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. . . ... ..�_�. .. . <br /> _ , . . . . _ . __.._� . . . - t— � �-- <br /> , -- - - ------ �--�_�=---=`r= — <br /> • . �;;�:� <br /> 03-�03-1997 DEED O�TFtl1ST Page 2 ���.; ' : ' ;�.;.�� <br /> Loan No 425694 - (ConUnu�d) t�7.. l��g�� �� , � _ <br /> RettOnii Piropefly. Tfta words'Petsonc�Property'mean ell equipment, fixtures.and other ar6oiss ot oersonai property nwv or hereafter , - - <br /> own�d by TrusiGr,and now a hereaftfu attaeh�7d Or aN6ced to tho Reat Property:tcsgather with all exessians,parts,and additions to,all • _ <br /> rApiaCemenfs of,and eil aubst(tutlorts for, any oi suCh prop5rty; artd tpgather wiih atl procaeds (inclu6ing without limitgtion 8!1 insuranCe ^''`� <br /> � procseds end refunds o!p�emfems)iroan any sale or othar disposH3on of Ihe Proparty. � , , ;-'_: <br /> t. . _ <br /> . Frep2fiy.'Phe wor8'Froperi�l'm2ans cotieciivety l'ns Aosi Properlp and the Personai Property �. . ` <br /> Ret!Propetty. The words'Real Property'mean the pmperty,lnterests and dghts desc�ibed above in the'Conveyance and GranP seeHon. ;� <br /> • R�iffiOd DOCUmEnts. The wards'Relatod Documents'mean and Induds without limitation ell promissory notes, credit agreements, loan , . � -,d.� <br /> 'i agreements,emdronmerttal egreemonis,gueranttes,gecurify agreemenis,mortgages,deeds of trust,and�11 other irtstruments,agreements and r` , - <br /> . i dxurtt9nts,wh9ther now or hereefter exlsting,exeCUted in conneCtiOn wlth Ihe Indebtedness. - <br /> REnte. The vrotd�ients'mesns ell pres9M and future rents,revenues,income,issues,royalpes,profits,8nd othgr be�efits dsrived 1rom the • , <br />. . 1 Progerly. . , - .- i': <br /> i Trustee.The word'fntstee'means UNITED IVEBRASKA BANK and any substitute or suocessor trustees. < . , <br /> �; Tntstor. Tfia ward?rusto�means any arul ail persons and entiNes exeCUting ihis fleed of Trust,induding vrithoul{imitation all Trustors named ` � , <br /> � BbOVA. i � . '— <br /> 7FIf8 OEm OF 7RUST, INCLUDiNti TF� ASSIGNIYIENT OF HEHTS AHO THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PEASOAIAL � ` ` . `- <br /> �! PROPERTY.IS(iiVEN TO SECURE 11)PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTIEDNESS AND (2)PERFOAMANCE OF ANY AHD ALL QHLIGATIONS Of �,..�.� --- <br /> TRUSTQR UNLER TF�NOTE, THE RRATED DOGiMEMS, AHD THIS DFED OF TRUST. THIS UEm OF TRUSY, IHCLUDiNG THE '''' - <br /> ASSl�!!HE!!T OF F�FMTS!�{D TliE SECURlTY!!$TEREST I.M Tti�'.RE`3TS Al:D S'ERSO`1AL F':20?ERTY,!S AL30 GIYET3 TO SEClfitE AHIf �;.:.,.':�.. .- - -.- . _-- <br /> AND A!1 OBLILiATiONS OF TRIiSTOR UNDER T3�.1T CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMENT BETWE�I7RUSTOR AND LENDER OF y=;•. ;; ; ' .,^��f:: . <br /> . ' EYEFI DATE HEREWITH. ANY EVENT OF DE�FAiR.T Ui�-DER THE COHSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMEPJT, OR ANY OF THE RELA7ED ' — <br /> ' DOWMEHT$REFEARED T�T3IFEREIN,SHALL ALSO BE AA1 EVENT OF DEFAtAT U::�7DER Tli1S DEID OF TRUST_ THE HOTE AND THIS '��+ ` <br /> � DEED OF TRUST ARE G1VE.�1 AND ACCEPTED O?71?iE FOL6.OWtNG TERMS: l'.!'�'� ., �'�"�" <br /> .� PAYBRETff AHD Pc'�tFaRl{AAI�ICE. EzGBp18S Otherwi38 providad in th�D2ed of Trust,Tnisto�shell pay to Lenda:a:1 amounl5 52cured by this Deed ' � � ' <br /> .:.