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e <br /> .,. . <br /> � 4� <br /> Dc�c�c� ��c��n�� [� oo ��o <br /> the railroad of the Chicwgo, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company as s�.me is now loc�.ted �.nd i <br /> constructed upon the Nortr. h�lf {2d�) of the Soutizwest quarter (SW�) of Section Fouxteen (14�. � <br /> And a strip of �round One Hundred and Ftfty �150� feet wide across the Southeast qua.rter (SE�) <br /> of the Soutni�rest yu�.rter (SYd-4) of said Section Fourteen (Sec. 14) , it being Fifty (50) feet wide <br /> on the North side and One Hundred (10�} feet wide on the South side of the center line of the <br /> Ra.ilroad of the Chicag o, Burlington dn.d Quincy Rdilroad Company, as s�ne is now located dnd eon- <br /> structed across sdid Southeast yuu.rter (SE�� of the Soutnwest yuarte�' (SW4) of said Section <br /> Fourt�en (8ec.14) . <br />� And a strip of ground commencin� at a point Ttiro (2� rods south of the North�est corner of the <br /> Southxest qu�.rter (SVP�� of said Secti on, running thence North Two f 2) rods to the Alorthwe�t <br /> corner of the Southwest quQrter (SV`��) of said Section Fourteen tSec.l��, thence, east Eighty (80� <br /> rods to the Northeast corner of trie �orthwest qu�rter (NqV4) of the Southwest qu�rter (SW-�) of , <br /> said Section Fourteen (Sec. .Z4)� thence, in a westerly direction to the pluce of be�innin�. T�e <br /> be in� a trian�ul�,r t.r�.c t of land Ei�hty (80) rod� on the North by Two (2) rods on the Wes t, ; <br /> and containing One-H�slf Acre �� A. ) for sale at pubiic �xuction and sold the sr�,me to Niels H. <br /> i <br /> Troelstrup for the sum of T�enty eight Thousan�, �'iva Iiundred Doll�rs (�28,500. 00), he being <br /> the highest dn� best bidder therefor; . <br /> And �fterwards on tr,e 3rd of October, 1919, ��,id court �pproved 'an� ccnfirmed sdid sdle and by ,-�:;�� <br /> an order of the court, direc�ed m.e a.s said referee to execute to the said Ni�la H.Troelstrup <br /> a deed conveying swid la.nds to him in feP simple: ' <br /> IvTO�II�THFREFORE, I, S.D.Ftos�, referee, in considera,tion of the premises and of the sum so bid and <br /> p�id by the said Niels H.:roelstrup and by virtue of the powers vested in �ne by ldw, do by <br /> the�e presents, gr�.nt, barg�in, sell �.nd convey unto the said Niels H.Troelatrup and to his hei.r�, <br />���� executors, �.dministrutors �nd �.ssigns the rea.l est�.te, described as follows: <br /> R1I the North half (23�� of the Southwest qudrter (SYJ4) and tY�e Southe�.st quarter (SE�) of the <br /> Southwe$t qUarter (SW�} and the Northvrest quarter (N�P�) of the Southeast qua.rter (SE4) of Sec- <br /> tion Fourteen (14 � in Tawnship Eleven (11}, North of Ran�e Nine (9j, @lest of the 8ixth (6) P.�d. . <br /> excepting three (3} strips of gxound described as follows; A strip of ground one hundred (100) , <br /> feet wide across the North ha.lf (N�} of the Southwest quarter (SW�� of said Section Fourteen {14� , <br /> it being fifty feet �vide on edch side of the center line of the railroad of the CYiicdgo, Burlin.�+ <br /> ton �nd Quincy Railroad Company as s�.me is now loc�.ted �znd constructed upon the North half (N�} ' <br /> of the Southwest qu�rter (��) of Secti�►n Fousteen (14 ). � <br /> And a strip of ground One Hundred and Fift,� (15ti� feet wide across the Southeast quarter (S��) <br /> of the Southwest qu�,rtex (Sti74} of �aid uection Fourteen (Sec. 14} , it being Fifty (50) feet wide <br /> on the North side and One Hundred (100) feet wide on the South side of the cer�t�r line of the <br /> Railroad of the Chica�o, Burlin�ton and Quincy Railroad Company, as same ie nov� loca,ted and <br /> constructed across said Southeast qua,rter (&E4) of the Southwe�t qu�.rter (S'W�-) af said Section <br /> Fourteen (Sec.14 }. <br /> And �. strip of ground commencing dt 4 point Two (2) rode south of the I�orthwest corner of the So�th- , <br /> west quarter (SW�) of said Section, runnin� thence North T;n•o (21 rods to the Northv►est corner of ° � <br /> the �outhwest qudrter (SW4) of $did Section �ourteen (Sec.14 }, thence, edst E3�hty (80) rods to <br /> the Northeaet caxner of the Northwest qu�.rter (h�W�} of the Southwest quarter (SVY�) ot' s�id <br /> Sectian �'ourteen (Sec. 14), thence, i.n a westexly direction to the plaee vf beginning. The sr�.me <br /> � <br /> being a tri�.ngula.r trac t of la.nd �ighty (80} rods on the T�orth �y Two (2 j rods on the Wes t, r�nd � ', <br /> One-Half �,cre (� A. � wi th �.11 the aFpurtenui:ces thereunto belonging, to have and to <br /> hold the same him� the s�.ici Niels H.Troelstrup, �nd his heirs, executors, administrwtoxs '' <br /> �nd ussigns forever. � <br /> I , <br /> ;; <br /> IN VPITNFuS WHEREUF, I have hereunto set my hwnd this 3d day of Oetober, 1919. �; ' <br /> VDitnes�: S.D.R ss '� <br /> B.J.Cunni�gh�.m . ��.29.�Q I.R.Bt�uns .Canc,��iled ) � <br /> , <br /> ferese : ° i <br /> < , <br /> ,. <br /> , <br />