> - ;� Ii Lender gives rtotiee oE breach[a Borrower. (r)all rents reccived d�y gm�ro+�er stta116c�etd by BortoN�et uc tNstee
<br /> .,�. r. fm�beeefit ot lxndet on1y. to be applied ta the sum�.es:uml hy the Securit} ln�uument:ibF lxnder slrrll!►e etuitled ta .
<br /> ��-.::,rs'�=` cQlfect aad receive a[I n4 tne rents ot the Yropcny:and tc)r�u:h tctu,nt c�f thr Prdpe�ty sh�ilt�ry �!1 rent4 due:uid unpaid fo �
<br /> �'_'�r'�"�?�' D�nder or i,etidet's agent on Len�fcr�writcen A¢m�d ui�He tcnnnt. � .
<br /> �•: Bormwee tta•nM eaecuted any prinr aksignmem of the rents;ui�f h�u nut acut witl nut prrfon»any act rhut u•c,u1d
<br /> � '•e ' ' pr�vent�snder Era�m exercising tts�dghts undcr this Paragraph lb.
<br /> '�4.�+�• �` . Lender shuJl nd�e requl�ed to erttrr upan.t�tcr�vmtml at ur nwintuin the Praperty befur�or uf�cr givieg no�ire of
<br /> '•',�'�t�;`��' btetteh to�mvw� Hnwever.Lender ar a ju�i�cyalty appnintctit ieeeiver may,do so„t any time thete i4 a breach. Any
<br /> � .�.: ; >,cr...
<br /> °`�����'- applicvtion o!reMs sfiall nd eurc ur ws�ive:u�y�irfauU�►r invalidate:my atfler rigBr or nmedy uf Le�tdcr. 'i'his nssi�nnient
<br /> �`�' of rrrK.sof tlie Ptoperty sh�11 termin�ue when the�tebt sectttedby the 5ecurity tnsmunent ix pa�d in full.
<br /> -•- _-.��.:_.
<br /> �
<br /> --t - � ._+� � ,
<br /> P�+3 � lh+er►i
<br /> �7-,�'za..:: :���_ , .
<br /> -_.:•.
<br /> � ...-« -
<br /> ��- ;�`��
<br />