`�,� of Trust as they bacame due,and Sh80 strictly and in a Umely manne;perform 8t1 ot Tiustors obG�ations under tfia Note,this Deed ot Trust,and Ihe ' _ ': -' <br /> R0latsd DoCUmertts. � . <br /> �SSESSIOti AHD NIAINTENAHCE OF TF�?ROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor's possession and use of the Properry shall be governed by •• • `f F-.: <br /> tt�(ollowlny provlslons: ' , � <br /> L. <br /> � Rosaes�W»pnd lise. UnN the occurtence of an Event of Default,Tnutor may (a)remaln in possession and conUOl of Ihe Property, (b)use, ' ` . ��� <br /> operete a nwnaae the Piroperry,and (c)coUect any Rents from the Property. • � <br /> '' Outy to RiffintWn. Tnista sha0 malntain the Property In te�antab!e conditlon ard promptty perform all repafrs,replacements,and malntenance � ,..�,�'`+ (r=-��� <br /> nsc�ary lo ptesoNe its vAlue. • '�t <br /> ' Hi7a�G0i�s&UDZ1iPtCi�. TAo t6rms T9nardous wasts;'hazardous aubstance;'disposal;'reiease;und'7hreatenod retease;es used I�Ihis �� • • ����` � � � s'" <br /> � ONd o}Tnuf,shaU havo iha 8artw mianinys es sot forth In the ComprehenSive Environmental Rasponse,Compensatlon,end Uebiiity Aci of .�: � <br /> ' 1980,af�mBndod,�2 U.S.C.SecUOn 9601,et seq.('CERCLA',the Supeduntl Amendments end ReeuthodreUOn Ad ot 1988,Pub.L. No. ` -_ <br /> � �.:�', <br /> 99-499('SAAA',lM Hnzerdaus MaterlaSs TranspartBUon Act,49 U.S.C.SecUOn 1801,el s9q.,the Rezource Conservatlon 8nd Retovery ACI, �. ' � <br /> � 42 U.S.C.Section 6901,el seq.,or othet epplicabt8 state or Federal laws,rules,or regutations adopted pursuant to eny ol lhe foregoinp. The , � ,��. • �'•- <br /> terms 9wiArdous waste'and'harardous substance'shall also Indude,without limitation,petroleum and petroleum by-products or any haction ' - � <br /> thereof�nd asbesto9. Trustor represents and warranis to Lendar that: ta)Dudng the pedo0 of Trustors ownership of Ihe Property,there has •� � S �• : ;F�. ' <br /> � b6en no use,�enerBUOn,manufacture,storape,treatment,disposal,retease or threatened reiease of any harardous waste or substance by any • � � <br /> persan on,under,about ar from the Proporty; (b)Tnutor has no knowledge of,or reason to betieve that Ihere has been,excepf as previously ` �� - <br /> dlsciosed to end edcnowleQgeG by Lender in writing, p)any use,generalion,manufacture,storage,treatment,disposal,retease,or threatened ;���:;��� <br /> reiease of any haratdous waste or substance on,under,abou!or hom the Property Gy any pdor owners or occupants of the Properly or (ii)eny � �`' .j� <br /> ectuai or threatened LfigaUon or cTaims of 8ny kind by eny person relaUng to such matters;and (c)Except as prevlously disdosed to and ._,,.�.--, � � <br /> ! adcnowleQped by Lender In wriUng, p)neithar Trustor nor any tenant,contractor,agent or other outhodzed user of the Pcoperty shall use. � <br /> generate,manu(acture,stae,treet,dispose of,or release any hazardous weste or substance on,under,eboul or hom the Property and Qi)a�r � •_ � $ �c:� <br /> such BcN�Aty shali be conducted in compllance vr(th all applicable federat,state,and local laws,reputaUons end ordinances,tnciuding withoul ;;� ,•�• .:. <br /> OmitaUon those laws,reguta8ons,and ordinances described