i �� '
<br />�' DC°�C�� G�.�C� �'nC�'C�I L� C)� �7��
<br />�--___
<br /> .�UIT C:LAI� IaEFD
<br /> Th�t I, i�:i.te �.w, �. widow, of York, of the County of York, . �nd St�.te of Pennsylvani�,, for the
<br /> consideration of Une and no/1GU (�1.00) Dollars� hereby Quit Cl�ii�: and canvey unto Alru�r� E.
<br /> �.keley� of the County of H�.11, a.nd Stra.te of Nebr�.sk�,, �11 of our right� title t�nd interest of
<br /> whatsoever n�ture, , in �nd to the following described Rez�l Estate, situated in the County of Hall,,
<br /> and State of �'ebr�.ska, to-wit: Lot Three (3) , Block One Hundred Ten (110�, R�.ilroad Addi ti on to
<br /> Grdnd Island, in Iiall County, . Hebraska. (Gr4ntor herein, Kate La.w, YJE2T1� a siater and heix-a.t-l�.�
<br /> of Joseph �rch, deceased. )
<br /> IN WIT�TFSS �'I-IFRFOF, I have hereunto set �r hand this 24 d�y of November. A.D. ,1919.
<br /> ir.Z 1rn.Pi�B� � ���r.rw.�a��.�.��sw�.��.�.� ..
<br /> � (�.50 I.R. Stumps ) K.�.te Z��
<br /> Edward a.Z►uucks (Cancelled �) �
<br /> Jennie Gross
<br /> ��.
<br />� State af Penns�lvur�iu, )
<br /> � 98.
<br /> York Co=anty ) On this 24" d�.y of B�ovember,A.D. ,1919, before me, the undersi�ned,
<br /> an Alderm�n in and fox s�.id �ounty, personally c�,me I�.te I,�.w+ a wido�e, of York� of the County of
<br /> York, and St�.te of �'ennsy lvani�, vc�ho is persondlly known to me to be the identical person whose
<br /> n�sie is �ffixed tc the �bove instrur�ent �.s gr�.ntor �.nd she �.cknowledged the said instrument to
<br /> be her volunt�ry act �.nd deed. .
<br /> Witness iqy hand and Not�.rial Se�.l, the date r�fores�.id.
<br /> C SE�) Edward �.Lo�ak�
<br /> A!�Y�FM �i�i�.i r�11��1YIM^4
<br /> Alde rr�an
<br /> �y Commisaion Ex�ires the first r�ond�.y in Jdnuary 1924
<br /> Filed for recard this 29 d�.y of November 1919� at 2 o'clock f'.�d. ��2�� �
<br /> _ . _ ,_........,,......
<br /> Register af Deeds �
<br /> -0-0-0-0-Q-(b-O-Q-Q-G-Q-0-0-Q-C-0-0-0-�-G-0-fl-0-C-C-O-��-C?-��-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-Q-G-O- -O-Q-G-0-0�►
<br /> QUIT CI,AIP:� N,FD
<br /> THIS IN3�ERTTtiR�� �de this 2" day of October, A.D=i919, between Carri� �.i�i�nson a widow, and Al�
<br /> Bailey (and W.B�.�.iley her husband) and Anna Quinn (form�rly Anna Hansen� r�n unmarrfed woman,
<br /> of the f i rs t part� and Frank Str�sse r of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska� of the sewnd
<br /> part,
<br /> �I����, Th�t the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Four '�housj
<br /> ,
<br /> �.nd eeven hundred fifty� Doll�rs . to us duiy paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, h�ve
<br /> re:�ised, rele�sed and quit-cl�,irned 4nd by tnese pre�ents do, for ourseives, 0�2 heirs, executora
<br /> �.nd dc�r�inist,ra,tors, reujise. rele�se wnd forever quit-cldim �.nd convey unto the said p�.rty of tha
<br /> seccnd pr�rt and to his heirs dnd �.ssigns �c�sever, a1.i our ri�ht, t��l�f interest, estate, ; claim and
<br /> deniand both �st l�w �nd in equity*, of, in and tc all cf tile foliov�in� described rer+.l estute, sit-
<br /> uated in Hd11 Count3-, and St�.te of N�braska, tv-wit: .I.ots Three (3) and Four (4) in �S1ock �''Sixty
<br /> two (62} in the Original t��vn now eity* of Gx�.nd Isl�.nd, a.ccordin�; to the recorded pl�,t thereof '
<br /> Said Carrie &L.B�unson, hlrn�, 1::w.iley a.nd Ann� Quinn bein� tr:ree of the Yf�irs at law of Feter H4r�seri ,
<br /> �?ece�.sed
<br /> To�eth�r �nith wll a.nd sin�;ul�.x the heredit4rr.ents ther�=unto belongin�. .
<br /> TO �iAVE Eii•�A TO HOLD tne �bo�ve described �,r°rnises unto the said rrwnk Strasser, his heirs o,nd �
<br /> assign.s, so th�t neither the s�id �r�.ntars, ncr any person ir� our name and behalf, shall or j
<br /> Itvill here�.fter clairr� or derr,�.nd dny right ar title to the said prem.ises or any part thereof but
<br /> they dnd every one of them shwll by these presents be e:ccluded and forever b�.rred. . ,
<br /> IP; �'ITNF�':SS �tI:��RF.OF, The s�.id p�.rties of the first Fart ha�ve hereunto set oy�tr Yiunds �.nd seals ''
<br /> the dwy and ye�ir above written.
<br /> Signed, Sealed wnd relivered in preaence of
<br /> 1 Carrie �.A�unson, a widow
<br /> �.R.Berbower as to 1,2,3 ___________ 3 ���aile
<br /> ---______.._ y
<br /> �;. �.�,,y�r �.s to Anna Quinn ���• �0 I�R.Stamps �� �rs Anna Quinn
<br />, (C�,ncelled
<br />. __ _ ,, .._._ ,
<br />