<br /> � D�c�c�J �� ° ��c�� �l �o ��o
<br />�
<br /> KNOW ALL lif�N BY TH�SE PRFSL�'T3: _
<br /> Thr�t Arthur �.�$ten and �.ry �.�asten� , husband and wife. �nd Clar�nce E.l�isten, Sr. �.nd Alm�
<br /> �asten, hu�band anf wife. of Hall County, and State of Nebra�ka in consideratian of the sum of
<br /> Two Thousand and OOf1�0 Dollars� in Yi�.nd paid by The Bradstre�t & Clemez�s Compar�y of Ii�.11 County
<br /> 4nd State of Nebrasks� do hereby grant, barg�sin, sell, eonvey� and confirm �nto the said The Brad-
<br /> strest & �lemene Company the follov�ing �escribed premise�, situ�.ted in the County of Fi�:�l and
<br /> State of Nebx�ska to-v�it; Lot Alwnb�sr Nineteen (19) and the Westerly Twenty-Sia (�6 ) feet of bott
<br /> �Tumber �ighteen {18) of the County Sub-Division of tne '�Vest Hu�lf (W�) of the South�►est Qu�rter
<br /> (S'VIVa) of 5ection Ten (10) , in Town9hip 3�leven (11j ;Dtorth, of Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.�d. �
<br /> �aid two tr�,cts forming a rectan�ular piece of ground 'n�ving a frontdge of Sixty-Six (66) feet
<br /> on Fifth Str�et and a depth of One Hundred Thfrty-Two {132} feet, in the City of Grand Ialand, ,
<br /> Nebr�ska. .
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereciita.ments and �.ppurt�n�nce�s to the s�me belonging� $nd a�ll
<br /> the Tstate, Ri.�ht, TitlE� InterPst, Claim or Dem�,nd wha.tsoever; including Dower, Curte�ya and
<br /> Homeste�d Ri�hts� of the s�id Arthur �.�asten, Ma.ry �.�sten, Gl�,renc� E.�asten,Sr. �nd Alma
<br /> �asten of; .in, or to the �ame, or �ny pt�rt thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE �ND TO HOI,D the �bove descrioed �remises, with the appurtendnces� unto t�ie �sid The
<br /> Brddstreet & Cler�ens Company and t�o��his heixs and z�ssigns forever.
<br /> And �re her�by covena.nt with the suid The Br�detreet & Clemens Comp�,ny thtzt �re hold said premi�es
<br /> by good �nd perfect title; thr�t we h�,ve good right �.nd l�.wful �uthority Lo sell x�nd convey the
<br /> same; th4t they qre fr�e �nd clear of all liens ancl incumbr�nces wYu�tsoever.
<br /> And we covenant to warr�.nt and defend the ss�id premise� d.gwinst the 1€�wfu2 claims of all persone
<br /> whc�s oev e r.
<br /> Bigned this 3rd d�.y oF :�ovember h.D. ,1919. �
<br /> Ih pres�nce of Clarence E.�sten Sr.
<br /> Alm� �sten
<br /> 1l�.B.Hilbert a,s to---------------------------------------- ------___ Arthur W.��.sten
<br /> � i
<br /> ---------------------- ��a.ry Y.Mas t�n
<br /> � {�2. 00 I.R. S��.mp:.'� � �
<br /> ( Cancelled )
<br /> The State of Nebruska )
<br /> � $3.
<br /> H�li County ) On this 6" d�.y of Nov�mber 1919 beFor� me, �.B.Hilbert,, r� Not$ry
<br />', Public within r�nd for said County, per�onz�lly_ cr�me Arthur W.�sten �nd 1�.ry 1�.�.sten to me per-
<br /> son�.11y known to be the identical persons �hose names are affixed to the abov� fnstrument as
<br /> grantors, �.nd severally acknowledged the execution of the s�une to b� their voluntary t�ct r�nd `
<br /> u.
<br /> e d for the u ose� therein ex ressed.
<br /> d e P rP P
<br /> IN iWITtt�SS �11HFREOF, I have ha.r�unto subscribed my np.me dnd dffiaed my official seai �t Gr�nd
<br /> Ial�.nd, Nebr�,ska on the d�.te last above �rritten.
<br /> -- fS�AZ} W.B.Hilbert
<br /> AEy commission ex�i..rea 1Vk�rch 15,1921 ` LL NoLary, Fublic.
<br /> The St��e of Coloxado� j
<br /> � ss.
<br /> City �nd County of Denver. � On this 3rd day of �ovember,_ 1919, before �, Robert C.Drwke a
<br /> Not�,ry Public witnin and for s�.i.d County, personally cr�me Cls�rence P.B�a,sten, Sr. and Alm� �asten, �,
<br /> husband �nd wife, to me pEr�onally known to be the identical persons whose n�mee are affixed to '
<br /> the above inaLrument as gr�.ntors� and sever�,lly �.oknowledged the execution of the s�me to be
<br /> their volunt�.ry� wct �.nd deed for the purposea therein expressed.
<br /> IN �ITNESS P,�F-1ERFOF, I have hereunto subscribed my n�me and �.ffixed my of�icial �al �t
<br /> DenQer� Colox�.do on the ddte last �xbove �rrittean. .
<br /> (SEAL} Robert C.Dr�.ke
<br /> �y commission expires July llth 1920 _ �1ot�sry Public.
<br /> Filed for xecord this 15 day of Novem'per 1919, at 9 o'clock a.�.
<br /> � '�-�
<br /> Register of Dee���d�l
<br /> — _ _ .�
<br />