above. Trustor authodms Lender and its agents to enter upon the PropeAy to � � •� � ��- <br /> make such InspeCUons 8nd tesis,at Tnutors e�ense,as Lender may daem appropriate to de��rmine compllance of the Property wilh ihls � ��'P�-- <br /> section o}the Oeed o}Tnut. Any inspectlons or tests made by Lender shall be for Lenders purpos�oniy and shall not be construed to create . ; ��y= ,, <br /> eny responsibifity or liability on the parf of Lender to Trustor or to any other person. The representations and warcanties contained heretn ara ` , t "; ' - <br /> � besed on tnutors due d'i8gence in InvesflflaUnp the Properry for haiardous waste end hazardous substances. Trustor hereby (a)reteases and _ <br /> weh/es eny tuture C181ms ep8lnst Lender(or indemnity or contribufion in Ihe evanl Trustar b?comes liable far cteanup or other costs under any ; -. -�=�:;_"-- <br /> ' such laws,and (b)aprees to IndemNty and hotd harmtass Le�der agairtst any and a11 claims,losses, Gabilitles, dama�,es,penalUes, and • ,�� '_�;-� <br /> expenses which Lender may dfrecUy or indfrecUy susteln or suHer resuiting from a braar.h of this secUon of the Oeed af Trust or as a . . -r,� <br /> consequence of eny use,peneraUon,manutacture,sforage,dUposat.�elease or threatened retease occurtrng pdor to Trustor's ownership or � � '"�� . <br /> intere5t in 1he Property,whether or noi the same was or shoutd have been known to Tnutor. The provislons of th(s section o}the Deed of Trust, ° <br /> � inCiudinp 1he obllgaUon to indemnity,shell suMve the payment of ihe IndebtedneSS and the saUstacUon and►econveyance o}the lien ot this ' •�.•y�!��=_ <br /> Deed of Trust end shaii nol be aHected by Lender's acquisition of any interest in ihe PropeRlr,whether by foreclosure or otherwise. I' �` <br /> k ��. . � •� �� �= - <br /> Nui9ance,Waste. Trustor s�^.an not cause,conduct or permlt any nuisance nor commil,p�rmit,or suHer any sMppinp of or waste an or to the �:'•'' :.....:..z- -- <br /> � PropeAy or eny por8on of t`,e PrOpeAy. WithOUt lim(ting lns generality o}the foregoing,Trestor will nat remove,or prant lo any other party ihe �� <br /> rfphl to remOVe,any Umber,minerals(indudinp o!I and gas),soil,gravel or rocic products without 1he pdor wrilten consent of LgnEer. �' _.�'`"^�. <br /> RemoYal o!tmproveme�ts. Trustar shall not demoltsh or remove Rny Improvements 4rom the Real Property w(thout the p�lor vrritten cor.s?r.t [ ,�, <br /> 1 of Lender. /�a condittan ta ihe removal of any Improvements,Lender may require Trustor to make anangements saUsfactory to Lender to @ . <br /> � reptao9 stkfi tmprovemen�w:th ImprovemenTs of at teast equal valus. <br /> � LendeP�Ri�!to Enter. L�nder end iTs apents and representativas may enter upon!he Real Properry al aN reasonabta times to atlend lo ' • __ <br /> Lgndefs Intarests and to in5pecf the Properly for purposes of Trustors compiiance virth ihe terms and condltions of Ihis Oaetl ot T�usf. <br /> Complt�+nee Mrlth QoVemmentel Requlrementa. Trustor shall promptly compry wHh eil laws,ordinances,anA�egulaUons,now or hereaHer in <br /> 8N9ct,ot ell qovemmentei authOrities appllCabie to the use ar occupanCy of Ihe Properfy. Trustor may contest i�good ta8h eny such law, � • <br /> . ordlnenCe,or repu(aUon and withAOfd compllance durinp ony proceeding,Inctud�ng approprlate appeats,so lonp es Trustor has notified Lender <br /> In wriUnp pria to doing so ertd so long as,in Lenders sole opinlon,Lenders inlerests in the Property are not Jeopardized. Lender may requlre <br /> Ttuslor to posl fldequute SeCUflly or a surety bond,re05on8bly 58tisfaCtory to Lender,lo proteCt Lenders intere5l. �.. _ <br /> - Outyl to Protett. Tnntw aprees nefther to abandon nor leave unattended Ihe Propsdy. Trustor shall do atl olhet ects,in addfiton to those acts � • . � <br /> set(oRh above in th19 SeCUOn.whlch trom the characfer and use ot the Property are reasonably necessary to protecf and preserve the Property. ' _ <br /> DUE ON SALE-CONSEHT BY LENOER. Lender ita opiton,deGsre Immediatety due end payable atl sums secured by this Oeed of Trust ('. ' • <br /> • upon the Sate or hanster,wlthoN tho Lender's pdor v�ritten consent,o}sll or nny parl ot tho Real Property,or any interest in lhe Real Property. A •� , � <br /> '�81e a transfer'rttean9 the convoyance o}Real Property or any rlghl,1i11e or interesf Iheroln;whethe►Ipgel,beneticlal ar equitable;whether voluntary � . <br /> or imotuntery;whether by outrlpht sate,deed,Instailment sate contract,Iand conhact,coNracl for doed,teasehold interest wilh a term preater than . ; [ ' <br /> ihree(3)yeers,leess-opUon Contract,or by selo,essignmont,or Iranster of any benefidal interest in or to any lertd Irust holding fille!o the Real <br /> : Properly,Or by eny other method of conveyBnCe oi Ra91 Property interest. If any Trostor Is a corpotation,partnership or timited Gability Company, ' <br /> hanster etso incluCes any change in ownsrship of more ihan twenty-8ve percent(26%)ol the voting stock,parinership interests ar limited iiability . ' � �, <br /> company Interests,es lhe Case may be,of Trustor. However,this option shatl not be exerGsed by Lender if SuCh exercise is prohibited by federel � . ' <br /> law or by Nebraska lew. . <br /> l�AXES AND LIENS. ?rie tollou:ng provisions retaUnp to the texes end lie�on Ihe PropeAy aro o parl of this Deed of Trust. . � <br /> Piryment. Trustor shall poy when due(and In atl events pdor to delinquency)all taaes,special laxes,assessmenLs,charges pnciuding water �,. <br /> and sewer),flnes anE ImposlUOns levted agalnst or on account o}the Propedy,and Shall pay when due ell claims(or work done on or for • r:.. � <br /> servtoes rendered or matedfll tumished to the Property. Trusior shall malntain ih0 Property hee ot all lians havmg pdoriry ovar or equal lo the � -�� <br /> i�terest ot Lender under thb Oeed o}Trusl,except for ihe lien o!texes and assessments not due and except es otherwse provided in this Oeed 1 <br /> o}Trust � <br /> ; Ripht To ContesL Trustor may withhold payment of any tax,assessment,or claim in cor.nection with a good}aith dfspute aver fhe obligadon F <br /> , , <br /> � <br /> , . � - <br /> � • I � • � <br /> _ ....._�.n--�7,-r.:r-,^^�*�.-- - -_-- .- , . _ . . , -:•..!'�``.`. <br /> . . � •4 , � � • . ` � . ' � • � . � ' ' �' . � ' . • . . � •f � . . . . -. , . , <br /> , - �. , _' . . � � . .. • . .. ' • . � .. . _ .._. . . . .�.1 .�. _ . . . . . ' � . .. . _ . . • _ ' . � . . . . .. . <br />